Is Cindy Sheehan lying about the insurance money and her “no taxes” pledge?

Angry in the Great White North has been digging around Cindy Sheehan’s statement that she’s nearly run through her son’s insurance benefits, and finds all sorts of interesting information suggesting that Cindy Sheehan has been fibbing…again.

6 Replies to “Is Cindy Sheehan lying about the insurance money and her “no taxes” pledge?”

  1. I thought hurricane Katrina blew this swamp hag away? Oh yeah, the hurricanes have now fizzled and the media is back with the latest Bush=Hitler/ Cheney/ Halliburton/ Big Oil Whore hard pressing tin foil du jour.

  2. What B.S.
    What’s the point still with the swifty stuff. Great research-anomymous source plus far right Media Research Center’s CNS news, which is always reality challenged. She spends her money from a death benefit. So what.
    Why go after her when the troops are still buying their own armour and can’t get reimbursed. Why does Bush hate the military so much? If she was twice the idiot you want her to be does this excuse the scale of the corruption and lies of the Republican mess?
    Are 60% of the american people wrong about Bush and iran?

  3. “What’s the point?” The same reason I have for choosing any topic to blog about. I find it personally interesting. Perhaps others will too.
    “Why go after her when the troops are still buying their own armour and can’t get reimbursed.” Because the DoD is being slow. Other bloggers are on the Department to get moving. Cindy Sheehan, public figure, is lying, or so it seems. That puts her credibility in question, as well as her new job as a professional speaker.

  4. “the DoD is being slow” ??. I have a sense of slow and this ain’t it.
    With all the screwed up shit in the world of heavy consequence you pick Sheehan? I think the measure is the quality of the issues and causes you pick and you pick pretty low.
