Media Poll As Political Propoganda

Blog chatter on the CBC’s selective poll reporting makes it to the Toronto Sun;

Did you know that an Environics Research poll released last week found that a startling 73% of Canadians surveyed believe Prime Minister Paul Martin is either “very responsible” or “somewhat responsible” for AdScam?

Yes, actually. Most people who surf blogs did.

But you wouldn’t know any of this from the highly selective reporting of this poll last week by the CBC, which commissioned it, and by other media, who, incredibly, portrayed it as a positive finding for Martin. (For alerting me to this controversy, I’m indebted to blogger “Michael” of Winnipeg, who first wrote about it Sunday on his website, bluemapleleaf.blogspot. com.)

Kudos to Nealenews, who is headlining the article at the moment. The CBC has been skewing their reporting (or lack of it) so heavily for the Liberals, you’d almost wonder if they have something to hide.

4 Replies to “Media Poll As Political Propoganda”

  1. Polls?
    National Post is quoting Alfonso Gagliano’s “poll”.
    Gag says his poll is accurate 100% 100% of the time.
    Gag’s poll was conducted on the telephone with an MSM reporter. Gag is in Florida (visiting with his family?).
    Gag’s poll of Himself says Quebec will separate from Canada. Alfonso says it is the fault of … are you ready?…. Paul Martin and the Lieberals.
    Is Gag looking to transfer his assets & ass to Florida? Not near Paul’s vacation home, certainly not.
    (Poll correct 19 times out of 20).

  2. Reporting on most polls is abysmal in MSM. Generally reporters are so innumerate that they pretty much write or broadcast what the pollster tells them. They seldom delve into the mechanics of the poll to ask questions about the sampling method, question bias, sponsorship, etc. For the majority of reporters they feel they’re doing their job if they report the margin of error as if somehow that lends them and the poll instant credibility.
    Almost daily some special interest group will release to the media a poll that they have paid for. Happy for some news to fill space, MSM unquestioningly accepts the spoon fed results. Often you never get to see the actual questions that were asked so that you can determine if there was bias. You never hear about other questions that were asked and not reported on because the results were unfavourable to the agenda. You often don’t find out who actually paid for the poll.
    Also, an organization, political or otherwise, can be engaged in polling all of the time and only release polls when the results are favourable to their agenda. As long as the polling firm is reputable, the media often accept what is given them at face value, never suspecting that they are being duped.

  3. Is anybody surprised? Did Gag pay himself for his poll? (Or did he funnel it through an ad agency, ( in Quebec)?
