Paul Martin And Adscam: Gathering Up Threads

With the publication ban finally lifted on testimony by chief Adscam mechanic, Chuck Guite before the Gomery Inquiry, the first direct connections have been drawn to both former PM Jean Chretien and current PM Paul Martin (then Canada’s Finance Minister.

CG: Because I met with Mr. Gagliano. �
ROY: What exactly did you tell him and what did you get by way of an answer?
CG: I told him what was happening, and I wanted assurance that the volume of business that V&B had from the government would be maintained. We probably talked about it and so forth, and he said �I will look after that.� So I don�t — if he spoke to Mr. Manley — I think he was at Tourism then —
ROY: He was responsible for Tourism Canada —
CG: — and the Bank —
ROY: — as Minister of Industry.
CG: And I think Mr. Martin was at the Bank at that time.
ROY: In 2000?
CG: Yes, I would think so.
ROY: He was Minister of Finance?
CG: Minister of Finance.
ROY: Yes.
CG: And I got a call from Pierre Tremblay about a week later.
ROY: Saying what?
CG: Saying that �It will be done.�
ROY: What will be done?
CG: The interfe — I don�t want to use that word — the Minister had spoken to both ministers and the volume of business would be maintained

Much, much more at Andrew Coyne. I’ve linked to the main page, as he has multiple posts – one which points out that the government owned CBC is not mentioning the Martin “smoking gun”. Most curious – unless one is aware of the tight group of Liberal patronage appointees on the corporation’s board.
This isn’t the first time Martin has been accused of interfering in advertising contracts in favour of Martin-friendly firms, though the Earnscliffe case falls outside the limited terms of reference for the Gomery Inquiry.
For his part, Paul Martin’s office has issued a blanket denial – and off to Holland he goes, in a reversal of an earlier decision not to attend VE Day ceremonies.
In a final twist, the company mentioned in the Guite testimony – Vickers and Benson – has tangled ties to the Canadian owned Power Corporation of BNP Paribas, Oil-For-Food, Maurice Strong, Paul Vocker, Jean Cretien, Paul Martin connections.

It is clear however that Vickers & Benson contributed $93,852.44 from 1993 to 2003 to the Liberal Party, including a whopping $13,933.40 in 2000, the year of the sale. John Hayter, the chairman and CEO, donated $1000 in 2000 as well.

13 Replies to “Paul Martin And Adscam: Gathering Up Threads”

  1. Nealenews:
    “Madame Chretien’s watches”: timex, perhaps? Bought at the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Stores by you , the taxpayers of Canada.
    Who said, Let them eat cake? No, she did not say that. Poor Marie-Antoinette.
    Mt. timeout Martin is off to Holland; flip-flop Martin previously said he was not— fundamentally, not, let me make it clear… not… going. Disgusting.
    Martin, resign, resign. Now.

  2. I just got my first Conservative poll tonight.The polling firm is asking whether Harper ought to go ahead and table a non confidence motion, or not, and 4 followup questions centered on the impending campaign themes:taxes(too high)gov’t,too big and corrupt,no change to marriage laws,toguher sentences for criminals,immmigration reformed to select the skiled, and deport those with criminal backgrounds.
    I appreciate his emphasis on taxes.It’s time for Conservatives to wear the mantle of growth.

  3. Hey something happened today thats not gettin much mention. Old Kinsella himself got sued by Earnscliffe. Looks like he is on the recieving end for a change. Hardy har har.

  4. Keep up the fight, one hopes that the battle royale on the other side continues. I think the Cretins will let the martini’s sink during an election. They would rather see a conservative majority so they can flush the party of the martini’s.
    Which side will win? Both sides play politics as a blood sport, ahh reminds me of my tiny tory days in the 80’s….sigh

  5. I read Kinsella’s site today – in all of his chatter he didnt’ once mention the existance of that memo he wrote on behalf of David Dingwall to put Chuck Guite in charge of the advertising procurement at Public Works.
    Funny, that.

  6. Forget about Kinsella, he is a loser and I have the proof so he won’t sue me.
    Ted White(Reform) – 26,404 votes
    Warren Kinsella(Liberal) – 18,348 votes
    Martin Stuible(NDP) – 5,041 votes
    Dennis Prouse(PC) – 2,698 votes
    Peggy Stortz(Green) – 1,006 votes
    Dallas Collis(Independent) – 585 votes
    Wayne Mulherin(Canadian Action) – 221 votes
    Ken Chawkin(Natural Law) – 165 votes

  7. The dude that’s suing Kinsela says that Dithers did nothing wrong and that he’s a man of integrity

    …… Gag!…puke… cough…cough…. Were’s Jay’s nitro!…. I need nitro dammit!

  8. Watches? Shouldn’t she be thinking of something with a little more heft, like say, a mantle clock? Something with enough stopping power to knock down those crazed burglars when they get past Canada’s Finest.

  9. Come on Candace…. get with the program, your from Alberta, your nothin but a backwards troublemakin hillbilly redneck……wait a minute…I live in AB as well… I guess I’m one too…….. COOL!!!

    I’ll take that over the watch anyday .. 😉

  10. Do you folks get Penn & Teller’s Bullshit show up there? Maybe you could get them to do a show on the Canadian govt.

  11. I’m terribly afraid that Adscam is to Paul Martin as Iraq is to Tony Blair. Enough to hurt him in the polls but still leave him in power when the alternative is viewed in the cool light of day

  12. Payola Martin & Handy Manley tied directly to Adscam by Guite. Libranos: Guilty of fraud/theft of tax money/ breaching the “Public Trust/ Corruption in high places/ & etc.
    Down with the Libranos! They are suing themselves to extinction: Political suicide. Adios, Libranos. On their death-bed. Soon they will be an extinct species: skeletons in Canada’s dustbin of history. Good riddance.
    Put the Libranos out of their misery; Vote Conservative.
    Up with Honest Stephen Harper.
    Long live freedom and democracy.
