Carrie Hallums Cooper Interview

“There is more coverage about the Michael Jackson Trial than I’ll ever want to see and other trivial matters…. Things like that make the evening news, but nothing about my father, for example, who has been held hostage now for over 6 � months. I find this to be an
–Carrie Hallums Cooper

Go read her interview with Rust Shackleford.

6 Replies to “Carrie Hallums Cooper Interview”

  1. I don;t think I’d consider a celebrity getting away with child molestation because he’s a celebrity to be a trivial matter.
    At the same time, anybody who goes to the middle east, for whatever reason, should at least suspect being taken captive as a possibility – so not a lot of sympathy there.

  2. This is an absolute disgrace. This is why we have to do what we can to change the leftist main stream news media. The first thing we could all do is to stop tuning in to CNN, ABC, BBC, CBC, etc. We could also refuse to buy their newspapers or magazines. Just don’t support them. The Internet is a wonderful gift. Use it for all your news. It’s there for free. If you want news on any country in the world most of them have local newspapers, many of which are online. Get your information first hand. Get both sides of every major story and then make an informed decision. Just don’t let CNN or the New Your Times, et al, filter it for you. I mean, how hard is it to take a principled stand for God’s sake?

  3. But 49% of America for example has no interest in taking a principled stand. They’d rather just accept a position from the likes of michael moore.

  4. Jay: Then that’s what they’ll get. It’s been even worse in Canada. Seriously, I do think things are turning around in the world. I mean, a Democrat in England and a Republican in the US getting together to kill a bunch of the bad guys. That’s progress. In other words, 51% is enough.

  5. We Won’t Forget Part III…

    Why should this Marxist hag get al the pub? Because she is a leftist, of course, which proves our theory here at INFDL that the left is not opposed to slaughter. They are only opposed to the slaughter of leftists.

  6. “…not a lot of sympathy there…”
    That’s a bit callous. A large number of people have gone to Iraq to help (hopefully) rebuild, and it appears that he is one of them. A contractor, working on rebuilding, should not “expect” anything like this. That being said, you couldn’t pay me enough to go. When humanitarians are kidnapped and killed, obviously all bets are off. Note that Roy was already there when that happened, so couldn’t reference that in his decision.
    I’m torn between admiration for people willing to risk it and amazement at the power of the $ to attract them. Having no personal knowledge of motivations involved, I can only pray that a happy solution is found, and quickly, for him and his family.
