Uncommon Knowledge


This ABC News video from five years ago, courtesy of Media Research Center, is a classic. Before Democrats had a partisan motive to claim, contrary to all the evidence, that there was no relationship between Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and bin Laden’s al Qaeda, their close and dangerous relationship was common knowledge. That common knowledge is reflected in this ABC news report, as it was in the Clinton administration’s indictment of bin Laden in 1998 for, among other things, collaborating with Saddam on weapons of mass destruction.

Via Greg Staples.

8 Replies to “Uncommon Knowledge”

  1. This is just one more reminder that the constant politically inspired hypocricy coming from the MSM is not only relentlessly diminishing their audience, but it also strengthens and burnishes their growing reputation as pathological liars.

  2. Jeff – such a true statement, and now we have Govs/MSM all looking at Micro$ofts technology being used in China to enforce sensorship on blogs/email/chatrooms/etc. Words like Freedom, democracy being banned.
    Will the day come when you’ll be limited in what words you can use in blogs, probably if MSM and the left has there way, but if it should, there is always a way around it .. 😉

  3. Most of mainstream media is no longer in the information business. They are merely extensions of political parties.

  4. U.S. Could Strike Northern Syria
    Posted by jmc1969
    On 07/17/2005 11:57:55 AM PDT � 9 replies � 317+ views
    MENL ^
    The United States has been considering attacking Sunni insurgency centers in Syria. Western diplomatic sources and analysts said the U.S. Defense Department and Central Command have been warning of the increasing activity of a Sunni insurgency network in northern Syria. They said the Pentagon has been discussing a U.S. strike that could end the network’s operation. “The Syrians appear to be encouraging some of this activity,” a diplomat said. “It’s clear that diplomacy hasn’t worked and Washington is considering other ideas.” The insurgency network was said to be based in Aleppo, the sources said. They said fighters from such countries…

  5. Never mind… I thought I accidentally posted a blank post. 🙂

  6. In a nutshell, what I wrote and somehow screwed up and posted nothing, was that the MSM, like the Liberal regime and the VLWC, expect us to forget what they’ve said in the past. Well, I don’t forget. Hence, I can see their inconsistencies and consequently am able to point them out to discredit their claims pending their valid (if so) explanation as to why they changed their tune.
    I’m certain I’m not alone! 🙂

  7. That ABC clip must be a forgery. The ABC reporter is Sheila MacVicar who is a well-trained Canadian journalist (or perhaps former Canadian journalist) and we all know that no Canadian member of the media would bullshit the troops.
