CBC Kills Audit Story

M.K. Braaten;

Last week, after my research (here and here) on the Liberals ‘Audits’ created a firestorm in the media and the House of Commons, I received an email from a CBC investigative journalist wanting to do a piece on the story. He was planning on investigating the conflict of interest regarding the Liberals and the accounting firms that had conducted the ‘audits’.
After several phone conversations with him, and after him telling me he had interviews scheduled with some prominent forensic accountants, he informed me that his bosses did not want to pursue the story. The reason was because ‘information that [I] dug up has already been reported.” It should be noted, however, that this journalist has exposed some past scandals within various levels of government and frankly, I am not questioning his integrity (which I respect) but what I am questioning is the integrity of his superiors reasoning for not reporting this story.
To his credit, this producer seemed genuinely interested in this story, and from what he told me, he had already done some extensive research on the topic. But, I think the explanation for failing to finish this story that I was given doesn�t make sense. For example, only two news organizations reported this topic (CanWest and Globe and Mail), but they only reported what was said in parliament. Not one news entity has used ‘investigative’ journalism to actually dig around for some information that would be news worthy � and there are a lot of newsworthy items in this topic.

17 Replies to “CBC Kills Audit Story”

  1. Much as I hate the CBC, it is pointed out that no one else is stepping into the breach.
    The Canadian MSM: lazy and onside with the Liberal Party of Canada.

  2. If people vote repeatedly for a one party state, then they should not be surprised when they get a one party state; accessories [after the fact] included. All the malfeasance of a typical Banana republic without the climatic compensations.

  3. Me thinks there may be heat from the Reichstag above via word from Chancellor PM Dithers. A lot of time has been devoted to paper shredding and book burning, and no time can be devoted to approving media releases that may be deflametory to za Fatherland… All media are therefore ordered to stand down from any political commentary that is not favourable to za ruling party.

  4. Lies, video tape, and Payola Martin.
    Goebbels would not be proud; Martini has achtung.

  5. How about some names? Who are these unnamed bosses? Leak the bosses names! If the CBC is receiving public money in any way, these names need to be made public. Accountability to the shareholders, as it were.

  6. It is useful to have SOME anger out there so as to disapate it. Just enough but not to much as to “cause a fire”

  7. Exactly as per my post on the Murdoch item about Freedom of the Press/Speech…
    Well I say bring it on…let the bloggers tell the story then.
    The Ministry of Information (Propaganda) has spoken..so be it…the more they attempt to suppress, the more evident it is that they have much to hide.
    CBC=Colluding (or Corrupt, take your pick) Broadcasting Corp.
    Man the telephone lines between the PMO and the media honchos must be on fire and the shredders are going to blow a fuse…

  8. CBC ‘investigative journalist’? Consider yourself lucky- any day now, the RCMP will break down your door, trash your house, and CONFISCATE your computer! (This could be worse- the RCMP could park a machinegun in your house, and wait for you to carry it out the front door).

  9. Just turned on the tube to settle in before bed and caught a bit of an interview with Paul Martin on CBC. The interviewer had a huge smile on her face asking sofball questions like “do you believe in god, do you pray”. Here we have a Prime Minister presiding over perhaps the greatest scandal in Canadian political history and rather than demand answers to some tough questions, she’s treating it as a campain photo op.
    Did she honestly think that the most burning answer Canadians want out of Martin right now is whether he prays?
    It’s almost as if CBC isn’t even trying to hide it.

  10. re: the call-in show – I was celebrating my mother’s birthday so couldn’t call in afterall (dammit), but managed to listen for about 45 minutes. It seemed about 60/40 pissed when I was listening, but so many moonbats were calling and then Layton showed up. He’s actually got a great radio voice and should seriously consider giving up politics & going for radio, he’d be so much more successful.
    Between him & the moonbats my blood pressure got to me (and I don’t even have high blood pressure) so I had to turn it off before ruining the family get-together (we were all getting crotchety, thank God Dad missed the show or he’d have had a stroke (moonbats) which REALLY would have put a damper on things).
    I’m just now going through Duffy’s Question Period interviews (I’m skipping Jack, really can’t take more of him today) and am totally p’oed at Duffy & Oliver. I throw harder balls when playing catch with my dog, and she’s a wimp.
    The good news is I’ve got my family even more up in arms at the Libs than normal (I showed them the scandal site, and there’s a new one that gives a timeline, http://www.tribil.com, that’s a great primer for someone just catching on, myself included. It’s an excellent diet tool, but read on an empty stomach or at least 2 hours after eating or bulimia may sneak into your life). Mom & Dad have renewed their CPC membership & are all over the nominee race (they’re in Kilgour’s stomping grounds), as will my sister. They all have lots of friends 😉
    Looking forward to a LibMPFreeZone WOOHOOO

  11. Jeff, the “journalist” has just been watching Bridget Jones and didn’t realize it was a comedy, not a documentary. Be happy she didn’t ask whether he’s had his picture taken with a wet shirt.

  12. Candace,

    Could tell you were choked when I heard your email being read on Warren… 😉

  13. Candace,

    Someone named Candace emailed Warren on the Weekend with the same info you sent me for the scandal site with respect to the Native issue.

    If it wasn’t you, sorry about that….

  14. Wow, so there are 2 pissed off Candaces in Canada? Normally, I’d say “what are the odds, it’s not that common a name.” Given the twilight zone we now seem to reside in, it’s probably not that surprising.
