And So It Begins, II

LifeSite News:

A supporter of same-sex marriage is using the human rights process to take away Bishop Frederick Henry’s right to freedom of religion and free speech.� Despite the Catholic Church’s established role in preparing men and women for marriage and conducting religious marriage ceremonies between men and women, it appears that supporters of same-sex marriage do not want religious leaders to be part of the debate on this issue.�
Bishop Frederick Henry wrote a letter to the Catholics in his Diocese in January, 2005 outlining the opposition of the Catholic Church to same-sex marriages (see coverage).� Bishop Henry called on Catholics to talk to their political representatives and express their opposition to legislation to change the definition of marriage to allow persons of same-sex to marry.� A Complaint filed with the Alberta Human Rights Commission alleges that Bishop Henry’s letter discriminates against homosexuals.�

Local radio is reporting there are two complaints.
[Part I]
Hugh Hewitt has a related article in the Weekly Standard.

All of these charges–from the most incoherent to the most measured–arrive without definition as to what “the religious right” is, and without argument as to why the agenda of this ill-defined group is less legitimate than the pro-gay marriage, pro-cloning, pro-partial-birth abortion, pro-euthanasia agenda of other political actors. Danforth’s position is, apparently, that the agenda of the left on these matters ought not to be resisted, which means that it will
be enacted. “For politicians to advance the cause of one religious group,” Danforth intones, “is often to oppose the cause of another.” That is inescapably true. To come to the defense of the unborn, as Senator Danforth correctly notes he always did during his legislative career, is to oppose abortion on demand. To come to the aid of the Christians in Sudan is to oppose the wishes of the Muslims who sought their destruction. Every political conflict is a choice between competing moral codes.

12 Replies to “And So It Begins, II”

  1. OT: Fox just said Schiavo died. The husband wouldn;t allow her parents to be with her, what a surprise.

  2. I’m going to be blogging “full time” for the Western Standard starting April. Full time, as in, a lot more regularly, as opposed to a full time job, per se….

  3. Full-time as in ‘paid’? I’m currently considering renewing a subscription and if they’re paying you, that will tip me in favour.

  4. Who could say it better than Dr. Samuel Johnson?
    “No man but a blockhead ever wrote, except for money.”
    Boswell: A Life.

  5. Blog away Kate.
    Just another reason to support the WS. You just can’t keep that Sask. talent down.

  6. Ok Kate heres another one for you. Once you start over there could you change the comments sections so that you read down for the comments and not up?? I have asked Kevin and he just ignores it. So I am hoping with your influence, you could persuade him. Thanks. Sorry for being a pain.

  7. No, I’m keeping up SDA as usual. Just going to be doing more at the Shotgun.
    Besides, Ezra won’t allow me to do Penis News.
