7 Replies to “Let her Meet The President”

  1. Off topic, the Peking Duck guest bloggers are cranking out some superb China articlesguys , well worth reading:
    “Superpowers Need Friends – Does China Have Any?”
    “The China No One Talks About”
    “Market Liberalization Doesn’t Lead to Dem0cracy?”
    Nice weekend reading.

  2. As to Sheehan, Emery has this to say:
    She is now the vehicle for a collection of losers, who will use her, and then toss her over and out once she has served their purposes, or more likely failed to do so. Her family has broken up under the effects of this circus; she has now lost her husband, as well as her son. Please, send her back to her therapist, and what is now left of her broken-up family. And please–do not try this again.
    Speak of the Dead
    From the August 29, 2005 issue: The Cindy Sheehan story is only the latest instance of the left’s grief-based politics.
    by Noemie Emery>>>> more

  3. Even faithful SDMer’s probably thought this was about W. It could be. Why is this admirable.
