Revisiting Liberal Donations

In keeping with the theme of the past few days, I invite new readers to visit the following links on research done by various bloggers into the distribution of donations to the major political parties in Canada – and the list of questionable sources.
Shortly after the results of the investigation began to make its way onto the pages of major publications, Elections Canada pulled down the database search function and replaced it with a version that renders the site useless.
(The following are all my own posts, but within are links to more comprehensive information at other sites.)
Did you know that the Liberals have been recieving donations from charitable institutions?
Canada, We Have A Problem
More Stones Unturned
And municipalities or your favourite zoo? First Nations recieve billions per year in Canadian government largesse.. and donate handsomely (and virtually exclusively) back to the Liberal party. How about your fondest assumptions about where big business spends its political buck?
A Liberal Slice
Now here’s another question. Why have our dataminers been unable to find evidence in the Elections Canada database of the donations alleged to have been given to the Liberals under the Gomery Inquiry testimony? (There are private copies of the downloaded database out there with new and improved search functions running).
Speaking of “old” and unreported news, don’t let this Adscam story consume your attention. Read this post from last year on the Auditor General’s report on national security, airline screening, and the abysmal state of border security. It’s been out for months – your professional media hasn’t bothered to crack the thing open. It’s due to be formallly presented by the AG tomorrow.
$7.7 Billion in terrorist “initiative” is buying us nothing.
Sound boring? Give it a chance – you’ll discover that Canadian airport security screeners does not exclude employees who have links to organized crime – because of their charter right to “freedom of association”.
And that’s just the small stuff.

7 Replies to “Revisiting Liberal Donations”

  1. As the little Arbey’s oven mit says…. WILL IT EVER END!

    The state of the countries governing body is on the way to a major collapse. If the voters can’t see the light using the sludge hammer theory, there’s no hope in keeping it togethor because the question then becomes, why bother..

  2. We seem to be overlooking the Gun Registry. A billion dollars for a database project is astronomically outrageous. How much money went to IT consulting firms in Montreal? Anybody know? Is the information publicly available? It probably makes Adscam look puny.
    As far as linking to US Blogs that contain the banned material – there is a simple technical solution, called indirection. Link to a site that links to the site in question.

  3. Belmont Club on the shameful Pulizer Prize

    From the Belmont Club: Michelle Malkin looks at the Pulitzer awards for photojournalism. Small Dead Animals thinks one of the categories should be Murders Orchestrated For The Camera.  The actual Pulitzer Prize for news photography goes to the “As…

  4. Re: online searching … Where are the opposition members of parliament? Has this been raised in question period? Have any members’ offices contacted Elections Canada to ask what’s up with the search engine? Or are all the parties un poco incomodo at the thought of voters finding out who buys the legislation here in Mexico del Norte?
