Lorne Calvert Pardons Devine Government

In a statement Thursday, Saskatchewan NDP premier Lorne Calvert acknowledged that the criminal prosecution of former members of the government of Grant Devine was politically motivated. He said his government is going to issue a full pardon, and an apology to the members of the now defunct Progressive Conservative party who were prosecuted, some of whom served jail time.
(The massive scandal of the 1990’s centered on abuse of members communications allowances and involved thousands of dollars – the misappropriation of funds included such outrages as the purchase of computer software and speakers podiums for constituency offices.)

“It was never about the money they stole,” Calvert acknowledged. “We really don’t have any problems at all with corruption in government. None at all, actually. It’s just the cost of doing business, as far as the New Democratic Party is concerned.”
Calvert added, “it’s about what’s good for the party. In our case, it was good for the NDP to prosecute the Progressive Conservatives, good for our political fortunes in the province. As the years have passed, we’ve turned that old dead horse into a political drum skin.”
“Bottom line – corruption and misuse of public funds isn’t really an issue with our government. A hundred thousand, a hundred million – the figures really don’t mean much. What matters is the optics and how the corruption can be leveraged to the advantage of the party. In the case of the Martin Liberals, we may be able to wrangle a better deal on equalization, so obviously, we’ve given our full support to Jack Layton’s deal to prop up the Martin government.”

24 Replies to “Lorne Calvert Pardons Devine Government”

  1. Stupid me, I thought the recent Liberal-NDP same sex marriage was, viewed from a Liberal perspective, about keeping Paul and the Liberals in power. Thanks to Kate, I now see that deep thinkers in the Liberal Party were actually covering all bases and angling for possible future pardons.

  2. Lorne Calvert has come out in support of the Layton-Martin deal because he thinks it will send more $$ to Saskatchewan. I haven’t found the story yet on the net, but it’s the “inspiration” for the post about the stomach turning hypocrisy of the provincial NDP.

  3. Is this for real???? If it is I guess that confirms to all of us that it doesn”t matter about corruption. Just be smart enough to not get caught!I need ANOTHER drink!

  4. It’ s real… The Reverend is usurping the role of G-d: Absolve. Go and sin no more. Pardon me?
    Isn’t National Socialism Devine?

  5. Well, I guess this would be a step away from the hypocrisy that currently exists. After all, with so many crowns to staff, does anyone really think that the NDP is above what happened with the Devine PC’s or the Liberals now?

  6. So Saskachabushi NDP premier Lorne Calvert “has no problems with corruption in government”, huh?
    That’s a blessed relief- I thought all the flakes, dimwits and sleazebags were in Ottawa.

  7. Too bad that didn’t make the newscasts. I guess I was wrong about a change in coverage.
    If I could get a link from wherever Snaggletooth said this, it would be greatly appreciated.

  8. The post comes across leaving the reader wondering whether or not this is meant in sarcasm. Obviously, from the comments above, people have a problem discerning that. I would think then that this could also leave room in the minds of others whether or not this is libelous or not.

  9. This is the same NDP who have stood up in the provincial legislature and admitted to lying about the nature of a multi-million dollar scam called “Spudco”.
    It is not possible to libel them. Calvert has put his paper thin ethical standards and his hypocrisy on full display, and deserves to be slammed for it.

  10. He didn’t say the quote you wrote in your blog. You didn’t attribute the quote as being a piece of fiction.

  11. Don’t sweat it folks. The gist of the posted text is the reflection of concern by Kate and others like me who see that the political parties are diminishing the extent and context of the Adscam scandal. One really does get the impression, to paraphrase Chretien, that “Hey, what’s a few hundred million dollars to save confederation.” Insert puke here…

  12. Oh right… “Disclaimer: Hey Stupid. This is Satire.”.
    Most readers are bright enough to discern between over the top satire and direct quotes for themselves, if not on first reading, then by doing a little work.
    And while there may be a few who are so new to the whole notion of satire that they don’t “get” it, I can’t help that. Perhaps they should listen to more CBC radio “comedy”. Or maybe that’s the problem – it’s only satire when it’s anti-American or anti-Conservative?

  13. All I was doing was pointing out that a good number of the commenters thought you were posting a real quote. But then again, per your last comment, maybe a good number of readers of your blog aren’t that bright.

  14. Well, about 2,300 visitors today and only a couple of confused commentors…. I’m sure they’ll be happier watching “22 minutes”.

  15. Jon Stewart HAS an ugly anti-American streak. I think he may be coming around tho, he’s seen at least a bit of the light.

  16. It is reaall.
    See “My Vision” by W. Aberhart, 1926, Braille published 1899.
    Sorry, “My Bison”, Buffalo Bull Cody, aka Running Bear, Running Bare, & Running.
    Preface by Tummy Dooglas, aka Yer Health is my/our Business. Ist Ed., courtesy of the White Dead Men’s Society.
    ISBN # 22221111&8
    It was foreseen by the above foreseeners; keep your eyes on Calvert they warned (The Rev. L.)

  17. I’m just glad Dad moved away from there before I was born, to bad for all of you though to have nothing to vote for than the sask party or the goofy party. It’s why I just don’t talk politics with some of my relatives. By supporting the fed NDP Culvert _IS_ supporting the Graft that happened in his own province during the watch he took over from. Is he saying also, “hell yeah, I’d do that too given a half second of an oppourtunity, after all I desrve it for having to kiss all those ugly babies that got me elected.” If so you folks in Saskabush should keep monitoring the pressure you feel on your ringpieces.
