Guite Testimony

First transcripts are up at CQ.. (The link includes all the Captain’s Quarters Adscam postings, so a good one to bookmark).
CBC is now up with a little, though no mention of Martin….

Captain’s Quarters will be releasing details of Chuck Guite’s testimony shortly.

Thanks to a new source, I have received an extensive amount of the testimony given by Chuck Guit� last Thursday and Friday under the publication ban. This testimony will take me hours to review for content, so please bear with me. I will start posting excerpts and analyses of what I’ve read tonight, when I have some time to properly review the material. Keep checking back here for updates.

I knew there was a new source in the works, but was unsure of how things were working out. Local radio has just announced that Gomery may lift the publication ban, but with so much information pent up, Ed’s exerpts will be invaluable – they may also include information we won’t be “allowed” to hear in Canada.

A Quebec judge who is overseeing Chuck Guite’s criminal trial has ordered a publication ban on Guite’s testimony at the sponsorship inquiry, just minutes before the tesimony was to be revealed.
Justice John Gomery decided Wednesday that a ban on most of�Guite’s testimony could be be made public at 3:30 p.m. ET.
But Justice James Brunton of Quebec Superior Court beat the deadline by ordering a temporary ban on the testimony. He said he wanted to wait until he rules on a motion by Guite’s lawyers to have the testimony kept secret until after Guite’s criminal trial.
Brunton said “the Earth won’t stop turning if I take a llittle time to decide.”

Neither will the blogosphere.

7 Replies to “Guite Testimony”

  1. The perfect storm part II. The word will leak out that the testimony has been posted so Canadians will have to seek the information out themselves…unfiltered.
    It adds to the excitement and buzz that they have to sneak around to find it as well.
    Inching closer and closer to Canadians waking up!

  2. I think we may be seeing the start, here in what Mark Steyn refers to as the “Diseased Dominion”, of the same phenomenon that has seriously weakend the grip of the so-called “mainstream media” on the gathering and dissemination of information south of the border – the blogosphere. If the CBC is going to continue to abuse its mandate by weighting, sleighting, selecting and spinning information, it is now apt to find itself slowly but inexorably pecked to pieces by the pyjamahadeen of the blogs. Collectively, bloggers have more specialized expertise, greater research capacity and a notably more efficient mechanism for error correction than conventional media. Bloggers may not have a massive influence on the upcoming election, but, if not, this will be the last election in which they don’t.

  3. The bloggers aready have had a massive influence on the election because the MSM, the politicians and the spinners in the Lib/ND social engineering dept. know that we are watching them and commenting on their behavior. Information is the most valuable weapon a person can have and the blogs are constantly posting links to information. Thanks to bloggers the left wing wackos are not passing out as many blatent lies as they used to – someone is going to call them and ask them about proof – something a lie cannot have!! I am laughing myself sick watching some of the old bolshovic ‘has beens’ wobbling their heads of their old turky necks – still hoping the people will swallow the baffle gab and keep them (MSM) and their political master’s in buisness. We can catch them and report on them on the internet for the whole world to see! Everyone will be laughing at their polls, their doom and gloom predictions(If their masters fail), and their so well thought out spins and impressions and ‘feelings’ (these people do not have opinions). Even if the majority of Ont. is stupider than I give them credit for being, we still have the clairity clause (written by Stephen Harper)an the option for Western Separation if the East refuses to get rid of the crooks. We can get rid of the crooks and their supporters – don’t worry Conservative minded Easterners there will be lots of room out west for you because a herd of Lib/Nds will be heading East. It is a win-win situation.
