
I’ll be the first to say this out loud. Print it out and stick it in a drawer.
Paul Martin is facing a lose-lose situation, no matter when an election is held. The first is the obvious one – going down in defeat to the Conservatives. The second – he might win the election, and go down in history as the Prime Minister who oversaw the breakup of Canada.
I’m just not sure who will be first – Quebec or Alberta.

42 Replies to “Prediction”

  1. I would have to say that Martin will go but it is going to be ugly for him. I will even go out on a limb and say that the NDP will win more popular vote in the election. I think we have seen exactly what happened to the right in the early 90’s happen to the Liberals in this decade. Power corrupts, always has and always will as long as we keep the same tyrannical system of government in place where one party can hold power for so long.

  2. Martin will go down as will the Liberal party. They will be decimated.
    As David Frum says ” The surest way to halt any rise in separatism in Quebec is for English Canadians to inflict the most possible massive defeat on the Liberal Party”
    We will see the manifestation of the deep anger and outrage that hits all of us who see this unfolding. Our suspicions have been confirmed.
    Harper is a decent man and he deserves a chance to form government. I have a renewed respect for Gilles Duceppe. If I lived in Quebec, the issue of separation aside ( and do not forget the electorate in Quebec made it plain to the Bloc that separation is not on the agenda there) I would favour Duceppe. I like the man.
    The Liberals have not fielded a really likeable candidate for PM for years and years. We wanted to punish the old PC’s under Mulroney and make our hate known for the GST and the pork barrelling. ( Funny, isn’t it that we actually had revulsion for the pork barrelling while the Liberals have taken that concept to heights we never imagined!!) This Conservative Party is born out of that grass roots movement that became the Reform, then the Alliance to be what it is today. The faces I see I like: Harper. McKay.Stronach.Day. Harper is good as leader. But when you look through the mps there there are quite a few up and comers who could easily also lead the party. Jason Kenny. Moore… as well as the aforementioned. Young, energetic with principles and drive.
    What else could you ask for in a governing party?
    Ethical.Honest.With Integrity.
    I like them all and it is past time for them to have a turn at governing this country.
    God only knows they are our hope in actually effecting real, democratic change in this country!
    Elected Judges. Elected Senate. Fair representation of the provinces in a central government.
    Throw these criminals and bums out, all of them. Martin says he and his bunch are not responsible but if they are not they at least hid the criminals in the closet. What do they call that?
    Accessory after the fact?
    Accessory before, during AND after the fact!
    So, I see the vision differently from Kate:
    NO breakup of Canada and a renewed respect for our fellow citizens in Quebec and a renewed respect for fellow citizens in English Canada.
    We are equally outraged at the blatant and criminal misuse of the system and our tax dollars.
    If the msm is successful playing this all down , carrying Martin’s water as they did this evening and we return the Liberals to a minority government, ( God Help Us All if we do that) THEN I see Kate’s prediction coming true.
    But not until that happened.
    We have a rare chance to stand up for something and speak in a loud and unequivocable voice:
    We WILL not be governed in this way and those who have done this will not be rewarded at the ballot box for criminal misuse.

  3. I don’t believe the Liberals will be wiped out. I’m not that optimistic. The bleeters in Ontario will keep them on the map. Besides, As anti-Liberal (and -liberal), as I am, I don’t think a one party state is a desirable objective, whether Conservative, Liberal, or otherwise. Real reform is needed to restore faith in government, not just a change in bosses. Does Harper have the balls to make the changes? I hope so. Otherwise, it’s “meet the new boss, same as the old boss…”

  4. Kate….. no fair….. I’m in those comments…. 😉

    But Jetson is correct, if there is no decentralization…. say goodbye to Canada as you know it, and it don’t matter who’s in. The status que just dosen’t work. So if Harper gets in and doesn’t really make an attempt at change……… see ya……it will just take a little longer..

  5. I have no doubt Quebec could leave under Harper too – the damage done by Chretien/Martin may be irreversable. But if Martin gets in, it will be unstoppable. Quebec will go.
    I can’t understand why Martin doesn’t resign. I can’t understand why those backbenchers in his party are holding fast. Surely some of them still have a faint flicker of personal integrity.

  6. Party rule and propaganda, much like the Nazis, your either a loyal member or shuned to ya leave. Hitler would just shoot ya and get it over with, that way no one would come back for revenge..

    The socialist wing of that party still thinks there’s a chance, especially now that Jumpin Jack L came out with support. Keeps them on the line for a bit longer.

  7. Kate,
    The Liberal ship is foundering badly. Martin, as the Captain, has to do what he can to try to keep it afloat. The backbenchers that you refer to, in my opinion, have a lot of personal integrity. They didn’t join the Liberals knowing there would be a cabal of gangsters running things. They believe, (however misguidedly, IMHO), in the Liberal party. Kilgour is a backstabbing traitor, as far as I’m concerned. You either believe in something, or you don’t. Your beliefs shouldn’t change with the political wind.

  8. My crystal ball suggests that the Liberals are going to get wiped out in much the same way Mulroney’s PCs did. They will then spend a decade or so wandering around the polical wasteland before being lead back to the trough by Justine Trudeau.
    There’s something that’s been nagging at me … why is PM so insistent on wanting to wait until Gomery gives his report before holding an election? Is it just a stall tactic, or does he know something? He seems awfully confident that Gomery’s report is going to exhonerate him. Is Gomery in the Liberal bag too?

  9. I am going to see my MP face to face on Saturday – ironically, during a neighborhood trash cleanup event. I am so looking forward to saying to him how wonderful it feels to clean up trash and thanks for coming out to help. He’s a 905 Liberal. For now.

  10. “I can’t understand why Martin doesn’t resign.”
    Because all he cares about is power, prestige, and succeeding where his father didn’t by being Canada’s PM. We’re all just collateral damage in Paulie’s war to be PM.

  11. If this isn’t enough to end Liberal rule I will most definitely start working towards Alberta separation.
    Until now I have been more than willing to try to make Canada work. However if corruption is awarded with another Liberal government central Canada will have basically said that they prefer cenCan corruption to “evil”, “scary”, western-based conservatives.
    And to that possible scenario I�d say�screw you Canada.

  12. The Conservatives should actually play this angle. The Liberals fear monger and get away with it.
    “Look Canada, if you don’t vote for us, Quebec is going to seperate — and Alberta might too. In fact, if you vote Liberal, a monster will eat you in your sleep!”

  13. I plead forgiveness, but it is rather long (or longwinded…but there was so much material with which to work), but here’s the letter I just sent to my M.P. Brenda Chamberlain…..
    Hello Mrs. Chamberlain,
    Quite the performance Thursday evening by your leader. If you will allow me, I would like to go through what was said during this performance along with some observations. Your leader’s words are italicized…
    “Let me speak plainly: What happened with the sponsorship file occurred on the watch of a Liberal government. Those who were in power are to be held responsible and that includes me.”
    Does that last sentence include all who were in power? No really, everyone in the Liberal government? Mrs. Chamberlain, I think your leader is tarring everyone in your party with the same brush.
    “I was the Minister of Finance. Knowing what I’ve learned this past year, I am sorry that we weren’t more vigilant — that I wasn’t more vigilant. Public money was misdirected and misused. That’s unacceptable.”
    Hang on here. Public money has been misdirected and misused…and it’s unacceptable? Your leader only figured this out in the past year, and he was once was the finance minister? Thank Heavens he’s sorry that you, I mean, he wasn’t more vigilant. In what? Hiding it better?
    “On December 12, 2003, I cancelled the sponsorship program. It was my very first act on my very first day in office.”
    Not as flashy or as showy as immediately scrapping the GST as your previous leader promised. Canceling something like a military helicopter contract, now that’s what you do as soon as you get into the PMO.
    “When the Auditor General’s report was publicly tabled, I acted immediately by ordering a fully independent commission of inquiry, under Mr. Justice John Gomery.”
    Several months later your leader called an election, naturally assuming that he would get his majority election victory as his Liberal birthright demands.
    “And I think you’ll agree — Judge Gomery is leaving no stone unturned.”
    Except of course if you happen to be the former leader of your party and are compelled to go to court in order to remove Justice Gomery from the inquiry. An attempt that was fast-tracked through the courts. Based upon the most recent allegations, just which Liberal party judge would’ve taken the bench in place of Justice Gomery? When your former leader took the stand he resorted to, dare I say it, small town cheap stunts. I’m a big fan of Humphrey Bogart in ‘The Caine Mutiny’. Good to see your former leader is a fan as well. Tell me, following your former leader’s Queeg-like performance, were you one of the many who applauded the performance during that infamous caucus meeting? Golf ball tricks and the cheering on of those tricks afterwards…I’m certain Justice Gomery’s zeal in leaving no stone unturned was ratcheted up after those performances.
    “In addition, I fired Alfonso Gagliano, the minister responsible for the sponsorship program, from his appointment as Ambassador to Denmark.”
    To which heartbroken Danes cry, ‘Fonzie, We Hardly Knew Ye’. In all seriousness, the fact that the name ‘Gagliano’ is in the same sentence as ‘Ambassador’ should’ve been reason enough to have people shaking their heads in amazement.
    “Let me emphasize that point: If so much as a dollar is found to have made its way into the Liberal party from ill-gotten gains, it will be repaid to the people of Canada. I want no part of that money.”
    Okay, which Liberal party are we talking about? The federal and/or the Quebec Liberal party? How about the money allegedly forwarded onto the P.Q.? I have to admit that when I heard your leader make that pronouncement, I imagined him saying something more along the lines of, “If so much as a dollar (of my Canadian Shipping Lines money) is found to have made its way into (Revenue Canada) from ill-gotten gains (avast, ye scurvy dogs!), it will be repaid to the people of Canada”.
    “It’s up to me to clean it up. That’s my job. I am cleaning it up.”
    With a wire brush, by God.
    “For that reason, I commit to you tonight that I will call a general election within 30 days of the publication of the commission’s final report and recommendations. Let Judge Gomery do his work. Let the facts come out. And then the people of Canada will have their say.”
    I’d love to see Justice Gomery bang his gavel, say he’s heard enough, let the lawyers wrap things up and release his findings in record fashion. Two or three days, tops, will make me happy.
    “I believe we can — and we should — use the coming months to pursue the public’s business. To act on the issues that matter most to you and make a difference in your life.”
    Homosexual marriage! That’s number one on your leader’s hit parade. I applaud you personally for voting against this ridiculous bill. Since when is a lifestyle choice a matter for inclusion in the Charter? I’m not catholic and I’m not sure (nor frankly do I care) if you are catholic, but seeing your leader (who is catholic) attending the funeral mass for Pope John Paul II at the same time he’s ramming this homosexual marriage bill through Parliament just smacked of utter hypocrisy.
    “…there are people who think I was wrong to call this inquiry, wrong to expose my government to the political cost of the scrutiny that has ensued. They warn we will pay a price in the next election. And perhaps we will.”
    And the winner of the ‘Understatement of The Year’ Award goes to….
    “My father was a cabinet minister in four Liberal governments. He taught me that those who serve in public office have a duty to protect the integrity of government.”
    Before the address I was wondering if your leader would slink to a “Checkers” moment and call upon the memory of his father. Needless to say I wasn’t surprised. I really am looking forward to the inevitable reference to Mrs. Martin’s cloth coat. Obviously your leader was asleep when his father was teaching him other things. Like how to cover your behind. Paul Senior must be in Heaven, shaking his head in complete disbelief.
    I hope you have noticed that when referring to your leader I have not accorded him the honorific title ‘prime minister’. This is purely intentional for I believe your leader has proven himself devoid of any respect the office should receive. There’s a saying, ‘What goes around, comes around’. In your leader’s lust for gaining the office of prime minister he obviously forgot that axiom.
    Thursday night’s performance was a watershed moment in Canadian history. I actually paid rapt attention to what your leader had to say. I will act accordingly when I go to the polls, using your leader’s own words, ‘come Hell or high water’.
    Thank you, Mrs. Chamberlain, for taking the time to read this.
    SIN Number)

  14. Looks like CTV, at least, isn’t 100% on Martin’s side – check out the Whistleblower report on

  15. That’s an excellent letter, do you mind if I use portions on Screecher Annie? Her having been in Chretien’s cabinet as well…

  16. I just heard this on another blog about Maurice Strong, the Canadian Businessman who is under suspicion on wrong-doing in the oil-for-food scandal at the UN, has close ties to the Liberal party in Canada and to Paul Martin himself, can anyone confirm this?

  17. Maurice “Some Call Me The Space Cowboy” Strong doesn’t have ties to the Libs and Martin…he’s a freakin’ architect of the Natural Governing Party over the past forty odd years. Strong was a serious bagman for Trudeau back in the day and sucked the trough dry here in Canada before setting his porcine sights on the global stage. If Strong is going down big time, expect him to take a few more notable Canucks with him…Paul Desmarais, perhaps? As a one-time peon to that miserable M-F and his equally ball-busting Power Corp., I am eagerly awaiting seeing that filthy bastard strung up by his heels.

  18. The key for the Conservatives is to get out the conservative vote in the next election similar to what Karl Rove did for Bush last US election. I get the sense that a lot of conservatives did not vote in Ontario last go around either thinking that their riding was a lost cause to the Liberals or just glad Chretien was gone. GOTV

  19. Flakes, bend-overs, and fart-catchers- every last one of them! Looted this country dry and shovelled it into Quebec, ( and numbered bank accounts in the Bahamas- then retired to Florida- for the past 40 years! And every single thing they touched, (including foreign respect for this country), turned to shit!

  20. Re Jetson’s post about people not bothering to vote: (I posted this on CQ a few minutes ago but I think it’s relevant to Jetson’s concerns too.)
    If you want to make a real, concrete difference, call your candidate’s campaign offfice (or email the PC website) and volunteer as a driver on election day. There are many, many seniors who still believe that voting is a duty, but won’t be able to exercise their right unless people like us remember them and spend even a couple of hours on election day driving them to the polling stations. They appreciate what you’re doing so much that you will feel ten feet tall for a week. (Not to mention the fact that in close ridings, you really might make the difference between victory and defeat – like Screamin’ Annie’s riding for example!) Of all the jobs I’ve had in elections, driving seniors to vote has been by far the most rewarding.
    Every single one of us really CAN make a difference on election day!

  21. Some excellent posts! I like the letter to Mrs. Chamberlain.
    I was very impressed with the speech of Mr. Harper, this evening! I have always liked him and tonight I was very proud to have been on his side of the political spectrum from day 1. Preston was afraid of Stephen because Preston Manning is not stupid. The power of intellegence is seldom seen in leaders in Canada, what a refreshing relief it was to see that smart Man step out to speak after listining to the ‘blubber fest’ from Paul for six LONG min. Preston pushed Mr. Harper out of his party because he (Presto) knew Stephen Harper was top leadershi material. He is Paul Martin’s worst nightmare! We had Turdoh who was clever and decietful, Balony (name speaks for itself), a third world thug, and matin who like M. King is still in the teenage years of his mind -trying to please a parent who died a long time ago. He is a big boy with too much unearned money and power. Martin is incompetant and I think his irresponsible behavor will drive this nation and it’s people right into the third world if we do not get rid of him and his gang RIGHT AWAY. I wish some of the old hippies in E. Canada were not so desperate to be in the “in crowd” in their minds. They are still back in high school in their minds and it is reflected in their voting patterns.
    “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, when I grew up I put away childish things” This is how I percieved Stephen Harper and Mr. Duceppe (I like the latter because he acts like a Man, not a overgrown boy; I do not agree with his political views, he is way too socialist for me)- in stark contrast to P. Martin- acting like adults and speaking like Men. Paul Martin looked like a spoiled six year old with egg all over his old face. Jacko was boucing all over the place and getting nowhere – as all NDPers do. No place to go and no means to get there.
    I will be early to the poll to vote FOR Mr. Stephen Harper. He would be a GREAT Prime Minister because he is a GOOD man with a huge intellect and a kind, just heart. We are lucky to have him to vote FOR -how would you like to have to choose between Matin and Jacko?
    Thank-you for this EXCELLENT website Kate, I am so glad I found it.

  22. Guys. You just got screwed. The public love Gomery and want to see what comes out of it. Well there’s plenty more I’m telling you. There’s no way this inquiry won’t be delayed until well into 2006
    By then Chretien will be ga-ga and won’t mind admitting it is all his fault. Result. Five more years

  23. Just have to agree with Mr. Ried. We got screwed and not even kissed.One of Paulie’s more stupid statements was let’s keep running the country.Good God. How much further into the ground do these idiots want to run it? I mean.come on.Even the BBC was commenting on the sleaze and smell of corruption and scandal going on in this country. We have become a laughing stock in the world! Unless Paulie meant the running of the day-to-day business of g’vnment.WHICH is going on anyways.Committee’s are sitting,bills are being drawn up and voted on etc. No. Paulie means lets all be good little,gutless,shit-for-brains Canucks and forget this little incident and vote me and my party back in to finish our job of pissing of Quebec and Alberta enough so that the troublemakers leave and then we can reach our true manifest destiny of ruling Ontario.

  24. Deadline for filing Tax Year 2204 Income Tax returns is 30 April,2005. Send your and my $$$$$$$$$$$ to Chretien/Martin & Liberal Corruption Inc., Ottawa.
    Do not use a stamp: Franc it to Corruption Inc.Save the cost of a stamp. Do it now. Paul Martin pal given $75,000 of your tax money. Why? For being Martin’s pal. Name : Claude Boulay.
    Send your tax dollars direct to Claude Boulay. Do not use a stamp. It is Free.
    Now you are Martin’s pal & Claude’s pal.
    c.c. Jean Chretien/P. Truedough/L. Pearson.

  25. I must stop writing letters, it’s getting addictive…
    Here’s my long-winded email to the Screecher (cc’ing Harper, Duceppe, Layton, the Edmonton Journal & Canada AM)
    Subject: Watch the West Separate should Liberals Retain Power
    The Liberal Party is the only party that cares about a united Canada? What an absolute crock.
    Your party has single-handedly created a fractured Canada. You’ve pitted:
    -West against the East
    -the “Rest of Canada” against Quebec
    -Quebec against the “Rest of Canada”
    -the “haves” against the “have-nots”
    -pushed a Kyoto plan which is a poorly hidden second writing of the National Energy Plan that crippled Alberta’s economy for a decade
    -ignored salmon over-fishing in BC by refusing to stand up to the US, setting them up for a damaged economy similar to the one engineered by mismanagement of the Maritime fishing industry
    -lined your party coffers with money aimed at buying Quebec (and by the way, since Corbeil has CONFESSED to taking cash from Brault, that would be corroboration, not an allegation)
    The only hope for a united Canada is to kick your Liberal government back into the sewers from whence it came.
    Your leader has begged for time for Gomery to report, but couldn’t be bothered to wait for a single witness last year. Your leader has begged for time for Gomery to report, but shut down the House Committee last year (and sorry, I was watching Question Period the day Mr. Harper quoted Hansard on the makeup & chair of that committee, so your leader’s argument this morning on Canada AM that it was an Opposition-led committee won’t wash with me). Your leader has moved his company offshore to avoid paying the astronomical taxes imposed on Canadian citizens and corporations that your Liberal governments have imposed on us all.
    How DARE your leader paint himself as a man of integrity with “moral authority”?
    Your leader doesn’t deserve the title of “Right Honorable” anything.
    Thursday night’s performance was a watershed moment in Canadian history. I actually paid attention to what your leader had to say. I will act accordingly when I go to the polls, using your leader’s own words, ‘come Hell or high water’.
    If Senate appointments or other cushy patronage appointments are available, I strongly recommend you investigate those options for yourself. You appear to have forgotten about your constituents and the challenges facing the province you are from.
    -The Kyoto plan your party tried to ram down our throats is a cousin to the NEP, which crippled this province in the 80s.
    -BSE has crippled the farmers of this and other provinces, yet we have to look to the Opposition for any support, as the Liberal government is too busy jamming fingers in their dam of corruption to pay attention to the running of the country.
    -Healthcare is groaning under the weight of the bureaucracy; we lose medical talent to the US daily and are hard-pressed to find a doctor taking new patients, or a bed in the hospital when emergencies arise. Your Liberal government opened the door to a 2-tiered system, so crying “foul” is just another example of your party�s lack of integrity and lack of respect for the intelligence of Canadian citizens.
    And those are just a few of the many, many issues in Alberta that you have turned your back on. Albertans are fed up with the inequities, we are tired of a federal government that has one credo: “Power at any cost.”
    You just keep worrying about Quebec separating (now that you’ve given good reason) – if you are voted back into power, Albertans will very likely – calmly, quietly, and without warning – pick up their chequebook and walk away.
    Good luck, Ms. McLellan � you�re going to be needing it.
    Candace Waldron
    I can’t believe I have to attend my daughter’s concert instead of catching QP today!!!! oh well, there’s always reruns…

  26. First something that many seem to somehow have overlooked is that Martin called the last election before Gomery could really start his enquiry and the people who brushed that off now seem to be the same ones complaining that the opposition might now call an election. And imagine this, some think he called the last election so he could shut the enquiry down with a majority.
    As I see it:
    The Liberals have 29 ongoing investigations into government activities. Way to go Canada that might be a record!
    They have refused to have a real audit. Not the pretend Enron audit Scott Brison was going on about. But a real audit of their finances. I mean if you wanted to come clean it’s the first thing you would do is it not. Seems everytime the Liberals want to get to the bottom of something they put up a road block take the judges for example.
    The Prime Minister has even refused to answer simple questions about who his friends are in the house for days. Some presume he had to check for 3 days to ensure everyone’s DayTimers were erased 18 times.
    It was a little over a year ago that the PM said CSL earned what he originally claimed was 137,000 dollars and somehow that meager number climbed up to 161,000,000 after some access to information requests. Many people in Canada own homes worth 137,000 dollars, even the Desmarais clan don’t have homes worth 161, million. I think the proportions are about right if you compare that to what we know about all the scandals to what needs to be revealed about them too.
    And we hear all the hapless cliches, better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know; or they are all crooks so it doesn’t matter who gets in. So to use an analogy lets say you invest your RRSP’s at the firm of Investors Liberalus and you know something has gone awry you invest but the amount there keeps dropping. Those looking at the evidence will get at least one new horror story a day and even those hapless sots watching the CBC will hear once in a while that something went wrong.
    You know someone is pocketing their presumably hard earned money. Now who out there would keep their money in that firm or would you switch to any other one out there? I think if it was their own money people would be gone in a second to the first credit union they could find. Regardless of the devils they know at Investors Liberalus would anyone say they are all crooks so I’m keeping my money there? One always wonders at hypocrisy of people for I bet you not one would come up with a lame cliche like that regarding their own money. And I doubt they would sit around saying lets wait for the investigation to finish so a little more paperwork can be shredded or money pocketed. Never mind the patronage appointments.
    Any way the Prime Minister got several millions worth of free advertising to tell us nothing new. He didn’t confess anything that we don’t already know. Did Paul say he was going to enact retroactive legislation so that people could go to jail for stealing from the government as long ago as they will at IRS if you lied on your taxes? I think they can only go back 2 years. So every day Gomery is in session makes things safer if you are a crook.
    Instead he used the national media to beg for time for his crooked firm and he must be getting senile for he seems to forget that a year ago he called an election well before the Gomery Inquiry finished and he seemed ok with it at the time. What’s the big deal does anyone think for one second that if Jack Layton or Steven Harper win the election that they will shut down the enquiry? There is only one party I can think of who would want a majority to do that. The same party that has dozens of police investigations ongoing into their activities and whose leader can’t spend the same 7 minutes in the House of Commons that he spent on TV.
    The MSM’s are already lining up to knock down the Tories so I’m not betting on the current numbers holding. Is there a better answer for the tyranny of Ontario subjecting us to these crooks other than for the west to separate? At least our healthcare would get better.

  27. Good letter, Candace! But really, would it hurt you to tell us how you truly feel? 🙂

  28. Audits will be futile. Look at the apparatus those connected with the Liberal Party have to shuffle/hide money all around the planet.
    The Liberals are saying “look at our audit” far too much. Red herring. The money’s all been laundered and/or stashed offshore. Count on it.

  29. Candace,

    Killer letter… think the she’ll read it?

    If the libs get back in power, ya got my vote for pres of Fed of AB… 😉

  30. LOL! Something tells me I won’t get a response… I will check the Journal tomorrow, though, they might have liked it 😉


  32. Actually, I’m hoping Anne takes my advice & gets a cushy appointment (watch for the announcement, right after the non-confidence motion). Isn’t there a Scandinavian country in need of an Ambassador???
    I just checked my email, and I didn’t even get an “auto response.” How tacky.

  33. Few comments: to jetson, re: “The key for the Conservatives is to get out the conservative vote…”, unfortunately its too late, Harper and Co have made a collosal strategic blunder during the convention, check out my post at: and;
    to mike in ontario, you’ll be welcome, but don’t wait for separation, check out my idea for a ‘free province project’ at

  34. I see the big reason for delaying the election is to allow enough time to let the Statutes of Limmitations run out for some of the crooks, the idea is to save as many of the rats from prosecution as they can, and though they have a good idea that they are toast, they will save as many of their own from the courts. However I sense a little cockiness in the postings, has anyone given thought as to why the goofs voted them in last time? They were on the take! why would the same goofs kill their Golden Goose this time if they didn/t do it last time? All but a small few will vote the Liberals again, Martin has bought huge constituencies as did Chretien, they have an “Army”, in the fields and ALL of Canada’s media, Radio and Television, and Newspapers, and only those Liberals that are not on the take will maybe change their vote, however look at not only the jobs that the Liberals have handed out to their freinds, but the ethnic minorities that the Liberal have catered to for years. Ten ridings alone in Toronto puportedly controlled by the Tami Tigers alone, will the goofs that voted Dusange in vote any other way? and I could go on. I agree only disgrunteld Conservatives will be the deciding power, because there will be no new votes for the Fuheror, however there will by little leaving their golden goose also, so get the vote out now more than ever. Remember Mclennan won by under eight hundred votes two elections in a row, in Edmonton, the Conservatives knew that they needed at least 750 more votes in the last election from the numbers in the previous one, but they couldn’t get the vote out, and I wrote them and gave them hell, we got the screamer back , and she should have been farmed out to call pigs which she could get an award for.
    Don’t get cocky friends, there are too many on the take, and money talks more than “country” for these goofs.
    canamsteve ww 2 vet

  35. Derek, re: your links on the CPC’s “Harper and Co have made a collosal strategic blunder during the convention”
    – the decision ‘would not support legislation on abortion’ means “would not propose new abortion legislation.” Which means leave things at ‘status quo’ or ‘unchanged.’ Your problem is??
    – “rejected reopening a debate on euthanasia or assisted suicide” means just that. Have the Libs proposed anything??? Nope, not to my knowledge…
    – “rejected gay marriage” – they proposed a compromise, a ‘civil union’ conferring the same rights but not referred to as “marriage” and your problem with that would be … what?
    – “the Kyoto accord on climate change” – did you actually read it? did you see what it would do to various Canadian economies? did you understand that the Liberal “Kyoto” plan means just paying big bucks to – oh, pick a country -to “buy” credits, meaning whoever buys the ‘credits’ continues polluting but takes ‘credit’ for the non-pollution happening at (whatever country they bought the credit from)? This “solves” the greenhouse and/or pollution issue HOW?
    – “pledged to restart talks on missile defence” First of all, how long do you think we can ride on the US coattails before we get burned? Secondly, how long after a majority Lib gov’t is returned do you think they’ll change their minds (see the point above)? Thirdly, DUH, we are already involved, deeply, in NORAD for good reason. How do you propose we remain in NORAD but NOT support this?

  36. canamsteve (if I read that right): “…Remember Mclennan won by under eight hundred votes two elections in a row…” I’m in her riding. TRUST ME, the CPC is out & about & raising interest in this. And I’ll be helping. If you live in her riding, and feel so inclined, email me. (No I didn’t ‘work’ the campaign last June – I will be this time.)

  37. Candace,
    I have several problems with this;
    Firstly and most importantly from Harper’s point of view, each and every one of those decision gratuitously alienates a large part of CPC natural constituency – the social conservatives. Gratuitously because the only people this wishy-washy BS might appeal to are rock-solid commited liberals who are unlikely to vote for CPC anyway. And in return the smorgasboard of policies – some for, some against traditional conservative stances, will do nothing to innoculate the CPC from media led charges of “hidden agenda”. THey will point to each instance of non-conservative policy, link it to a similar one where CPC retained tradition conservatism and charge “hiiden agenda” anyway.
    This was meant to as a response to jetsons point, and a correct one, that the CPC strategy in the next election should be “…to get out the conservative vote”. You cannot get it out, if you just have told 1/3 of that vote to go f.. itself, out of a belief that ‘they have no where else to go’; that vote will sit this one one (for example in the last election I even convinced my semi-liberal wife to vote CPC, I will not bother this time).
    What good they offer on Kyoto and opposition to Liberal assault on marriage and the civil social order, will not, should not, placate social conservatives (like me) because the CPC, essentially, ‘gave us the finger’ on opposing the culture of death.
    And if they hoped, such a mishmash of policies would placate the ultra-liberal Canadian MSM, they obviously haven’t wathed TV or read a Canadian newspaper since the ’60s.

  38. Derek, I think I argued this on another posting, so won’t do it again (correct me if I’m wrong).
    I’m not into hidden agendas, at all. But reality check. If we want to see a conservative gov’t we cannot go in swinging on “What good they offer on Kyoto and opposition to Liberal assault on marriage and the civil social order, will not, should not, placate social conservatives (like me) because the CPC, essentially, ‘gave us the finger’ on opposing the culture of death.”
    The barn door is open – wide open. You cannot shut it (well, you can try, but you will only save what is left – marriage, and that sounds dicey given the Charter of Rights; you could conceivably put some term limits on abortion; etc.). You cannot cannot cannot rewrite existing legislation and WIN.
    Compromise. That’s the only option left, barring separation. And at the risk of being blocked from this site, I for one would never ever have voted Reform. Ever. I can live with the CPC, quite comfortably. (see posting “This one will Piss Off the Left for sure!”)
    We are currently being governed by a gov’t so corrupt as to make the communists (left) in Russia blush with shame that capitalists beat them at their own game. To push for ‘hard-core’ conservative platforms would be futile, as that’s what got us a Lib minority last time around. Unless you’re a hard-core separatist (AB vs. PQ I mean).
    If you can’t live with that reality, I’m sorry. But what we want and what we can realistically have are not always the same thing. I’m not trying to be patronizing, I’m trying to state my opinion, so if I’m not doing a good job, my apologies.
