Verdict On Pope: “Too Catholic”

The disappointment in the voices of the anchors during CTV news coverage was palpable. One got the sense they were hoping for an upset, and a politically correct “progressive” papal election angle to pursue. “The new pope, Wang Chung One, the first from China, standing alongside his same-sex partner as he appeared on the balcony at the Vatican, introducing himself to a billion Catholics by declaring a woman’s right to chooooooose… well, Lloyd, this is a turning point for the Church…”
There will be more of that in the coming hours. Watch for the negativity attached to the word “conservative”.
Speaking of which – did anyone else hear that waste of ovaries on CBC radio Sunday morning (with Michael Enright) fretting that the Pope’s election was decided by men?
She thoughtfully explained (in a voice admirably free of self-mocking) that simply adding women to the process wouldn’t resolve the issues, because… women don’t all think alike. No, she offered, garden variety women need not apply. Only women who had studied the issues and had the correct “intellectual” appreciation for them would be suitable. “Feminists” should be involved in the selection of the Pope.
There was no laugh track.
And speaking of insufferable twits – Professor Stephen Bainbridge takes Andrew Sullivan out behind the church for an ass whuppin’. Heh.
A Christophobic pagan weighs in;

Now, I’m no Catholic- and I ain’t really religious – but I suspect the point of following a religion in the first place is to actually believe in the thing.� And so were I gay, and you decided from your perspective as a Catholic that because I put my thingie into the Devil’s slot, I will burn in a lake of fire for eternity, that’s cool by me-just so long as you don’t drop a stone wall on me in order to hasten the process.

Eminently reasonable, I’d say.

24 Replies to “Verdict On Pope: “Too Catholic””

  1. Yea, your right. MSM is going to pass negative judgement before they even know what he’s about. It’s gonna be a moonbat swarm for the next few days.

  2. For those of us who consider the Catholic Church to be a CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION, the Vatican could not have made a finer choice for the new pope.

  3. As posted earlier, PM Dithers is a little shakey on the Pope’s job description too.
    “the new Pope… uniquely placed to ……. overcoming……. and eradicating poverty and hunger.”
    Paul Martin

  4. Dave,
    That’s right! There are 1.1 billion criminals running around the world. But look on the bright side … we haven’t stolen any planes and we haven’t had a good Catholic beheading in quite some time.

  5. The prognosis for the new Pope over at My Blahg is a little bleak. Their analysis is as precise one of those solid state lasers you made us aware of Kate. When I install a “Brison” on the roof to protect the homestead from lightening strikes, I’m hoping I can find a set of matching Robert, Mark and Ti-Guy angle brackets to hold it steady and upright in a stiff wind.

  6. Great stuff Kate, thanks. Ever notice that when the CBC needs a comment on the Church they always turn to former nuns. In other words, if you want to be considered an expert by the CBC you need to be a failure.

  7. “…In other words, if you want to be considered an expert by the CBC you need to be a failure…”
    That’s so true! Retired cops, too; as well as ex-MPs (who I guess…retired?)…Speaking of cops, what’s the latest in cowtown/moscow?
    And Hobbes – planes & beheadings aside, what about graft??? Are ya clean on that? If so, it appears we’ll have some seats to fill in the near future…

  8. OK so here is another comment from another Pagan, well at least he’s no Julius the second, and at least the modern church is not advocating war by christian nations against heathen neighbors, oh wait. No that’s not actually advocated and encouraged by the Roman Church. The day the Church apologizes for the crusades against all the German, Celtic, and Slavic tribes is the day they have truly made amends with their bloody handed hypocritical past. Not that I really give a shit, they are all asking for a straw death any ways, bloody white livered responsibility shirking worms. Any faith that says not by my actions will I attain heaven, implies that you don’t have to work at being a decent human being demonstrating your worth to the Gods in daily life. Sure we can all be shits from time to time but if we make amends or were basically decent well the Gods await, and on the other hand we were positively heroes well greater rewards for greater risk in this life.

  9. Maclean’s next front cover: picture of new pope with caption “scary” (borrow from previous cover of Stockwell Day). The story line:
    He’s been in office less than two weeks and he hasn’t sanctioned homosexuality, abortion, married priests or women priests? And he hasn’t called all Catholics to self-flagellate themselves for the next 900 years for being responsible for every crime known to man in the last 2000 years (including the crusades, extermination of aboriginal peoples, the re-election of GWBush, the Nazis, the Communists, the NHL lockout etc.)
    That tells me for sure he is a bad and nasty conservative.
    (Oh, I forgot, he definitely is not the pope of the Canadian mass media if he doesn’t declare Pearson, Trudeau, Suzuki, TC Douglas and Pierre Berton to be saints.)

  10. Yes, CNN was particularly comic yesterday, describing the new Pope as “doctrinaire.” A doctrinaire religious leader?*
    Is the Pope Catholic?
    What’s next? Will CNN describe the next US president as “pro-American”?
    * OK, I forgot about the United Church and the Anglicans where you don’t have to be doctrinaire about anything anymore…

  11. The last thing you give Sullivan, when you want to upbraid him, is an ass whipping.Some punishment!

  12. The local rag here in Guelph has in BOLD print “Liberal Catholics uneasy as Ratzinger becomes Pope”.
    With Ratzinger having been JPII’s right-hand man, that would naturally stand to reason that liberal Catholics have been just as uneasy for the past 26 years?

  13. Is it true that the Catholic Church believes that the promotion of a pope is guided by the Holy Spirit? If so, then are these liberal Catholics really in a snit with the Holy Spirit, or are just being fairly selective in their beliefs? Let’s get to the heart of the matter: how is it that the Holy Spirit could give Catholics the wrong pope?

  14. Nobody expects the Inquisition
    And don’t you think Grand Inquisitor has more panache than ‘Pope’s Rottweiler’?

  15. Men in red dresses all met at the Vatican.
    Giddy with pleasure �We get to be bad again!�
    Wining and dining with others in frocks
    Hoping to rub against each others��socks.
    Then the smoke rose!
    Who will it be?
    Who is the next pope?
    A fellow named Ben, a former Nazi!
    Another old pudgy dope!

  16. Keep laughing- you know what Ratzinger meant when he said he was gonna strengthen the Christian church, doncha: Join us, or die! (who knows- he might even reinvent the Gregorian calander while he is doing it.) Cheech and Chong did it better, with their skit about Christ at the Mexican border: “Take off your sandals! Ohhhhh- those are nasty scars- put them back on!”

  17. Like, that Pope thing is so old fashioned, you know?
    Couldn’t they, like, have special chatroom for people with questions to get the answers? Or maybe we could do e-mail voting and elect a Pope that way – that would be way cool! We HAAAVE a POPE – his wholiness Brent Hawkes!
    Why do all those people have to stand outside in the cold? Did you see any Porta-potties? Maybe they should do that stuff at a Mall.
    I don’t get the problem with the condoms though, those communion things are almost as chewy!
