6 Replies to “Excellence In Terrorjournalism”

  1. The sickening thing about that photo — and the subsequent awarding of the Pulitzer — is that the murders were committed for the AP’s benefit. Without the potential for press coverage, the murders would probably not have taken place.
    So it’s not a case of a brave photographer unearthing the ugly truth. It’s a case of the AP’s presence contributing to the death of two men, their going through with the release of the photos even after it later realized the murders were staged for its benefit, and then nominating itself for the Pulitizer.
    But such is the state of the media these days.

  2. To me the most sickening thing is that it isn’t surprising – the Pulitzer is about as meaningful as the Nobel Hey-even-carter-got-one prize.
    C’mon Pulitzer people, call it what it is – the prize for the the most disgusting, sensationalistic, self-serving photo.
    Ted Bundy should have carried a Polaroid with him, he would have cleaned up.

  3. Blood Money

    This photo won a Pulitzer prize. It shows Iraqi terrorists executing a man in broad daylight on a busy street. Riveting stuff, but when it first appeared the question was raised over how a photographer could have been so “lucky”…

  4. Hey Ahkmed, hold up a minute babe.
    I’ve got the wrong light here, I told you, early… is the best light .
    Way,… to much shadow.
    OK that’s better but can you hold the election worker down just a little longer , I’d like to get a couple of poloroids first to assess the ambiance.
    All right now turn this way,…hey hey , he’s getting away.
    Woah, that was close.
    Ok now,…. ACTION!!!

  5. Eh.. Collin… when they’re standing in a street waiting for murders to happen, so they may capture the “candid shot”, they are no longer journalists.
    They’re co-conspirators.
