And A Monument Was Erected

The Liberation Monument is a giant copper obelisk that rises and falls depending on the level of sunlight, and spurts flames out of the top during important festivals.
It is due to go on show in the village of Wageningen where the German capitulation was signed at the end of the Second World War 60 years ago.
In full sunlight, the erection reaches a height of ten metres, shrinking back to just six metres when the light dims.

Key word: erection
update – was sent an artist’s rendition

7 Replies to “And A Monument Was Erected”

  1. And it gets aroused by … sunlight? Are you sure that the sunlight doesn’t simply allow for a view of the local nude beach?

  2. That reminds me of the opening scene of “Kate&Leopold”, where the late 19th century speaker is going on about the Brooklyn bridge being the largest erection of mankind. The 20th century time traveller stands there snickering about the terminology.

  3. Freud would have loved this one.They do use the oddest symbolism to commemorate their greates national humiliation,don’t they?

  4. I can’t wait for women to attempt an ascension.
    First one to the peak gets to name it.

  5. Sun light casting its rays upon something is often refered to as the sun beating down on it, as in the sun was beating on the sands of the sahara. So lets see more sun(warmth) + more beating = bigger erection I don’t see this a ground breaking bit of information. This “erection” is going up in Holland or was it just concieved by the Dutch? Say aren’t prostitution and canabis legal in Holland?
