
Sean at Pol:Spy;

Here’s a question for all of you kids stranded in the maritimes who lack the requisite number of marketable skills and/or firing synapses to find gainful employment outside of your birth provinces. Exactly how much of your precious new found resource revenues do you think will be left after the Liberals sneak in their carbon tax in the new budget and claw all of that money back?

Go read the link, and then head to the main page. He’s on a roll lately.

5 Replies to “Pol:Spying”

  1. The trip was great. That old image of the great northern magus; the limp-kneed stance; the slouch grin/hat; the cape slizzardly slung over hiss shoulder; the snake/pied piper who led canuckistan to chretien/martin corruption & etc.
    The over-arching image of the looney; a fitting image of the Great White North: Canada as built by Truedough.
    Grin on, P. Trudeau, great destroyer of Canada.
    We shall overcome.

  2. All you can do is hope someone out there reads it…. ya never here about that side of the country for some reason.

  3. How could eye miss it?
    Miss it? The Finger; right, no, left finger; the Finger given the wheat farmers of the Prairies.
    As Freud said: digitus fingerus est; suckers.

  4. Ya but do they read it out east?. … is anyone home out there?… do they know what the finger means from the image of the person giving it, is he still there hero?

  5. Surely yours truly is not the only easterner who remembers ( he of the NEP ) P. Truedough?
    OTOH, could be…. Anyone remember he of the “Finger”? How about “Goldfinger”?
