The Cult Of Minds Eye

I recieved an email yesterday in response to this post about $600,000 being shovelled into Minds Eye Pictures to ensure filming of a Tommy Douglas mini-series is done in Saskatchewan. I’ve recieved permission to share it.

I worked in “the media” in Regina… oh… over a decade ago now. There was this bizzare cult of not saying anything bad about Mind’s Eye ever – and it was essentially forbidden to perform an act of actual journalism and question the public money they were ciphoning from anywhere they could get.
There was this mantra that because they were local they were entitled to my tax money. WTF is that about??
It was ridiculous… especially since they’ve never produced anything you could sit down and watch without wanting to gouge your eyes out…if it ever got to production… they’d do these big-deal “shoots” and whomp around doing all the publicity… and we would go like sheep and cover it… and then they’d never get the film into actual production. Endless activity with no product. All my buddies in film think the point is to get the thing seen. By people. Not Mind’s eye!!
They should be burned to the ground.

2 Replies to “The Cult Of Minds Eye”

  1. Greg Weston Cnews says re: Goodale’s interview yesterday: “looks like he (Goodale) was force fed the back end of a dead prairie gopher”.
    A freeze-frame shot, please.

  2. Link from Nealenews:
    Libranos boost Chretien into the saddle as corruption paid for by you reaches depths/heights of perversion.
    With two (2) red-coated Mounties along for the bride, er ride, er bribe, the choker Chretien will receive award as Canada’s top Gay?Lessie booster at a ceremony (rite, ritual, Satanic) in Philadelphia, city of brotherly love/perversion.
    Take that, Canadians. Along with the SSM of Martin/Layton/Libranos/NDP. You are paying for it. Enjoy.
    Libranos: Beyond satire, beyond parody.
