
Ammar Abdulhamid, a dissident blogger in Syria, recounts a recent interrogation at the hands of a “higher fuck”.

This regime is so cut off from reality that it always ends up making what seems so unlikely well-nigh inevitable. That is the essence of my intuition. The withdrawal from Lebanon is not the end of the ordeal, as some want, but the real beginning of it. The wolves who are interrogating me today will once again be sent loose among the sheep to help ensure our continued patriotism.
And the leadership’s line of defense against its critics at this stage will be, as is usually the case in these circumstances, to plead ignorance, albeit it is taking place will be taking place in their name.
Indeed, they might be right. Indeed they will not know all the details.
For ours is not simply a system where the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing, it is a system where the thumb, or the middle finger if you like, does know what the other fingers of the selfsame hand are doing. And so it goes. In order to assure yourself that you have true deniability, you have to grant too much autonomy to the worst most ignorant and sadistic elements in the system.
Yes. Yes. These days are coming back, just when we thought and hoped they were gone never to come back. Few of us might end up going first to this cross, but all shall soon follow. It does not take a prophet to predict this.
No. This is not a comforting thought. Nothing about this is comforting. Comfort has no place here. But then, when the noose tightens, comfort is not exactly what’s at stake.

Via Roger Simon.

6 Replies to “Interrogated”

  1. Compare/contrast with the following:
    “Wendy Cumming…”
    Treatment by/of/with representatives of the Government of Canada at Canadian taxpayers’ expense: Your dollars and more $$$$$$$$$$$$ and more $$$$$$$$$$$ and …
    Gomery Inquiry this day courtesy

  2. Still don’t know which side of the fence to be on with respect to Maher Arar. It’s hard to trust a people that have so much trouble helping themselves. There insistance to be oppressed seems to be a given……hmmm almost sounds like were Canada’s headed.
