Sask Wheat Pool Tip

Someone in my comments section has left a tip that more bad news is on the way for the SWP tomorrow, via the Western Producer. I’ve no way to verify this, but consider it a heads up.

2 Replies to “Sask Wheat Pool Tip”

  1. After reading Western Producer this a.m.,it looks like good news,(please dont sue me if you sold your shares based on my earlier post).
    President Mayo Schmidt denies any knowledge which may or not be true and expects no fall out from the oil for food scandal.
    The corruption, if there is any, is further up food chain says Mayo and wont touch him or swp.
    Further up the food chain to me, might mean the Canadian Wheat Board.Looks like we will have to wait on the forensic acountants.
    The auditor general,a couple of years ago,conducted an audit of c.w.b. and they were squeaky clean.Thats a good thing.
