All A-Buzz

Is this what we’ve come to? The Prime Minister of Canada skulking around in hotel rooms taking orders from union leaders?

And while on the topic of the NDP – Jack Layton is currently on John Gormley Live taking questions. The first two callers just ripped him a new one – especially the guy who pointed out that he was a hypocrite for accusing the Conservatives of “being in bed with the separatists”, when he is so eager to crawl into the arms of the corrupt.
There will be NDP party workers frantically pushing the redial buttons right now, trying to undo the damage.
Third caller just kneecapped him. “You’re going down hard.”
“We’re not in bed with a corrupt government.. we’re against the Liberals… we want the liberals to put the dirty money in an account…. ”
A supporter snuck in to push the “the conservatives will cause the breakup of the country” meme… Jack is relieved. He’s pushing the notion of “just trying to get the budget done” canard, and not mentioning that he’s already suggested the NDP will vote against all the non-confidence motions.
The suggestion that the NDP are too broke to run an election campaign right now may have merit.
Craig – “I know you got your way with the new programs, but now that Martin is going ahead with the tax cuts anyway, are you going to support that?”
“Well we’ll see what he’s got… he doesn’t want to commit on that. Wanders back to the student tuition, pension protection, environment…blah blah blah…. ”
and then he was gone… had a person come to the door, so missed the followup callers.
And the show continues with Peter MacKay, also by phone from the Maritimes.
They’re talking about “FlapJack Layton”, who “voted against the budget a few weeks ago”. He’s doing a good job our explaining the scope of the scandal. First caller is supportive.
Glen asks: “Why Canadians should trust Conservative party?” Brings up David Orchard..
Get an explanation of the events, etc. of the merger. He assures the next caller that Gomery will go ahead whether there’s an election or not. Reminds him of the previous Liberal pattern of shutting down inquiries.
Gormley brings up the “getting into bed with sovereignists”. Rightfully points out that the Liberals attempts to buy Quebecers with their own money is the impetus for increase in separation.
Liberals who brought Jean LaPierre[sp?] into the fold – former founder of the Bloc. Liberals have voted with the Bloc far more often than the Conservatives have.
MacKay wraps up with election style stuff. Cadman is on tomorrow. That should be interesting.

19 Replies to “All A-Buzz”

  1. We’ve got to change this negative spin. How can the left get away claiming federalism for themselves? It’s exactly that kind of arrogance that drives Quebecois away. The more they complain about the CPC/Bloc teamwork, the more they increase resentment from Quebec (but blame it on us).
    The CPC/Bloc recognize that the left are not good for Quebec or any part of Canada.
    Good riddance to the left. I can’t wait for the election!

  2. I think that a key emphasis in the campaign has to be Martin (and Layton’s) agenda of rejecting the rights of free thought in Canada. Effectively, they are rejecting the right to dissent.
    Martin claims that if you do not agree with, for example, SSMA, then, you are ‘not a Canadian’. Or, you have ‘no values’. Any and all of his agenda is marketed the same way: no private health care, etc, etc…are all set up that if you don’t agree with the Liberal policy, then, you are ‘not a Canadian’.
    I think that the CPC has to jump on this, and state that Martin’s Gulag State, where you MUST all think like the Liberals OR ELSE you are not a Canadian is negating a fundamental right of freedom. The freedom to dissent.
    The people who agree and disagree with any issue – SSM, BMD, health care…are ALL Canadians, and Martin’s insistence that only those who agree with him ‘have values’ and ‘are Canadian’ is insulting. And denies this basic right to dissent to Canadians.
    I think that Harper etc..have to jump on this.

  3. I have to agree wit ET. When Martin did this last year it made more sympathetic to seperatists than I’ve ever been before.

  4. I want to add, I hope the Libs are proud that made a once very proud Canadian into that.

  5. ” The Message of Western Civilization:
    ” the heart and soul of the unending human adventure: freedom of enquiry, freedom of controversy, freedom of criticism, and the vote.”
    Raymond Aron (1905-1983).
    Freedom of thought; freedom of dissent, & etc.
    Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote….
    Long live freedom and democracy.

  6. This IS the arrogance of the Liberals. As far as they are concerned they ARE Canada. IF you disagree with ANYTHING they do it is “Un-Canadian”
    They wave the flag over every low down thing they have done and where does it get US?
    A disgrace of a military. At least one dead naval officer and others who may also be dead because of poor equipment and lack of proper training.
    To hear them tell it they are the saviours of everything that IS Canadian and don’t even bother to excuse their methods. Means to an end.
    It is ok to steal as long as we steal for a good cause, which is that we stay in power over you and use YOUR money to keep you enslaved.
    They would also like to tell us how and when to work. How and when to travel. How much it is going to cost us to have a car, a home and dare to travel the highways and by-ways that should be in good repair but are not because they stold all the damn money for their own perpetuation of control over us.
    We better get this one right or we will not be worthy of the word Democracy and might as well call for US troops to save our sorry hides.

  7. I am going to be very interested in hearing about Cadman’s appearance. On the weekend he said he was told by his constituents that they wanted the government voted down. NOW he is saying his constitutents are telling him to wait for Gomery.
    Good God! Wait for Gomery to do what? Gomery is doing HIS job. This one is ours, folks. OUR turn to point the purple finger of fate right in Martin’s and Jack Layton’s nose. Not to mention Buzz’s , Chretiens and all the others who think their agendas are our agendas and are far better equipped to speak for us than ourselves.
    I am so sick and tired of the phrase “the Canadian people” .
    Just like John Kerry who also thought he knew what the American people wanted and found out VERY differently.
    Backroom deals with the Buzz Hargrove’s of this world is not what democracy is or meant to be.
    Now it is our turn to show the Liberals they don’t have a mandate to rule from corruption and enslave us with our own hard earned dollar while they whine that voting them out will kill health care, day-care. Initiatives for the Atlantic Provinces. Initiatives for the homeless , for anything they can think of that will hit a nerve with ANYONE who could possibly put a finger in the dike of the flood of outrage and fuming anger that is coming their way.
    If they ever intended to actually do these things rather than accumulate huge surpluses and pay off their friends they would have done it a long damn time ago. Making the case now falls hollow and no amount of media spin changes THAT.
    What will waiting get us: It will cost us a whole lot more in trying to pin down these miscreants before they make off with the MINT. ( Don’t forget where Dingwall is) Give Chretien time to have Gomery removed and hold up that proceeding as long as possible.
    It is IN the works to shut him up. Justice Gomery wanted his lawyer at the federal hearing in the case for his removal and Chretien’s lawyers are fighting THAT. ON OUR DIME!!
    Enough dithering. Time to kick ass.

  8. First, SSM with Pauly & Jackie; now it’s a trois-a-menage with Pauly, Jackie, and Buzzy. Knew polygamy would be next: the slippery slope fallacy works in this instance.
    Cue:”Heart aches, heart aches….”
    Now, we return to the fallacious saga of :
    National Socialism.

  9. I don’t think I could have said it any clearer or with more indignant rage, without degrading into apoplectic profanity Snowbunnie. The damn thieves have caused that to happen often enough. I am new to the blogosphere, and I always supected I was taking the high hard one from the gov in this cuntry. But I really had no idea there were so many angles to the taxation sodomy I am still receiving. The more I read about this the more I am certain the only way to get them to smarten up and throw straight dice, is with multiple jail times and multiple assasinations. I am not saying I am the one to do it, nor am I counciling the more unstable among us to go out and do this, what I am saying is that I don’t think we can stop it easily. The corruption just goes on and on and on, good lord where can it end, well I know that I won’t be held back from doing all that is legal or just, to correct the errors of our country.

  10. Re: Daryl’s comment.
    The blogs/bloggers/commenters now are a force to be reckoned with (cliche, but true; factual; the evidence is empirical, as required by science).
    The Swift Vets blogging & etc. proved this in the US elction last November. (To cite one instance)
    Blog on. Hurry, please. More, please.
