Alive, But Dead

In the fine tradition of “Fake, But Accurate”, CBS erroniously reported on March 28th via their website that Terry Shiavo had died (Radio host Glenn Back grabbed a screen capture (pdf).) – then quietly removed the story absent retraction, correction or apology. (And some claim that bloggers lack “journalistic ethics”…)
One wonders how a news organization with as many resources as CBS could manage to jump the gun so badly on the number one news story of the day – perhaps someone finally noticed the Kinko’s fax number on the leaked “death certificate”?
hat tip OTB

3 Replies to “Alive, But Dead”

  1. Obituary writing is an art. The science of it is to know whether the subject is dead or alive.

  2. Sounds fake but accurate to me in a leftish sorta way. Crafting a self-fulfilling prophecy, perhaps?
