Waiting For Nothing

A great post at Gin and Tonic that peels away the layers of misrepresentation by Paul Martin about the powers of Justice Gomery – that ” Only he can cut through the partisan politics. Only he can tell us what happened and who was responsible.”
Well, it turns out that he can’t. He’s not actually permitted to do that under his terms of reference. Go read the whole thing, and then raise some hell with your national news broadcaster of choice. Ask them why they haven’t called Martin out on this?
h/t Strongworld.
BTW – does anyone have an email for Robert Fife?

12 Replies to “Waiting For Nothing”

  1. Cnews
    Chretien, aka Plaque man, says he is sorry, takes responsibility for the crimes, bribery, theft, fraud, extortion, abuse of Canadians, & etc., etc. etc.. . Choker Man, Mace Spray Man, he of the Libranos, buddy of Alfonso, Corriveau, Desmarais, Martin, et al, is proud of his Plaque.
    Despicable. PM of Corruption Inc. Is there a prison in his future?

  2. Paul Martin was Chretien’s Finance Minister; Chretien’s Number 2 man.
    Paul Martin : resign. Now.
    Resign Now.
    Does Canada have a “crisis”?
    Martin: resign. Now.

  3. Good work Kate. Given that the press is now running with the conservative “hidden agenda” story – you know, the one that we can’t see, have no evidence of or otherwise can’t verify but believe it’s there because Martin tells us so – I doubt the media will be covering anything like this.
    God I hope the readership of posts like this skyrocket before the election. Otherwise I fear it will be more of the same as last election with the Media essentially parroting Martin’s talking points.

  4. This is a setup.
    If you want to see what’s coming, just have a look at the CBS / Rathergate ‘investigation’ by Dick Thornburgh.
    Build up some ‘outsider’ as the person who is going to get to the bottom of something… make everyone think that the guy is going to nail everyone to the walll…
    And then pfffft… the guy comes forward and issues a report that says even though things kind of stink a bit, he doesn’t have enough evidence to say that there was really something sinister going on.
    And then the ring leaders come out and tell the world that they have been cleared and vindicated by the big respected investigator.
    Anyone who doesn’t see this coming from Gomery is blind.
    He’ll string up some little people like Brault and maybe Guite… but the big boys will walk with a smile.

  5. Kate,
    Thanks for the reference to Gin and Tonic. It’s an excellent article, which I will email to such MSM commentators as I can find addresses for.
    I agree with you but not becausee I expect a whitewash from Gomery but because his mandate is limited. The essence of his mandate is contained in paragraphs a b and k of the terms of Reference.
    a. to investigate and report on questions raised, directly or indirectly, by Chapters 3 and 4 of the November 2003 Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons with regard to the sponsorship program and advertising activities of the Government of Canada, including (Various sources of information)

    b. to make any recommendations that he considers advisable, based on the factual findings made under paragraph (a), to prevent mismanagement of sponsorship programs or advertising activities in the future
    k. the Commissioner be directed to perform his duties without expressing any conclusion or recommendation regarding the civil or criminal liability of any person or organization and to ensure that the conduct of the inquiry does not jeopardize any ongoing criminal investigation or criminal proceedings;
    Telling people to wait for Gomery is a con game.
    The Commissioner cannot tell us what we must do to remove the stench of corruption from Ottawa.
    We must figure that out for ourselves.
    Here’s a hint. THROW THE CROOKS OUT!!!!!

  6. If Canada chooses to return to business as usual in Ottawa, that unaccountable centralized power, corruption, fraud, patronage, cronyism and theft of the taxpayers money are all to be accepted and condoned, then the main stream media in this country will have undeniably played a major role in allowing it to happen. Virtually every story on this subject in either the print or broadcast media would be better classified as op/ed content because of the extent of the spin. The lack of objectivity is palpable. Shame on all of them for their lack of ethics, decency, integrity and most of all for their abrogation of their responsibility to be objective.

  7. I think the CPC campaign should embrase the “secret Agenda” line and then backfire into the Liberals weak spot.
    “Yes, its true, we have a secret agenda . . we will deliver honest government to Canadians, we will let Parliament review Federal appointments, we will open the books for Sheila Fraser to report on the Crown Corps – the ones currently stuffed to the rafters with Liberal Party bagmen, party hacks and ex-advertising company executives. While we are at it, our secret agenda will require that Sheila Fraser AUDIT – not review one bank account – of the off-book Federal Foundations that have received $10 billion in taxpayers money.
    Oue secret agenda will also find out why the World Health Organization data says our Health Care system is the second most expensive per capita – and that is before the $40Billion “Fix for a generation” while it is the 35th most effective Health Care System on a per capita basis. Maybe there are a lot of unnecessary “Advertising costs” they have included
    ect etc

  8. i hate to say it.
    The only way to really get to the mucky bottom of the slitherals “We Own Canada” indoctrinated nazi system is to vote them out. Now their tentacles are extending into the early teens with suggestions of lowering the voting age to 16, and 10 yrs from now–12? social engineering at its ugly finest.

  9. Now what?

    OK, wow. Friday’s post seemed to set off quite a firestorm. It would appear that Judge Gomery’s terms of reference, and his inability to lay blame were not well known. But why not? It didn’t take me long to find this information. I did a simple Google …
