Open That Door Right Now Young Liberal

Andrew Coyne is reporting that the earlier reports that were denied by the Liberals were true after all. Well, that fits a pattern, doesn’t it?

And yes, it does appear that the Liberals have put off passing the budget implementation bill until then, notwithstanding earlier denials. Wonderful: a government that is too afraid to put any bills before the House, for fear they might come to a vote. They’ve more or less barricaded themselves in their offices.

Be sure to go from there to the main page – Coyne has lots of juicy stuff today, including the identity of Kinsella’s “mystery caller”.

4 Replies to “Open That Door Right Now Young Liberal”

  1. Is it OK to name the caller on this site?
    To be frank & schilling for Paul Martin, eh?
    He will plead: nolo contendere— Latin for “I am not a crook”.

  2. Mr. Dithers is going to address the nation tomorrow. Here is the what I think will be done. Scott Reid said Mr. Dithers is not going to resign or prorogue Parliament. So the only option left is to invoke the war measures act. He will round up all of the scary Conservative MPs and put them into “re-education” camps for their anti-Canadian plan to destroy the most sacred item in Canada, the Canada Health Act. He is doing it to save Canada. You know Medicare is what defines us as Canadians. He will not do anything to the separatist Bloc Quebec MPs because they are not a threat to the destruction of Canada and he would not want to offend the delicate sensibilities of Quebecers. Clearly, it is his only option left as the Liberal party must stay in power at all costs to save Canada.

  3. And I have the contract to build the camps (believe me there will be plenty).
    I left some cash (the buggers wanted US this time!- something about time to cash out) and a business card in an envelope at Franks, and went to the washroom. Next day I had the signed contract.
    I don’t remember who was there, or even if I ate anything, my memory ain’t so good anymore.
    Anyone if anyone wants a slice of the pie you can contact me, just staple ten one-hundred dollar bills to your business card to show you are a good Lieberal and leave it with one of the waiters at the House of Commons dining room the all know me down there.

  4. The article says who was putting pressure on Dingwall, but not who called Kinsella before testifying. Or am I missing something?
