15 Replies to “Liberal Scandal Record”

  1. Wow….thanks for the advertising Kate. In the short time it has been up, about 4 hours, it’s taken 2700 visits(approx.). There have been a lot of emails, and suggestions, which have already been implemented. Thanks all for the suggestions.

    This is not really a blog site, just available to anyone who wants to link to it, have there link put on it, or contribute. All is appreciated to educate the public on Gov. corruption which should be at the forefront anyway, when voters make there decisions.

  2. Yes, keep talking about a triple-E Senate. Constitutional reform is the best way to have the public’s eyes glaze over. Conservatives should focus on winning the elections they are already in.

  3. Gotcha!

    This blog plans to list scandals and promises, and show the extent of the corruption in the Liberal Party of Canada. (Link from small dead animals)…

  4. I see that people are now saying a Yes vote is likely for the next Quebec referendum.
    Is it too early to hope that we will no longer have a PM from Quebec, never have to send them tens of billions of dollars in transfer payments and never hear another demand for money from Bombardier?

  5. Calls to local radio this week indicated that if the Liberals are returned to Ottawa after this episode, it’s probably going to be just as damaging to national unity here, as the scandal currently is in Quebec.

  6. All this could take decades to sort out when you start adding in the Oil for Food, and all the existing ongoing investigations.

    If the people out east are that stupid and return these crooks to power, the country MUST be broken up to separate ourselves from this idiocy.

  7. Great start, and accomplished so quickly – well done.
    I think it would be useful if you had links to the Auditor Generals reports for the last few years. These are probably the least biased and most factual records of scandal and abuse of our money that we have.
    As for reaction to Brault testimony in BC this weekend, people are angry, lots of talk of seperation by BC/Alberta if Ontario elects a minority Liberal govt again. One interesting idea floated by a caller a tax revolt-people should refuse to remit tax returns this year! I like it but since they already have my money by way of regular deductions from my paycheque its hard to figure how this would work.

  8. Thanks Cascadian, good suggestion, I’ll do that.

    What you see took me about 12 hours to put togethor(includes building the site), and by the looks of it, and the contributions comming in, it’s going to take another few days just to catch up.

  9. I have all the titles up that hafe been suggested, including the AG reports. I’ll continue to add and research as time permits.
    Again, the extent of this corruption is unbelievable. I can’t understand how these people are still in power in this country. They should all be put in a fenced open area at Alert Bay, and await trial.

  10. Regarding a tax revolt: employees have already had their taxes taken at source, so that’s hard to do.

    But, I note that the post office has lots of T1 General forms, is it time to pick up a few extra and fill them in with the names of the Liberals on the take? Fake SINs are easy to do, as are fake addresses. Fake ’em and file ’em, clog up the system to show what you think of ’em..

    If they can lie to us, we can lie to them…
