21 Replies to “NDP Youth Poll”

  1. Heh. There’s currently a poll up at that site, http://www.youth.ndp.ca/node/34 under the question “In your opinion which federal leader has done the best job of standing up for students?” Harper currently scores 75% (299 votes), Layton 21%, and Martin 4%. Ahh, I love the smell of the law of unintended consequences in the evening 😉

  2. discusting isn’t. Sad but true this is how the NDP, nee, liberals do it. The (back staber Kim) consertaves lost to the liberals by pointing out that a life time of lying had left killer cretchen with a face imparement, how about layton. Did he always look like a dork?
    BC is now seeing the full power of the NDP at work. This is where they shine (in the shadows). The liberals are doing their fence sitting best to look intelligent.
    Final count turkeys 1, humons 0.;

  3. Add to two Tony’s. Agree with the first Tony I’m the second. What’s the odd’s EH. Tony Whiteley.

  4. Hey Kate, they’ll be regretting posting that poll! I just voted and Stephen Harper has got 77% of the vote! Over 400 votes and I’m willing to bet most of Harpers votes came from SDA!

  5. Thanks Kate, love a chance to fix an NDP poll!! I just voted, Harpers at 78%, Martin at 5%, and Layton at 17%!! I might see if I can clean my temp file and cookies and vote all night!!!

  6. Love EBD’s and Bruce’s posts!
    Maybe it’s me, but doesn’t Jack look like he was a gay porn star in his previous, younger life?

  7. Did you notice this line:
    In June the first ever federal NDP budget was adopted.
    If I was Stephen Harper, this would be on page one of my campaign literature and I would be sure to source it.
    P.S. Jack Layton is up to 62%

  8. The Lord of the Ring requires a good poll and a good WebMasterer and a seat to sit on; sorry— a seat on which to sit. >>>>
    Robinson expected to challenge Fry for B.C. seat.
    October 21, 2005
    CREDIT: Ward Perrin, CanWest News Service
    VANCOUVER CENTRE’S CHOICE?: Svend Robinson, the former NDP MP who resigned after admitting he stole an expensive ring, is expected to announce he will run for a seat in the Commons again, this time in the riding now held by Liberal. >>>

  9. 45% the good guys and 53% jack at 8:17pm MST friday, they loaded the deck and still stand to lose
