Bananada: Not Just Another Catchy Slogan

By way of a commentor and Damian Penny at the Shotgun, CTV News is confirming that the Paul Martin Liberal Party will shortly announce that the Twelve Year Program begun under Jean Chretien to transform Canada into a full fledged Banana Repubic is nearing completion;

The Conservatives won a battle Thursday in their effort to force a non- confidence vote against the Liberal minority government, but it appears they could yet lose the war.
Minutes after the Tories won the right to proceed with an amendment later this month calling on the government to resign, the Liberals said they will simply ignore the call.
By tradition, the government must step down if it loses a vote on a money bill, such as the federal budget, but it’s not clear if the Tory amendment falls under that category.
The Speaker of the House of Commons ruled Thursday that the amendment, to a finance committee bill, was in order. That appeared to clear the way for a vote on the matter in about two weeks.
The Tories hold that if they win the vote, it requires the government to resign and call an election.
Not so fast, said government House leader Tony Valeri. He said the Liberals will refuse to recognize the amendment as a confidence motion and keep governing.

I speculated that the reason the Liberals have methodically eroded the Canadian Armed Forces, was to prevent the last hope of Canadians to remove them from power by military coup.
And people thought I was joking.

63 Replies to “Bananada: Not Just Another Catchy Slogan”

  1. Just read this myself. Incredulous I am! As the old saying goes, “them’s fightn’ words”. If the Libranos pull that stunt, I wouldn’t be surprised if it comes to blows or worse.

  2. One of the reasons this country became what it is was because of the militia forces of 1812-14, armed private citizens kept the Yankees at bay. In addition to the Liberal eviseration of the Canadian Armed Forces the gun control act ensures that the Canadian public will never be able to defend themselves against a corrupt government. The Liberals learned this lesson from Hitler and Stalin, and Volpe calls the opposition “racists”. Pardon me … but I must be stupid. Or Canadian… eh!!!

  3. I can hardly wait to hear the media apologists try to spin this one in the Liberal’s favor:
    “Well Lloyd, many experts agree that democracy as a form of government isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. For instance, even though the Soviet Union disintegrated, their form of government was widely regarded as the most successful. One party rule, if done right, is sometimes best for the people. We’ve been interviewing people on the street, and most would prefer a Liberal dictatorship to the Conservatives ‘hidden agenda’. Most (Liberal funded) polls are backing this up. Back to you Lloyd.”

  4. I’d love to come up with something witty, but I can’t. WTF have we come to?

  5. Add Global/CanWest – True or false: Paul Martin gifted the Aspers $100 million of your money so they can build a museum in Winnipeg in honour of Daddy – Izzy Asper.
    Hush Money????

  6. Candace you are not alone. The frustration at watching those crooks ruin our country is unbelievable, but whats even worse is to hear people say ” Well they are all alike.” I have to believe that Stephen Harper is an honest man and wouldnt pull this political bullshit that Martin seems to think is whats expected of a poitician.
    When are the people of Ontario ever gonna wake up to reality??

  7. OTOH, the erosion of the CF makes removal by citizen’s revolution more practical.

  8. On 20 April, 1653, Oliver Cromwell, at the head of a troop of soldiers, with swords drawn, entered Parliament to confront the “Rump Parliament”.
    Cromwell forced the dissolution of the “Rump Parliament”. Cromwell addressed the “Rump Parliament with these words:
    “You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go.”
    Martin: Resign. Go now.
    Long live freedom and democracy.

  9. A few days ago I put a post on my own dark little corner of the blogosphere that probably appeared to be a truly tinfoilhatesque rant about why the Libranos are really, tryly afraid to lose power. I speculated that it is because they know that were another govt to expose everything there is to expose, it would be the end of their party and probably jail time for some of them. We still don’t know how the gun registry went from 2M to 2B and counting. And then there was the HRDC thing. And God knows what else. Oh yes, and the “surplus”, the size of which we can only speculate on. And the RCMP that has been acting like an enforement arm of the Libranos. And oil for food. And Chr�tien all chummy chum with the ChiCons. If they get to the point where they simply refuse to accept recognized parliamentary precedent and procedure, then I think it is safe to say that I was right. It isn’t that they don’t want to lose. It is that they are afraid to lose. Maurice Strong is on the lamb, PowerCorp is highly suspect and the U.N. is completely discredited. It must seem to Martin and his acolytes like the end times are upon them. What the heck does democracy count for when your universe is imploding? It may be the end of Trudeaupia. Let’s hope so.

  10. Well, as I sit here quietly contemplating the situation, I only got one thing to say to the Libranos…… LETS GET IT ON!!!

    Guess we may have to do the same thing for our grand children….damn power hungry psychos piss me off…..

  11. Now, now. Grace under pressure and all that. What is happening here is probably less revolutionary than it might appear. The Liberals are going to resign – they just want it to be on a budget vote, so they can tell voters across the country “you would be getting lots of goodies were it not for those nasty, Bloc-loving Conservatives.” They don’t want to resign on a pure non-confidence motion – harder to spin that to their advantage.

  12. Well how much funding and troop size does JTF2 have? Oh, wait, thats secret, and they are stationed in Ottawa? Convenient. Ok, the tinfoil hats are going back on, they really are reading our minds. The super funded, well equiped, expertly trained, Liberal fed special task force could keep the regular army (and us) at bay for quite a while. This is getting serious. Have the cops use the gun registry to disarm the public then declare martial law… well thats pushing it a little but i wouldn’t be surprised if there is a contingency plan or two up the Liberanos sleaves.

  13. The Seinfeldians were right, there is a “Bizzaro World”. From reading the articles and comments for the “Bananada: Not Just Another Catchy Slogan” post, I just found out that thanks to the Libranos I’m in it (Bizzaro World). Canada is truly in the Parliament soup now and soon the “soup Nazi” (Martin) will be uttering to us “no Parliament for you”.

  14. I hate to point out the obvious, but dictators that cling to power against the will of their people, need strong militaries not weak ones. The soviet union was a superpower. Saddam had the 4th largest army in the world going into the gulf war. China ranks number 1. Vietnam was number 3. North Korea has a smaller population than Canada and over 1 million in their army. Castro’s Cuba, the list goes on.
    Having a weak military will make holding power in this climate absolutely impossible.

  15. Question for Patrick Brown: Who is doing the revolting? Put another way: Who is revolting?
    The Libranos are revolting, for sure, for sure.

  16. “What is happening here is probably less revolutionary than it might appear. “

    The future has yet to be determined but the path to removing dictators has remained the same throughout history. The difference here is we are close to the transition, so the ultimate direction of our destiny is only a moment away. PM Dithers circumvention of democracy will be the first shot fired.

  17. In the US the reason the 2nd amendment (constitutional right to bear arms) is number 2 is because our Founding Fathers knew that arms were required to protect the other amendments.
    In the NRA culture down here (I’m a member), it is widely understood that gun grabbing is one of the first occupations of a government with designs on control. No matter how civilized a face one puts on it, ambitions are less bold when it is known that the people have the capacity to strike out if sufficiently provoked.

  18. The Government is on shakey ground if they really try to ignore this. The precident has already been set.
    [quote] From an article in the “Hill Times”
    King-Byng redux
    Parts of one of Canadian history’s most dramatic political moments is about to replay itself as this 38th Parliament inches closer to dissolution.
    That’s because Tory strategists, in their bid to trigger a snap election, have taken a page out of the play book of their 1920s Conservative colleagues who, led by leader Arthur Meighen, forced Liberal prime minister Mackenzie King to resign in 1926 using a motion that amounted to a censure of government.
    A very similar motion turned up in Parliament last month on April 22 when Conservative Leader Stephen Harper moved a motion to amend a committee report on the budget that had been reported back to the Commons from the House Finance Committee. That motion calls on the “government resign over refusing to accept some of the committee’s key recommendations and to implement the budgetary changes that Canadians need.”
    It is expected to come to a vote on May 17 or May 18.
    Such a tactic, of trying to bring down the government by amending a committee report with a censure motion, was used by Meighen’s Conservatives 79 years ago this spring.
    At the time, Mackenzie King’s Liberals were in a minority situation and facing a government scandal, much like Paul Martin’s Liberals of today. Mackenzie King’s problems were linked to corruption in the customs department, however, not public works.
    On June 22, 1926, Conservative MP Henry Stevens moved an amendment to a committee report on the alleged scandal. It described “the conduct of the government and the Prime Minister” as “wholly indefensible” and “the conduct of the minister of customs” as “utterly unjustifiable.”
    The motion, however, never came to a vote. Knowing his defeat was at hand, the wily Mackenzie King asked for a dissolution of Parliament from Lord Byng, the governor general of the day. Lord Byng, in what triggered a crisis that has since become known as King-Byng affair, refused, arguing Mackenzie King was trying to stifle Parliament. Mackenzie King resigned in a huff, but not before launching a series of procedural actions in a desperate attempt to kill the motion of censure. All of them failed.
    Many observers believe the procedural manoeuvres Mackenzie King used nearly eight decades ago are about to be revisited onto the House of Commons as Martin’s Liberals desperately use every trick in the book to stave off a spring election.[/quote]

  19. The Fedlib Plan A:
    Massive ten month spending spree followed by the release of Gomery (the report will be weak by definition, as Kate has pointed out). Presto! Lib majority and another 4 years of their hands in the till.
    The Fedlib Plan B:
    Go down on the budget (as pointed out by Parick Brown above) and campaign with their media shills to convince the selfish and the gullible that Harper is depriving them of free money.

  20. If Valeri et al. go ahead with their putsch, then perhaps we should ask Her Majesty Elizabeth II if she could spare 5000 troops with some light armour to restore democracy in her demented dominion?

  21. I really can’t understand this! Literally. I’m american and I just don’t get the way your system works up there; it’s always confused me. But from what little bit I understand about the election process, this type of news isn’t surprising. It just seems that your civic system doesn’t check itself enough. This is a very simplistic view I know. I’d like to learn more. Is there a nice website/resource that explains the way your government operates, kind of like canadian civics 101? I’d really appreciate the info.

  22. Canadian government basically works like this. Tax the minority – salaried middle class families – and use the proceeds to pay everybody else to vote for them. In this case, the governing Librano party.

  23. The CBC’s take: it’s just all so confusing, we don’t know what to make of it.
    That’s it. When the Liberals get bad enough, play ignorant just like Paul Martin.
    You know there’s something wrong when even the playbooks of the CBC and the Liberals look the same.

  24. Forget the Queen, let’s start an email campaign to Condi & George W. We’d need what, 1 troop? to come to Ottawa, march up the parliament steps, walk in & escort Martin away.
    Of course, then he’d want to hang around for a while, which would piss me off.
    Maybe we should save the email campaign for Plan C.

  25. meanwhile, back at the ranch…
    have you guys checked out Being American in Toronto’s sight today?
    very interesting OfF stuff…

  26. re liberation: I’m sure there’s at least like 5 marines at the US embassy, which is a 3 minute jog from the hill (it’s now across the street from chateau laurier and the national art gallery, rather than being across wellington from parliament). over and done with. damn i hate this, we’re all sounding like idiot tinfoil heads.

  27. Uhhh… you don’t need American help, unless it gets out of hand. Everypne runs to the US when they need help. Didn’t Iraq/Afganastan teach anybody anything. All ya gotta do is tell everybody to stand up and say enough is enough.

    Calling other people for help, at this point, is basically the same as what we have now, dependency, lets let other people fight our battles and support us. Take control, and just don’t take it anymore. Make a difference, stand up and be counted.

  28. The question, Rob, is how? If Martin chooses to ignore the n-c vote & the Liberal Speaker is okay with that, where are we?
    So we are essentially relying on the good graces of the Speaker. Since he actually ruled the motion/amendment “in order” by ignoring it, Martin et al are in contempt of the Speaker & the House (I presume), so that just might piss the Speaker off. But he is, after all, a Liberal. Therein lies the question.
    If the Speaker lets Martin ignore it and carry on… what? The CPC & Bloc resign en masse? Walk out of the House and… do what? Hand the keys to the criminals so they can pass the budget, play whatever game they want…
    So we can stand up and say “enough” but why would he listen? And who can make him?

  29. “The Liberals are going to resign – they just want it to be on a budget vote, so they can tell voters across the country “you would be getting lots of goodies were it not for those nasty, Bloc-loving Conservatives.”
    What goodies – gee the $2.35 a month won’t buy near the alcohol I need to get over my outrage!!!
    And yeah – I really trust a government that can’t register guns to look after my children. … At what cost. The provinces have managed to register cars for how long without that cost. And Kyoto – will someone please tell what measurements of CO2 emissions were taken in 1990. So what really is the goal but spend piles of money on something that will be a collossal failure if only because India and China were not included and the US declined. Noble sentiment — but again at what cost.
    Goodies in the budget – for who, not me – what did you get!!!

  30. That is, quite honestly, shocking. That isn’t the kind of thing you hear from governments in developed nations–it’s the kind of thing that could cause a fatal breach of the trust that has to exist between the government and the governed.
    I’m looking for a better word than “shocking,” but it just isn’t coming to mind.

  31. Unfortunately, what happens after can’t be discussed as it may be deemed as conspiracy to overthrow the Gov..

    What has to happen, short term in that situation, is Harper has to show that he is a true leader. Look to the Ukraine for a peaceful solution. There wasn’t a shot fired, and the crowd was disciplined. It also showed the determination of the people to say enough of this crap.

    If that fails, due to lack of response in the east, then the only alternative is the break up of the country, and possible violence, if it gets to that, and I’ll be the one in the front.

  32. I like the Adrienne option, i mean she can use the work!
    preferably, but not really, how about stop paying taxes or a peoples petition(10million sigs). But even those might not work on petrified pollie.

  33. And now – ignoring the NC vote – yes, how banana republic of them – Tony Valeri is a moron but in Hamilton East the Liberals could run a dead giraffe and get elected – how else can you explain Sheila Copps. The voters of Hamilton East are more to be pitied than laughed at if only for about 25 years of moronic representation. Surely even they have to know that the cashe of a cabinet post if diluted dramatically when said MP opens their mouth and falters so …

  34. I was looking for an explanation of just what Valeri was up to with his “we will ignore the call” .. I found a good explanation here.
    What I really hate is all this parlimentary manoeuvering when affairs of state languish. OF course there is the argument that affairs of state have languished for 12 years while every dime we have made and our grandchildren will make has been doled out, stolen and squandered and if they manage to stay in power another ten months there will not be a damn dime left in the kitty.
    I am astonished at some of the comments here about getting troops in to remove Martin et al by force… What a hoot.. what a laugh with some of the suggestions. I could never envision this happening in Canada but one never knows.
    I believe that the media and especially the liberals have seriously underestimated the outrage that exists out here in “normal living”. They actually buy their poll spins they foist on us and the CBC and other media are so engrained to carry the liberal water they simply don’t know what else to do.
    Just think of the outrages foisted in just the last couple of days: Inky Mark being insulted by remarks about ‘higher up in the gene pool”.. other remarks about the Conservatives being the Ku Klux Klan.. does this not indicate an extreme level of hysteria and fear coming from the liberals? They are not even attempting to govern they are attempting bribery with the NDP and Mini Me Layton dutifully shoves his head up Martin’s ass and sells his soul for 5 minutes of fame all the while pretending that he is working for the people… Bribery with the Canadian people… desperate too-ing and fro-ing…denials… outrageous statements… all indicative of desperation and very unattractive attempts to forestall the axe fall.
    IF it came to military force, even with our diminished resources I am certain that help would come in the form of Queenie and the Americans. They would not interfere but would offer help if needed. We don’t need help. We can do this all by ourselves. We have gone a long way in a short time with many beginning to understand the crisis in government we are now facing.
    It is our time to step up to the plate and make our parents proud. The people who made this country what it is. Those who fought and died in places like Holland and Flanders Fields. The CBC has made a huge thing of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Europe ( and Holland by the Canadians) and they did make sure that we got a lot of that coverage when normally we would not have such an intense focus. We know they were desperately trying to deflect focus from the devastating testimony coming out today and yesterday but it does serve a purpose: To remind us why they fought. Why they died.
    WE need not die. We do need to fight. With everything we have in us to take this country back from the thugs and criminals who have been masquerading as government.
    Now that we know what they are we have no excuses for tolerating them. We don’t even need to take to the streets. All we have to do is to encourage and support the only party that can form a government free from crime and corruption, actually has a platform for all Canadians to live in freedom and can form a government of integrity.
    These are not the Progressive Conservative Party of old and of Mulroney and the GST.
    THIS party is brand new and full of enthusiasm and capable of governing. Time we got behind them and pushed for the kind of Canada we thought we had and now find we have to fight to take back.
    Far from any hint of separation, Quebec is onside with this effort. They are as mad as hell and will welcome outrage from English Canada as a sign of UNITY.. and an opportunity to form government that is cohesive rather than divisive.

  35. Did I miss something? A motion in committee is now enough, in the Conservative Blogosphere, to bring down the government? And we’ll all be OUTRAGED if the Libs don’t resign IMMEDIATELY?
    As much as I want to see the Liberals destroyed in the next election, I have to ask “are you selling brooms made by the insane?”
    The conservatives better learn how to play the game they’re in, in a hurry. If the Tory blogs are an indication of smarts, I’ll be looking to leave the country after the next election.
    And we wonder why conservatives haven’t been able to rebuild majority support…

  36. Snowbunnie
    No – Canadians definately won’t take up arms against the government – maybe a bow and arrow but not guns!!!(they might not be registered!) Seriously – we just don’t have it in us. What I don’t get is where is the outrage over all of this. It seems to be diluted on a daily basis while I seem to be getting madder and madder.
    Even today in a local Calgary paper there was crap about accepting the Liberals before the Scary Conservative health plan. When this is in Calgary papers – the heart and soul of Conservative politics what chance do we really have.

  37. The comments about tinfoil hat land would be perfectly legitimate – if…
    there were not a Gomery commission and Commons Accounts Committee, an Auditor General and several congressional committees in the US all investigating Canadian Liberals in corruption and kickback schemes in Canada and around the world.
    That, dear skeptic, is not “Conservative blogosphere” outrage. The outrage is that in any legitimate democracy, Paul Martin would have resigned a long time ago.
    There is enough evidence on the table to have the Liberal party deregistered as a political party.
    It does not matter if he was involved (and he most certainly was) in the awarding of illegitimate contracts – it only matters that he was a minister of the crown and it occured on his watch.
    He is guilty of gross incompetence. Why any person of any party would defend his continued attempts to cling to power is mindboggling.

  38. Wouldn’t it be nice if democratically minded Canadians could count on getting an election, like it or not, on x date of x year? Wouldn’t a real Democracy be nice?

  39. Tom, the problem with that is … we’d be stuck for sure for another 3 years while Paul et al rob us blind.
    As for djb: “…Did I miss something? A motion in committee is now enough, in the Conservative Blogosphere, to bring down the government?” No, but the vote to ACCEPT IT IS according to, apparently, the Liberal Speaker who ruled that it was “in order.”
    are you hiding under a mushroom somewhere? are you paying attention? have you read any history, anywhere?
    Yes, maybe Martin is truly just an incompetent not wanting to let go of power. Yes, maybe he’ll carry on, caring for Canadians like he always has. Yes, maybe… there’s a friggin’ Santa Claus
    If you truly want “to see the Liberals destroyed” the start paying attention yourself. Do you think we should sit back & let Martin run a dictatorship for the next oh… year or so? until Gomery is done? 10 to 1 he adds tasks to Gomery to stretch it out.
    Not voting Liberal does not necessarily lower one’s IQ. Take off the blinders.

  40. I couldn’t agree more with some of the comments that have already been made. Especially the latest remarks by Kate. I’ll admit, I’ve voted Liberal before, but not anymore. This government, and our democracy, is losing its legitimacy on a daily basis.
    I’ve never been in favour of sweeping democratic reforms in the past, but, after all this, I think I’m ready to throw out the monarchy and parliamentary system and adopt a some modified republic or something, and our own WRITTEN constitution.

  41. WHO is “djb” and why is he saying those awful things?
    Don’t we have bigger fish to fry?
    Like taking our country BACK!?

  42. I heard tonight a moonbat liberal defender, on an Edmonton radio station, making overtures about how the sponsorship fund had been set up during the Mulroney years and that Guite was initially a Mulroney beurocrat. Implying of course that the new conservatives are just a guilty of scandal by association, since of course Chuck would have had to have had all the plans in place during the previous administration. If this were so, and indeed the program had been set up with it’s now revealed purpose why didn’t the liberals blow the whistle on ol’ Brian back then? OH!! the peals of laughter I let out when I heard this! This is exactly like walking into a hotel room, finding a hooker pulling up her stockings in there and saying “Hmmm… wait now dear don’t be leaving so soon.” Now to any of you moonbat idiots that are out there STILL defending the liberals, and I’ll use small words because I know you need to think to remember to breathe, this liberal government is ripping you off. No matter who went before and no matter who may follow in their thieving footsteps we must remove them from dominion over us, BTW I know it’s a big word try to keep up dominion means power. The worst part about this corruption scandal is this we don’t and ultimately cannot know where the corruption stops, these are afterall the finest confidence men in the western world, con artists accross the western hemispere will be taking notes on the gomery inquiry for years and applying what they learn to bilk old ladies and horny rig workers out of billions. But I digress. I am sure that somewhere in the liberal there is someone innocent and new enough that they were not a part of this, who this person is I cannot know. So like eradicating bird flu, tuberculosis in elk, or mad cow disease we as canadians must delist the liberal Party of canada, press charges where appropriate in all instances, reform parliament, revert the firearms laws to pre WW1, institute massive changes to citizenship requirements, and maybe, possibly, this might become a country worth being proud of again.
    And in case anyone mistakes this for blind devotion to the conservatives, the next thieves are unelected by riot you can be certain of that. There is no one more violently inclined than one betrayed.

  43. I have a van and can take 5 passengers to Ottawa.
    Any one have some experience in setting up internet car pools?

  44. The last time I checked, Canadian conservatives took matters into their own hands and created the Reform party, leading to the eventual extinction of the old PC party.
    The next time a Liberal tries to hang the 100 million dollar price tag on Mulroney, reply with
    “Fair enough. Let’s talk again after you’ve voluntarily dismantled the Liberal party and started fresh.”

    Massive demonstrations on Parliament Hill in Ottawa by citizens are needed to force Martin/Liberals/Libranos from government.
    Massive demonstrations ?????????
    What is your opinion?????????
    Freedom and democracy is hanging in the balance in Canada.
    Citizens! Long live freedom and democracy!
    Down with Martin/Liberals/Libranos.
