15 Replies to “TTLB Traffic”

  1. Speaking of TTLB, someone answer me this. In this listings, I appear as:
    1577.Angry in the Great White North (123) details
    What does the 123 mean?

  2. I wonder if ‘small extinct animals’ domain is available?
    you have an unclosed italics tag somewhere Kate.

  3. Hey Angry,Marsupials! that’s “rodents” to you.
    Both great sites , keep up the good work

  4. Speaking of Sask. I wonder where Wacko-Jacko (the people’s champ who takes the tube (subway) to important meetings and lives in SUBSIDIZED housing (that is paid for by you and me!) found the money to pay for ‘call center services’ in Sask.? The money appears on the asset side of the NDP party Political Contributions (293,661.00) – does the NDP own the call center? Who bought that – was it taxpayers? Looks like Sask NDP might have it’s own propaganda scam. Do you have to buy NDP membership to get a job at the call center? Event and Promotion Reveue should be on the Debit side shouldn’t it? I think the Sask. people should start asking some questions. Correct me if I am out line. I’m looking for some answers… here is the website http://www.saskdesk.com/2005/05/headline-may-5.html.

  5. uhhh……who is Joe Katzman? I hereby nominate Kate Whatzername for the official ‘Iron Fist in the Velvet Glove’ award! (Stuff the ratings- SDA is numero uno.

  6. Kate,
    It looks like you didn’t close an italic block.
    The rest of you page is in italics as a result.

  7. Yeah… just like me to leave a tag open and then leave for the day!
    Thanks for the heads up – my browser autocloses open tags, so everything looks fine on this end..

  8. Good for Paul to be so endearingly self-deprecating. And even better for Paul to be reading you Kate.
    BTW Kate you have the best blogroll. In fact it’s no contest.
