Catalogue This

Warren Kinsella pretends to be stupid. (Mar 30 post)

You know, if I were Scott Reid – and, thankfully for both of us, I’m not – I’d get Kevin Bosch to immediately start cataloguing all of the extreme statements being made on blogs by so-called “Blogging Tories.” I’d then make it into a nice little 30-second spot come election time. Dark screen, gloomy music, then sombre voice-over: “Is the Conservative Party extreme? Decide for yourself. Here are statements made on web sites by ‘Blogging Tories’ – statements made with the approval and knowledge of the Conservative Party. [QUOTE KNUCKLE-DRAGGING, MOUTH-BREATHING RANTS ABOUT IMMIGRATION, GAYS AND LESBIANS, THIRD WORLD, WOMEN’S RIGHTS, ETC.] The Conservative Party: they still don’t understand Canada. They never will. Vote Liberal.” Anyway, what do I know? I’m a washed-up political has-been, as all those Blogging Tories like to remind me all the time. Who am I to argue?

Well, Don at All Things Canadian is a little more specific.

1993-95: Executive Assistant to Dingwall, Minister of Public Works and Government Services – memos the Deputy Minister that Guite should be placed in charge of sponsorships.
1996-97: Leaves Dingwall to become counsel at Palmer Jarvis – an adverstising firm in BC
1996: Palmer Jarvis one of five firms to receive $50,000 for design of the Unity office logo
1997: Loses election in North Vancouver riding during General Election – (Palmer Jarvis donates $10,000)
2005: Sponsorship Inquiry:

MR. COURNOYER: If we go to page 118 under Tab 17, we have a number of fax
reports or fax sheets. At 118 we have a fax that is dated August 27th, 1996. Were you aware that Mr. Guit� was exchanging information with Mr. Warren Kinsella at Palmer Jarvis about this?
MS. MARLEAU: Absolutely not. That would be highly unusual. Mr. Kinsella had been the Executive Assistant to Minister Dingwall. My understanding was that he had left Minister Dingwall’s office. So that is unusual. But I couldn’t tell you more about it. I wasn’t aware of it.
MR. COURNOYER: You didn’t have — well, superficially, that is what the document seems to be, a fax sent to Mr. Kinsella.

Via Ianism

9 Replies to “Catalogue This”

  1. “With the approval of the conservative party”? Obviously somebody doesn;t understand blogs.

  2. It doesn’t matter if the public understands blogs. In fact it’s better if the general public doesn’t (for Warren’s purposes). All Warren wants to do is make it appear as if the “grassroots” of the CPC are radical extremists.
    Warren’s right btw. (OH How I hate to say that!). The Lieberals have portrayed conservatives like that for the past 4 elections very successfully (wrongly, but successfully). This doesn’t mean Blogging Tories should back down, but pre-empt with similar notes from the Liberal Moonbat sites. Where’s that nutcase Robert MacMillan (no relation to Kate I hope) at myblahg? Perfect example of Liberal hatred and proud of it!
    You don’t have to agree with Warren’s politics to agree with his political tactics and strategies.

  3. I think someone should start a blog under the “Bloggin Tories” called “The Hidden Agenda Blog”. That should really get them slathering!
