Good Morning From Piscataway

Just a quick post to let you know I’m still alive out here. It’s just my feet that are dead.
I see the guys have been taking good care of the place while I’m gone – thanks, everyone!
Our shows in Michigan were highly successful, and as soon as we were packed up on Sunday, we hit the road headed east, getting into New Jersey last night where we’re holed up in a hotel for a few days before the main event begins on Thursday. Posting here is difficult on my laptop, but I’ve been trying to read a little and stay caught up on the news when I can.
The series of shows we’re here for are referred as “Montgomery weekend” – a set of shows that are considered the premier event for terriers in the world, with the actual Montgomery County Kennel Club show on Sunday devoted to that group alone. There are 144 Mini Schnauzers entered, of which we have 11 between us.
With my days starting at around 4 am and going into the evening, don’t expect much blogging, though i’ll try to take a few pictures to put up after I’m home – and recovered.
til later…..

6 Replies to “Good Morning From Piscataway”

  1. Good luck!
    Hope you’re home soon.
    SDA needs your steady hand back on the tiller.
    ( The boys and girls here can be easily led astray with simple words such as, circumcision or speculating about the sex lives of Wahabis.)

  2. You’d better get back soon Kate. Your Blogging Tory friends can’t seem to get along without you. No, it’s not Brent Colbert this time. It’s David Simpson of Fables and Foibles who seems to have opened up an RCMP investigation into vote buying by the CPC in Toronto’s Trinity-Spadina riding.

  3. “The boys and girls here can be easily led astray with simple words such as, circumcision or speculating about the sex lives of Wahabis.”
    Plenty more where that came from… 😉

  4. Please hurry back these guys are driving me around the bend and what the heck is a Wahabis?? Sheesh.
