Mr. Martin, Did You Have Relations With That Strong Man?

Stockwell Day has been asking the right questions.

In question period yesterday Stockwell Day, Official Opposition Foreign Affairs Critic, asked “Mr. Speaker, Maurice Strong, long time Liberal, long time mentor of the Prime Minister, long time business associate of the Prime Minister and companies such as Canada Steamship Lines and Cordex, has suddenly resigned his post at the United Nations. To date the government has refused to stand up and answer questions about the Iraqi oil for food scandal at the United Nations. Canadians are wondering why the Prime Minister will not just stand up in his place and state categorically that there has been no implication of Canadians or Canadian companies in the UN oil for food program. Where does this all end? Why will he not just stand up?”
Day has been asking questions related to any possible Canadian involvement in the Oil-for-food-scandal for several months, all with no response from the government.
“We want to presume innocence on these matters,” said Day. “However the government’s peculiar silence only leaves the questions hanging in the air”

And, in other Canadian related Oil-For-Food developments, Paul Volcker’s investigation is coming apart at the seams;

Last night, in the most explicit criticism so far directed at the report, Robert Parton, one of the senior investigators, told a lawyer involved with the Volcker inquiry that he thought the committee was “engaging in a de facto cover-up, acting with good intentions but steered by ideology”.
The lawyer, Adrian Gonzalez, told The Sunday Telegraph that he believed the committee, headed by Paul Volcker, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve, was determined to protect the secretary-general.
According to Mr Gonzalez, Mr Parton felt that the committee had effectively divided the body of evidence relating to the oil-for-food scandal into testimony that it did want to hear, and testimony that it did not.

H/t – Paul Tuns.
(More on Maurice Strong here, if the name is new to you.)

4 Replies to “Mr. Martin, Did You Have Relations With That Strong Man?”

  1. Is it Kofi they are protecting? Really? Or is it someone else? Could it be that with Kofi in place, certain Canadians, with good connections to a certain Canadian political party, are secure in their position?

  2. And is the connection between the money-laundering expert on the UN IIC to a certain Canadian political party totally a coincidence? I refer to the gentlemen from the OECD, an organization overseen by a Canadian who was once president of a Canadian political party.

  3. Al Gore And the Cult of GAIA
    Read the opening quote by Brock Chisholm, a dead Canadian medical doctor from Toronto. Dr. Brock Chisholm was the first director of the World Health Organization— The United Nations— think bird ‘flu, SARS phony epidemic & more.
    This is a fantasy? You decide.
    The GAIA BS is a mask/cover for Communist dogma as M. Strong knows. His co-conspirators include Paul Martin & Jack Layton. You decide.
