Take Your Pick

CNN (Reuters);

The European Commission said it was initiating legal action against 11 states which had failed to incorporate the rules into national noise pollution legislation, which should have been done by July 2004.
The states are Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal and Britain.
The rules require states to draw maps that track the level of noise from cars, planes, machinery and other sources in areas inhabited by more than 100,000 people. Busy intersections or traffic networks are also targeted.
Once the maps are established, the states must formulate a plan to make the area quieter.

Via Blog Quebecois who thinks it’s a clever counter-terrorist initiative. On the other hand, Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas did have this to say;

“The EU’s objective is to substantially reduce the number of people in Europe affected by noise by 2012..”

So, I suppose there are alternative ways to meet the objective….

7 Replies to “Take Your Pick”

  1. “The EU’s objective is to substantially reduce the number of people in Europe affected by noise by 2012…”
    Hey – no problem! The way birthrates are falling in EU countries, there are going to be far fewer people in Europe by 2012. There you go.
    Oh, but wait, the “non-European” population of the EU has a pretty healthy birthrate…

  2. EU’s high council Poobahs will find that the usual nationalist suspects will ultimately reject pseudo-regal autocratic central dictate. I Can’t see freedom loving Britons putting up with this petty EU central politburo tyranny much longer…I think they hope to hedge their economic gamble by forging trade and economic alliances with the North American trading block. It makes sense that Blair would get tight with Bush and scoop Canada to be America’s number one ally. Stage 2 is to get gratuitous trade alliances set up ( At least Americans can AFFORD UK goods). Personally I wish we in Canada did more business with the UK (instead of every 2nd world communist republic with cheap, slave-made consumer goods), but socialist economic mismanagement here has depressed our buying power so badly, and UK unionism has inflated costs of British goods so grossly, that I won’t hold my breath waiting to see UK goods in our consumer markets anytime soon.
    More power to the rebel states rejecting the EU politboro!!

  3. Where have you been? I have been to London to visit the Rippers.
    The Return of the Ripper
    The bodies of young women began to appear in Basra six weeks ago. First there was a group of three, then two, and last week the corpses of six were found, each victim riddled by gunshots and left on the street to die in pools of blood. The Iraqi police say they have no strong leads. But it is an open secret in the port city why they died.
    They worked as prostitutes and their killers are widely believed to be one of the city’s armed militias. In recent months they have become increasingly violent in their campaign to enforce a strict interpretation of the social code of Islam.

  4. If the unelected Euro-Elites are so concerned about noise pollution, why don’t they just shut their freakin’ yaps? They could take a big bite out of “Global Warming” too.

  5. Thailand is a long way from Europe? Not from the mindset: notice the use of the word “militants”. Denial of reality: thay are Muslim murderers.
    Thai PM assumes emergency powers over Muslim south
    Reuters.uk – 9 hours ago
    By Nopporn Wong-Anan. BANGKOK (Reuters) – Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra assumed emergency powers on Friday after about 60 militants launched a dramatic attack on a town in the largely Muslim far south. …
