Tommy Douglas: “Hello? It’s Your Cousin, Loser.”

” . . . It’s important for each and every Saskatchewan citizen to phone their relatives in Alberta and make sure that publicly in Alberta the Canadian perspective around community responsibility for health care remains at the forefront of what the policymakers are doing.” – Saskatchewan Health Minister John Nilson

Those would be same relatives who left Saskatchewan’s glorious utopian system behind in search of… what do they call it, again … ?
Oh, right – Not Saskatchewan”.
David Maclean asks how long it’s going to be before some intrepid reporter asks Nilson ” whether it is at all appropriate for a minister of the crown to organizing political campaigns in other provinces. “
(Via Dust My Broom.)

9 Replies to “Tommy Douglas: “Hello? It’s Your Cousin, Loser.””

  1. Did they turn the power back on in SK? .. I didn’t think there was anyone left…. Oh well, one or two calls ain’t all that bad I guess.. 😉
    Careful out there.. .Flip Flopper Ralph will collapse under pressure..again…and again….and again…

  2. You have GOT to be kidding…
    That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard in a long time. Lefties are really losing their tenuous grip on reality.
    Remember the al-Guardian recommending that ppl in Britain call a particular Ohio county and tell everyone there to vote for anybody but Bush? Remember how Bush’s vote went up in that county? Nilson is such a remarkable idiot for even suggesting that!

  3. what a maroooon! Someone should point out the single-tiered healthcare that our illustrious GG just enjoyed. Hypocritical political hack.

  4. ring, ring…
    me: hello?
    caller: Hey, it’s me, Jim!
    me: you still live in the “gap”? (The gap between AB and MB)
    Caller: yup, when are you comming home for a visit?
    me: that’s not my home anymore dude. When are you going to come to your senses and move out here?
    caller: I’m not. I finally got a line on a job. In a year or so I should be making what, 12 bucks an hour…
    me: dumbass! kids out of highschool make that out here…
    caller: naw… I’m happy here… I’m almost off of welfare…
    me: you really are a dumbass! CLICK!

  5. Ohmygod!!
    What a faux pas by such a noted provincial government luminary. When I told them about Mr. Nilson’s suggestion, my relatives in the USA and BC felt so left out that they broke into uncontrolled sobbing. Or was that suppressed hysterical snickering? Come to think of it, I’m not really sure.
    Oh well. They have come to expect that sort of news from Saskatchewan from time to time.

  6. So, is Nilson encouraging a campaign to phone Quebeckers? After all, it’s their court case that supposedly opened the floodgates for this…. Funny that, do you think the Fiberals will be running ads in the next election about how Quebec is destroying medicare in this country, and is pushing for a two-tiered “American style” system? Don’t think so.

  7. Yeah, well Calvert’s red guard ministers can talk, they’re sitting pretty…..they all got indoor pumbing. Besides, as minister of eugenics…er..ah..I mean state health, Nilson never had to wait in the Saskabush medical cue (strangely enough, the longest in Canada) when he had his state-mandated lobotomy.

  8. 25% pay hike OK’d
    Edmonton Sun – 4 hours ago
    By DARCY HENTON, LEGISLATURE BUREAU. Alberta senior government officials will be among the best-paid provincial bureaucrats in the nation after cabinet voted this week to bump up their salaries to the $200,000 level. …
    Alberta’s Third Way Globe and Mail
    Romanow slams Klein’s health care plan
