7 Replies to “Diversifying Thought At The New York Times”

  1. They (the Times) have a long way to go. But it’s a step in the right direction (pun intended).
    One questions what might be driving this change – has anyone looked at the Times subscription numbers lately?

  2. Soldiers head into danger
    Canadian soldiers are flying into danger in Afghanistan’s violent south to lay the groundwork for Canada’s first military rebuilding effort in the war-torn area.
    What is “danger”?
    A picnic?
    No attribution on web page as to source.
    “Violent south”? says who?
    Soldiers + danger? A news item? What are soldiers trained to do?
    (See full story)

  3. Dosanjh vs. Doctors: Minister ‘disappointed’ at CMA’s private-care …
    Alaska Highway News, Canada – 8 hours ago
    Ujjal Dosanjh says he is ”disappointed” the CMA will debate the role of private care at its annual meeting this summer. He says …
    MDs rash on private care Edmonton Journal
    Doctors to debate private care options National Post
    GLMA objects to California Medical Association’s position in … The Advocate
    Dosanjh has revealed the Liberal Party, aka the Librano$, as the Reactionary Party of Canada.
    The pig-headedness of Dosanjh is continuing to impede reform of health/sickness care in Canada.
    The Reactionary Party, aka, Liberal Party, is killing Canadians by standing in the way of reform of the Canada Health Act.
    Dr. Chaouilli is a hero: a true Doctor; a healer.
    Dosanjh and AdScam Martin are finished. Down with socialist medicine.
    Canadians: Awake: your well-being is being savaged by the Librano$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    Disclosure: Canadian citizen/voter/taxpayer/conservative.

  4. EBD’s sarcastic wit exposes an important point. You can’t have what you want just because you want it, if it creates significant public risk. Otherwise, Russel, somebody gonna’ get hurt real bad.
