RCMP Forensics Backlog?

What 9 (or is it 10?) billion in “security spending” gets us:
National Post

OTTAWA – The RCMP has mismanaged its forensic services, creating a backlog of more than 950 DNA cases while straining other resources, two retired forensic officers said yesterday at a parliamentary committee meeting. Appearing before the Commons justice committee, the former officers, Gary Mcleod and David Hepworth, said the RCMP wastes money through an inefficient forensics system that in February had 959 cases still pending, with the average case turnaround time about 85 days too long. “What we need to have is a national strategy,” said Mr. Hepworth, a police officer since 1962 and a forensics investigator for 30 years.

SDA flashbackto February news that the feds were closing one of six RCMP forensics labs as a “cost cutting” measure:

Well, let’s be practical. So long as the RCMP are short 2500 officers, closing detachments in grow-up regions of Quebec, and a month and a half behind in processing Interpol terrorist alerts, it’s just a little silly to get twisted out of shape about backlogs in forensics. It’s not as though the Canadian justice system actually locks up criminals when they do bother to convict them.

7 Replies to “RCMP Forensics Backlog?”

  1. Just another example that the RCMP are not paying attention to the matters that concern them. Too busy running around investigating people who might turn down the PM or actually call a spade a spade. OR they aren’t used to balancing their budget since they apparently got infusions of cash from bulging envelopes… or in other ways to the tune of 3 million?? Wasn’t that the figure?

  2. Kate and Snowbunnie:
    Take care with your RCMP criticism or my wonder dog, King, just may bite you in the ass.
    In spite of our participation in Adscam funds and other neat Libranos’ programs, we strive to maintain some kind of law and order in er…what’s that name…oh yes I remember, Canada.

  3. I have a friend in Quebec who doesn’t bother stopping at the border any more. The customs officers just watch him go past. No RCMP because Quebec has the Suret� du Quebec (provincial police). But they don’t guard the border cause that’s federal stuff so….. nobody guards the border in Quebec anymore. The Customs agents wanted to be given jurisdiction to deal with this but I think it was screamin Annie who refused their requests. No wonder our neighbours to the south are pissed off. But all’s well in Ottawa. Yes sirree!

  4. “grow-up regions of Quebec”
    Is that what they call government daycare there, a grow-up region?

  5. Actually, with *suspicious* timing, it was announced just last week that the AB lab will remain open afterall.
    Yes, I think it IS located in my/her riding.

  6. The RCMP in Edmonton announced last week that the Forensics lab in Edmonton would remain open. It seems that the lease on the building they were in was up, and it was cheaper to consolidate than renew. However, they must have found some spare cash (perhaps in an envelope that was laying around).
