The Moral Superiority Of The Left

When I was in North Carolina (just returned home last night at midnight), I caught a brief interview with Jerry Falwell on Fox News about the Terry Shiavo case, where he mentioned he had been on life support earlier this year. He also added that if he had a relapse, he did not want his “plug pulled” and jokingly stated that the interview should be considered his living will. Ironically, only a few days later he is back in the hospital, in critical condition.
I haven’t followed Falwell that closely, though I’m aware he had become the favoured whipping boy of the political and media left for his activism and outspoken views. In a world where provocative and offensive views from the religious left (both Christian and Islamic) are cloaked under terms like “progressive”, “diversity”, “dissent” – or even rewarded politically (see Al Sharpton) I pretty much concluded that most of the criticism of Jerry Falwell had more to do with frustration at the electoral success of the religious right, than it did any genuine outrage over his statements or fundraising activities.
Angry In The Great White North has a selection of comments from Democratic Underground that provide illustration.

“Nah, let him rot on a bed for fifteen years. Then after 15 years of being a veggie, maybe, just maybe, there will be a miracle. Nah.”
“Spunge him, spunge him”

Pathetic. But predictable.

11 Replies to “The Moral Superiority Of The Left”

  1. Don’t forget this:

    “The ACLU has got to take a lot of blame for this � I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way�all of them who have tried to secularize America�I point the finger in their face and say, ‘You helped this happen.'” Falwell’s rationale is that the secularization of America has provoked God “to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve.”
    That’s not quite the same as those comments you found that betray delight at the thought of another’s suffering, but it’s close.

  2. falwell’s been wishing violence and disease on homos for years which is why we right thinking americans love him so much.

  3. hey…isn’t frequent pnuemonia a symptom of an active HIV infection? Good Lord, He’s one of them.

  4. I’m not going to get into defending Jerry Falwell – as I said, I didn’t follow him that closely. I’m just sick of the double standard – outrageous statements from Islamists and left wing profs are ignored, or even agreed with, while any mis-step by the religious right is held up for ridicule.

  5. Let them die! Living wills so not to extend the suffering? From the lefties especially the Canadian lefties? Am I hearing right? Is’nt that what free medicare was supposed to eliminate? The pulling of the plug because of cost and the associated hardship on the families? Or,is socialist logic the same all over with 60-70 years of spin to convince taxpaying people to commit suicide when they become a taker instead of a payer

  6. “God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve.” Jerry Falwell on the 9/11 attacks. Outrageous enough?

  7. No, Greg, it’s not in context. That remark has not been in context since it was exposted to the world immediately after the WTC attacks. It’s been hauled out on every possible occasion in order to reveal how REALLY evil those Jesus-freaks and Bible-thumpers REALLY are.
    I’m certain you know that it is rather good Calvinistic doctine.

  8. Falwell is not dead yet. Let’s stick a feeding tube in him and keep him alive for twenty years, regardless of his condition or his personal wishes. When he’s shriveled up and looks like hell, we can put him on TV, day and night. Let’s take all dignity away from him. After all, we know what GOD wants for Jerry Falwell more then Jerry does.
