13 Replies to “Blogging Libranos”

  1. Kate, with nothing to judge scale, I can’t tell if that is junkyard dog, or poodle-doo. Can us a hint will ya?

  2. Although the picture is apt, it’s not really a blog, because his highness does not allow feedback on his site. That’s typical of his attitude, and all the rest of the libs. If they had their way, dissent from the party line would be outlawed, right Warren?

  3. I have a mastiff (170 lbs). That is DEFINITELY not from a toy poodle…
    hey, the Finance Minister just admitted that pretty much everything they do is of benefit to Ontario…can’t believe he admitted that!
    Am I the only one that thinks the Ag Minister sounds like he snorts helium?

  4. Crap gif.
    Pee-ew! Too much detail.
    What does it profit a blogger if they gain the whole sphere, but readers lose their cookies?

  5. The US had its “smoking gun”. Not to be outdone, we Canadians now have our “smoking turd”.

  6. The Liberal kingpin to link to is Paul Desmarais Senior at Power Corp. Everyone who is anyone in the Liberal party dating back to Pierre Trudeau has been bought, molded and strategically placed in a position of power by Mr. Desmarais. It doesn’t take and deductive abilities to guess who really calls the political shots in Canada.
    For example, the Desmarais European conglomerate owns one of the world’s largest oil companies (Total Group) and is heavily involved in the Oil-for-Food scandal. Chretien’s daughter France married Andre Desmarais(Paul’s son). Canada did not support the USA in the war in Iraq for ideological reasons. Instead Chretien was looking out for his daughter’s interest and Paul Desmarais’ interest.
    And on and on goes the Librano muck, or should I say turds. The stench is getting intolerable!!!

  7. His latest crap compares grandly with the Sea Shepherd activist group posting Ren Genge’s address and phone number on the internet and encouraging death threats. Mr. F-cksilla consistently shows his true colours.
