Trust Media And Blog Impact

Press release;

A newly published white paper on blogs from Edelman, the world’s largest independent public relations firm, and Intelliseek, a marketing intelligence firm and provider of one of the Internet’s leading blog portals, explores the importance of the blogging phenomenon for public relations and marketers and provides a first-of-its-kind directory of influential bloggers, segmented by industry.
Trust Media: How Real People Are Finally Being Heard, available for download at both the Intelliseek and Edelman Web sites, strengthens Edelman’s foundation in blog practices and reflects both firms’ deepening experience in blog analysis and consulting.
“Consumers are increasingly turning to other consumers for trusted information, and the blogging phenomenon is the perfect example of this shift,” said Pete Blackshaw, Intelliseek’s CMO and co- founder of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association, which held its Word of Mouth Summit March 29-30 in Chicago. “Public relations and marketing professionals need to understand the impact of blogging and other forms of consumer-to-consumer discussion on their profession and practices.”
“Blogging is not a fad, and it’s not going away,” said Rick Murray, general manager, Edelman Diversified Services. “There’s a right way and a wrong way to think about and approach the blogosphere, and public relations professionals who get it wrong will get burned — it’s that simple.”

5 Replies to “Trust Media And Blog Impact”

  1. Personally, I’d be more inclined to take blogworld seriously if its members weren’t always hectoring me to do so — and weren’t always profusely congratulating themselves whenever anyone notices them (especially the dreaded “MSM”).

  2. That criticism would be more valid if the MSM weren’t working overtime to dismiss and misrepresent what the blogosphere is and is capable of … blog triumphalism certainly exists, but I suspect that will wear off after the birthing process is complete.

  3. As soon as the politicians realize how much power the internet really has, they will move to take that power away. If the Liberals are not brought to real justice this time, and the corruption wiped out, we can expect the power of blogging will be lessened substantially as time goes by. So some guts are required, now.
    The Romanians held together to rid themselves of Ceaucescu. We need the same kind of courage in Canada now.
