An Interview With Susan Hallums

Rusty Shackleford:

American Roy Hallums was abducted from his temporary Baghdad home on November 1st, 2004. He was in Iraq as a civilian contractor working on rebuilding efforts. His mission had everything to do with helping the Iraqi people rebuild their country after decades of war, mismanagement, and terror under the Saddam Hussein regime.
Roy was taken hostage along with six other foreign nationals, including a Fillipino named Robert Tarongoy. The U.S. did not publish the fact that an American citizen had been taken hostage because of a policy of treating civilian abductions as purely private matters. The Jawa Report was the first publication to identify Roy Hallums as the hostage.

He has an interview with his wife, Susan Hallums.

One Reply to “An Interview With Susan Hallums”

  1. I’ve often wondered how the families must feel. I hope their plan of offering a reward, in the hope that someone knowing of his whereabouts will come forward. Those poor people.
