Dog Show Rage

This from a friend, via an email list;

Yesterday at the World Show in Argentina rabid Dogo fans did not like the BOB selection made by the Judge. They went after him with knives(Saturday the crowd favorite who lost went up to the Judge in the ring and punched him in the nose). Two men, standing at ringside, threw two canisters of tear gas into the Dogo ring causing panic and many injuries. (The site was set up like The Garden). Many, especially Americans, thought it was a terrorist attack. You can just picture owners and handlers trying to get to their dogs to get them out of the building. To add insult to injury the police shut the main doors, locking in many people who, in panic and pain, went through the plate glass windows to get air. Many people were taken to the hospital, many dogs went to the vets, some dogs had bad eye injuries as well as lung involvement and a few dogs died at the scene.
The FCI banned the Argentinean Dogo from shows for two years and took away all awards given during this weekend. Too little too late, in my opinion. They were aware of the danger before the show but did nothing about it. Since the dog is the country’s favorite they allowed them to enter for $20.00 per entry instead of $120.00 like the rest of the dogs so over 100 were there. The fanciers are like rabid soccer fans. The FCI then went on to finish the show after airing out the building late that afternoon (under the threats of more violence) with over half the entry missing, not the proper thing to do, IMO.
We were fortunate, our handler had just returned to the grooming area so was able, with a little help, to get the dogs out without harm to their eyes, nose or lungs, she was not as lucky.
“In the meantime the judge is back home safely. I think he will not forget this adventure. At home he told another judge how all this started. At the moment he announced the BOB, the losing person gave order to his dog to attack the judge. Luckily he is quite a sportive man and could jump on the judges table to protect himself and then it went on as described ….
I know this judge because he also had judged xxx some years ago and usually participates at all the shows in Austria. He is a Dogo breeder himself and the president of the Austrian Dogo club.

I went to the World Show in Rio De Janeiro last year – for a show of its size and distinction, I have never seen such a mess. Poor organization, overheated dogs dying, blatantly political judging. And I was at first astonished – then relieved – to discover that there were armed guards overseeing the show site, and that my hosts (whose personal kindness and hospitality was unmatched) had in their employ their own armed driver.
This story doesn’t actually surprise me much.

15 Replies to “Dog Show Rage”

  1. I was in Buenos Aires this weekend and knew about the dog show simply because there were dogs all over the hotel.
    I go to Argentina and Brazil with some frequency and that it happened in Rio does not surprise me, that it happened in Buenos Aires does somewhat but then I don’t know much of anything about dog shows or breeders in either place.

  2. Huh. Maybe we should make dog shows our Canadian Nat’l sport. Who Knew they could be so violent? It sure surprises me!
    Kate do you wear protective padding when you go to dog shows? Helmet? Shoulder pads?
    I’ll have to start paying more attention to dog shows!

  3. Any waiting lists at the vets? Where should I take my Ram for an emissions test?
    Health Canada issues Ayurvedic warning
    OTTAWA (CP) – Canadians should not use some Ayurvedic medicinal products because they contain high levels of heavy metals such as lead, mercury and or arsenic, Health Canada warned Thursday.
    Librano$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$: give 3-48 Ayurvedic daily, before letting out of cage. Comb daily; shampoo twice/week. Brush 68 strokes daily. Change water 7 times/day.

    Has anyone seen any dogs in Iraq?
    “…The colonel then immediately ordered for as many dogs as he could get. As soon as 37 dogs were delivered, he sent his men armed with dogs into the local Muslims� houses (bedrooms, kitchen, and all) in a �house to house� search supposedly for Islamic terrorists. This type of �house to house� searches terrified the local Muslims. The Muslim leaders immediately cooperated with the Americans by voluntarily and freely catching the Islamic terrorists (dead or alive) and handing them over to the Americans

  5. I was at the World Show this month and walking next to the Dogo ring when this event happened. I’m really sorry that so much “story-telling” has come out of a relatively small event. The Dogo people had said that they were not happy with the judge and had said they were going to “stop the show”. They put tear gas canisters in the air ducts next to the Dogo ring. How do I know that? I saw the gas coming out of the ducts! People left the building quickly – there was no panic and huge doors were opened immediately. A few people were affected and we know of no dogs that died. A couple of small windowed doors were locked and some people got out by breaking the glass. The rings were in 4 buildings and the grooming in another. This event only affected one building and the grooming building. People quickly got their dogs and out waited until the gas cleared and the show resumed.
    I have been to a number of World Shows. I enjoy showing at them and never, ever, have felt that me or my dogs’ lives were in jeopardy. The show in Amsterdam was very well organized but spread out with handlers having to run to different rings. But when you’re dealing with shows of 10,000 to 20,000 dogs, it will be spread out!
    It might behoove some people to see how shows are put on in other parts of the world and to see breeds you’ve never seen before. It does expand one’s perspective of the dog game. And it’s a lot of fun!
