10 Replies to “Coincidence?”

  1. Here’s another poll on the Globe & Mail site that’s still open:
    Would you be more likely to vote Liberal in the next federal election if they introduce a tax cut?
    Votes so far:
    Yes 3152 votes (19 %)
    No 13747 votes (81 %)
    Total Votes: 16899

  2. Anybody see Newsworld last night – lead off story has Canadians fighting along insurgents in Iraq, says CSIS. Defence dept. has gone ballistic about this, because apparently they’re not supposed to air stuff in public. But this came from the head of CSIS on camera. Haven’t seen it anywhere this a.m. though. CSIS has informed the US bless them. Who needs Carolyn Parrish when we have the Immigration Dept. itself?

  3. I’m trying to imagine an earthquake at Owen Sound:
    “What’s that sound?”
    “Why, it’s Owen Sound, fool, you’ve lived here all your life!”
    “No, no, THAT sound!”

  4. The Weather Network has issued a Tsunami alert for Dithering Heights, near Ottawa on the Quebec side.
    Also a high probability of strong post-poll aftershocks is forecast to emanate from the Gomery fault line that intersects the Great Dingwall of Ontario, Chretien corner, Gagliano county, Guite’ City and Martinville. The small town of Cheap, Ontario, is expected not to be significantly affected.
