Kashechewan And Cryptosporidium

So who in their right mind puts a water intake pipe downstream from the sewage discharge?
The City of North Battleford, for one.
And speaking of “boil water” advisories – here is the current list for the province of Saskatchewan as of Oct.17; Precautionary Drinking Water Advisories (PDWA) and Emergency Boil Water Orders (EBWO)
It’s amusing what assumptions rest in the minds of those who have lived their entire lives within the comfort zone of large urban infrastructures (a phenomenon not limited to the safety of drinking water). The situation in Kashechewan no less tolerable than it is in any number of small rural communities across Canada who don’t enjoy millions in federal funding from the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs.
These small communities continue to struggle with the problem of funding and maintaining local infrastructure in an environment of ludicrous (and costly) government regulations, while Federal and Provincial governments boast of balanced and “surplus” budgets created in large part by offloading their responsibilities onto local municipalities in the first place.
It would be one thing if those in rural Canada could look at their take home pay with the knowledge that they were being taxed at lower rates than their comfortable counterparts in urban areas who enjoy public transit, clean water, garbage collection and paved streets. Instead, the opposite is often true. In addition to the unhealthy chunk grabbed from their paycheques, rural residents often face staggering tax increases on property values that have remained virtually stagnant for a decade, while local hospitals close, highways crumble and infrastructure decays.
Of course, that’s a lot harder to distill into an compelling television news segment than a good ol’ nasty skin rash.
See also – Blunt comments at Angry’s – the truth has a habit of being that way. We need more of this, but we need to hear it from politiicans for a change.

37 Replies to “Kashechewan And Cryptosporidium”

  1. I just put up this comment under the item … here it is in a more appropriate slot.
    On others who live much like pigs for no good reason. The 1,900 residents of the Kashechewan First Nation reserve, off the western shores of James Bay spent the last two years boiling their water … Why was their water supply built down stream from a sewage lagoon area. What the hell do they do up there anyway? I heard one navtive teenager on TV say that he had no idea where Sudbury was. It’s the nearest large sized city to where he lives and he is on his way there now …
    Name one other group of people who would sit in squalor for years with nothing to do, no clean water (in a country that has more clean water than the rest of the world) ….. nowhere to go and obviously not learning anything (where’s Sudbury!!!) While drinking sewer water. WAITING FOR THE WHITE EYES TO COME SAVE THEM?
    How long would YOUR FAMILY remain in those conditions. Where are the adults? or do they make those distictions on reserves?
    What’s that you say? Paul of the Liberals? He cares? Is he going to sent them a plumber? Maybe he will createe a new holiday for them … one that celebrates the banning of sewer water as okay-to-drink if-you-happen-to-be-too-dozy to-stand-up and do-anything-about-it-yourself. Think of the costumes!
    But then … maybe all this native stupidity is their right and our responsibility to fund. But I have reservations about it.

  2. This is an incredible story. Canada, after all, is not a third world country.
    Do the Provinces have a role in these matters, or is it all a federal responsibility? I can’t seem to get an answer to that.

  3. I have seen this movie before, here’s a review by Mark Steyn:
    “There�s an abandoned town in Labrador called Davis Inlet. An Innu community � i.e., natives, of the Mushuau people, if you�re big on who�s who in the Great White North. About a decade ago Canadians switched on their televisions and were confronted by �shocking� images of the town�s populace passing the day snorting drugs, glue, petrol and pretty much anything else to hand.
    So, as any impeccably progressive soft-lefties would, Her Majesty�s Government in Ottawa decided to build the Mushuau a new town a few miles inland � state of the art, money no object, new homes, new heating systems, new schoolhouse, new computers, plus new more culturally respectful town name (Natuashish). Total cost to Canadian taxpayers: $152 million, which works out to about $217,142.85 for each of the town�s men, women and children. Got a wife and two kids and you�re looking at a government handout of about nine hundred thousand bucks.
    And the upshot of Canadian taxpayers� generosity? Two years after the new town opened, the former Mushuau chief and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police both agreed that there were more drugs, alcoholism, gas-sniffing etc., than ever before. Also higher suicide rates.”

  4. Meanwhile, where is G-G Jean, AdScam Martin’s puppet going? Fleeing from Haiti, from Ottawa, from Quebec,…. from Canada… from Kashechewan Reserve…to France. But, lunch first at Rideau Hall… Read the mind-boggling verbal diarrhea from G-G and AdScam Martin. >>>>>>>>>>.
    Aboriginal veterans visit with Governor General
    Canadian Press
    Updated: Wed. Oct. 26 2005 11:42 PM ET
    OTTAWA � A delegation of aboriginal veterans, elders and young people began a pilgrimage to the battlefields of Europe on Wednesday with a lunch at Rideau Hall.
    Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean, who will join the group for parts of its tour in France later in the week, told the group that the role of aboriginals in the two world wars has often been forgotten.
    “With the aboriginal spiritual journey to the battlefields of the First and Second Wars, at last we have the opportunity to recapture the vital role played by Aboriginal Peoples in helping many countries to freedom,” she said.
    She paid tribute to the sacrifices made by aboriginal soldiers in the two wars.
    The journey, she said “is an opportunity to speak out loud and clear, recalling their heroic deeds for the people of Canada and the whole world.”
    She said the participants in the trip will conduct spiritual ceremonies “calling the spirits of so many fallen warriors back to their homeland.”
    “I am pleased that you will conduct other spiritual ceremonies in your own communities after you return from Europe. “These will allow everyone to welcome home the spirits of the warriors who never made the journey back.”
    Prime Minister Paul Martin also paid a tribute:
    “There is no doubt of the tremendous contribution that you have made in the unfortunate great wars of the last century.
    That you are embarking upon this journey tonight, calling back the spirits is . . . not only incredibly touching to any Canadian, but must mean so much to you children and to your grandchildren.
    “For the ability to remember and the ability to bring back the stories, the history and indeed the spirits of those who have gone before us is the essence of what makes us people.” blah, blah, blah>>>

  5. If I am informed correctly,the reason that drinking water intakes were located downstream of sewage outlets was because of some environmental mandate that said the water coming out was supposed to be pure enough to be treated and drank.I would like someone with access to govt. regs.of a few years ago to check on this.I know that no one in North Battleford or any place else would put their population at risk with such a imbicilic practice unless it was mandated.

  6. sigmund, carl and alfred: Almost everything on reserves is a federal responsibility: health, housing, education, infrastructure (e.g. water).
    The reason Ontario is doing the evacuation is that a specific arrangement was made with the Feds over ten years ago that the province would be in charge of emergency response with the Feds paying.
    Some emergency, waiting two years for discovery and response. Using this method to deal with the problem is just ass-covering for both levels of government.

  7. Well, without commenting on Native politics, our municipal leader was reelected on a race-card platform. Basically, he we went around all of the reserves and told every NON TAXPAYING citizen to vote for him because, in his words “You know some mooneyow is going to start taxing you”. “Iron”icly, these same minority taxpayers will be the only ones that have to shoulder the burden his leadership(MD politics do not encroach on Band affairs, yet Band votes will decide the outsome of our MD election).
    Our Provincial MLA, Pearl Callahasen, ran her reelection campaign SOLELY on the basis of getting the last 30km of the Athabasca-Wabasca road paved. Naturally, there has not been one inch paved in two years, going on three. She’s an easy shoe-in for her second reelection.
    Sorry, I guess I’m way too biased to be commenting on this post anyway…

  8. I’m surprised that the media hasn’t blamed Mike Harris for this water problem. If not Mike then I’m certain that Stephen Harper must have recommended that they put the pipe where they did.

  9. Edmonton’s water intake is downstream from the sewage treatment plant. That’s why every spring, when the river thaws, there is an outbreak of beaver fever (cryptosporidium).

  10. To be clear, Mark, you are saying the provinces can indeed step in and offer up emergency aid.
    You are right- the system is no more than a CYA engine.
    And I thought New Orleans and the Gulf Coast were a disaster.
    Why do Canadians tolerate governments, both federal and provincial, that are so callous towards Natives? I don’t mean the social issues or discussions- those can and should be debated vigorously- but basic health and sanitation needs should not be a political football.

  11. Actually, oh psychoanalytic ones, it’s the natives themselves who not only tolerate but most strongly support and donate generously to the very politicians who hold in them in such open contempt.
    It’s a mistake, by the way, to talk of federal “responsibility”. The federal government has complete authority over everything on an Indian reserve. But since it appoints all the judges, it cannot be held responsible for any exercise of that authority. The province is responsible for the condition of natives on reserves, even though it has no authority to do anything. Hey, welcome to Canada.

  12. sigmund, carl and alfred: This is an agreement specifically with Ontario. I don’t know about other provinces. The point of it I suppose is simply that the province actually has first-response capabilities (remember this agreement is about responding to “emergencies”) throughout Ontario and the Feds don’t.

  13. Why are the federla and provincial governments being blamed. Has any heard of “self-government”? All the government blaming just demonstrates that the very notion of self-government is not yet ready for prime time.
    The feds put in a state-of-the-art water treatment system, which was run into the ground under local mis-management.
    Not all matters on a reserve are federal responsibility-only matters relating to land and “Indian-ness”. Many issues are unclear, such as environmental, which creates a so-called “regulatory gap.” The Niskaa uncertainty is so bad I cannot imagine any significant private capital investment there in the foreseeable future. This is one of the reasons Indian reserves are for the most part doomed to become economic dead zones.

  14. EBT, now I’m back to square one; Are you saying that the rules for natives are different on Ontario than they are on other provinces?
    Mark, given the health emergency (irrespective of cause) shouldn’t the province step in?

  15. Let’s get some legal basics down. The Federal government does not have some general fiduciary duty to Aboriginals–only when dealing in relation to land. The SCC settled this in the Wewaykum decision. Nor does the Federal government have plenary jurisdiction over Aboriginals, Indians or Metis. Here is what the Feds have jurisdiction over under 91(24) of the Constitution Act, 1867: Indians, and Lands reserved for the Indians.
    An Indian Reserve is like a municipality with a band council as the local government, powers of local taxation and non-alienability of land rights (except for certain types of leases etc.).
    Health is not a federal matter. For example, non-Indians living on a reserve, such as in the Musquem reserve (which went to the SCC on lease issues), and Indians on the reserve would be subject to provincial health laws, provincial highway traffic laws, etc., which do not relate to Indian-ness or land.
    Over this constitutional division of powers is a patchwork of funding and other agreements, which vary not only from Province to province, but reserve to reserve.
    It is therefore simplistic to cast abouit blame without a review of the applicable laws and agreements. One would have thought local band leadership would ensure there is clarity of division of responsibility. Sadly, this is all too often not the case.

  16. “One would have thought local band leadership would ensure there is clarity of division of responsibility.”
    Not to mention clarity of the water itself.

  17. sigmund, carl and alfred: The situation has been terrible for two years and the Feds (responsible) did nothing effective. Suddenly it hits the press and an “emergency” is declared as a way to have the province deal with it and the Feds pay.

  18. Where’s FEMA? Must be Bush’s fault.
    Seriously, two years of ‘beaver fever’? Time to give the chief and his buddies a good swift kick and then fire their sorry asses. Oh, are these the same people who want self-government? Please, I’ve seen no scientific data to suggest that aboriginal people are less intelligent than the rest of the nation so why are they still acting like the poor noble redman whose land was stolen by the men with forked tounge? Adapt, live, grow and prosper. A hundred and fifty years of playing the poor soul is over.
    Just a though… take Bill Cosby’s speach to blacks about standing on their own two feet, speaking english that people understand, taking RESPONSIBILITY for your own actions and insert the word “aboriginal” wherever the word “black” shows up. Think about it.
    Please note that 150 years ago my ancestors did not own any slaves nor was any indian land ‘taken’. Hell, they were just poor souls in south of England trying to make a living back then.

  19. It is a disgrace that the Feds have let this situation come to this pass–and many other reserves are in similar, if not quite as terrible, shape. But even if Kashechewan is moved and rebuilt, better, elsewhere what will the people do to earn a living?
    That is the question about many remote reserves that is not being addressed. And saying, as I heard an Ontario First Nations’ leader say on the radio today, that the answer was sharing resource revenues is no answer. That is not earning. Just receiving more money.

  20. Self government there’s a hot topic. Well the way I see it living as non native taxpayer on the Westbank First Nation Reserve let me tell you the buck doesn’t stop once you have self government. Province of BC just gave WFN another 10 mil for pas miss injustices. How long we will pay? The way I see it, forever. The Okanagan Lake Bridge is a prime example. The goernment has given the land to the Indian’s then when the bridge was built we paid to have access throught the reserve. Know, we are getting a new bridge, which will need more land. Guess what we paid again. This band constantly has is hand out looking for ways to get more money, education, health and so on. I guess that this is the easy way out for politicians is to pay them off to keep them happy. I can tell you that the rank and file of band members are no better off now then before self government. Women have had their rights taken away, men have control over the money and the custody of children. The native women usually end up homeless. See what these band members go through just trying to get their septic system emptied. This is the responsibilty of the band, to look after their members.
    Self government…. well where in the consitution does it give the right to self govern? Until this matter is challenged in the Supreme Court of Canada the taxpayer of this country will continuly
    keep paying the bill. the consitution talks only about two levels of government federal and provincial. This whole thing is a scam. When the country wakes up it might be to late. This is Paul Martin’s trophy band. This will be used for every other band 630 across Canada. Be prepared to keep paying with out any say!

  21. sigmund, carl and alfred: “Why do Canadians tolerate governments, both federal and provincial, that are so callous towards Natives? I don’t mean the social issues or discussions- those can and should be debated vigorously- but basic health and sanitation needs should not be a political football.”
    Because we have been conditioned not to discuss the issues honestly by our media and governments. And our governments have no interest in or concern to actually deal with the problems (compare with British governments in the late 19th and early 20th centuries). All they care for is power. Zero real compassion.

  22. It’s also a disgrace that Paul Martin tried to blame the Conservatives. From CTV.ca, in response to a demand for Andy Scott’s resignation:
    “Day after day, this opposition has said nothing in support of aboriginal Canadians. Day after day they have voted down every single measure we have brought for aboriginal Canadians,” Martin shot back. “That critic and that opposition, Mr. Speaker, ought to resign.”
    Sure, Paul. Even for those 11 years that the Liberals had a majority.

  23. Duke,
    You’re right!
    I forgot. They’re ALL a part of the vast right-wing conspiracy.
    How could I have not seen it?

  24. Ottawa accused of racism
    ‘Why don’t they act?’
    …”My people are getting sick and all because the government is doing nothing,” band member Henry Koosees said. “Why don’t they act? Are they waiting for someone to die?”….Mr. Koosees, whose wife and five children were among 296 residents evacuated yesterday, said the water at the reserve has been “the colour of beer” for most of the past 13 years, when he and his wife received their first ‘boil-water’ kit….For Ms. Friday and others, the solution to the band’s problems lies in a plot of land 14 kilometres down river. The new site would put the band on higher ground, moving them away from the flood plains on which they now reside…..Rebecca Friday, the Kashechewan Deputy Chief, and Jonathan Solomon, Deputy Chief of the Mushkeowuk Council, wrote that they had informed two provincial Cabinet ministers within the past two years…..
    And yet they remain, for 13 years, living on a flood plain, drinking and bathing in that water “the color of beer”, while apparently the solution to their problems lies in a tract of land 14 kilometres down the river.
    So to the Band Leaders of the Kashechewan First Nation I would like to ask: Why didn’t you act? Are you waiting for someone to die?

  25. …”My people are getting sick”
    Well if they’re YOURS… help them you retarded loafer.
    Get some other loafers together and one of those f’n free boats OUR tax dollars bought and move the f’n intake pipe.
    Better yet lets eliminate all extra special rights based on YOUR RACE,and only your race.
    The days of zero responsibility and free eveything if you win the race lottery in this country are long pat due.

  26. I am similarly offended by the expression “my people”. The Haplotype project is showing that the very notion of racial ties is genetic hogwash–there is as much of more variation within a race as between races. There is a false analogy drawn between family ties (genetic) and racial ties.
    Canadian citizens are MY people. And it disturbs me to see children become trapped through the lack of foresight and initiative of their parents. All Canadians, in the globalizing economy, should be asking how they can develop themselves to contribute value that matters to other people in the world. From what I have seen, the Aboriginal culture in Canada has utterly failed to grasp this reality. And this is a failure of all Canadians. Perpetuating race-myths, however romanticized and (perhaps) well-meaning, is making the problem worse.

  27. There,s lots of small villages or hamlets in Sask that have very basic water systems and no sewage treatment. They do fine but you can,t s—in the water if you get my point

  28. Watery vows from Martin, the Waterman, the Candyman, the “whatever is necessay” Man. Water & paraphernalia from ZENON … Maurice Strong, Director.>>>>
    PM vows to help natives
    KITCHENER, Ont. (CP) – Prime Minister Paul Martin vowed Friday to do “whatever is necessary” to bring clean water to Canada’s native communities, including committing more federal money, amid a humanitarian crisis in Ontario that has exposed the potential for hundreds more across the country. >>>>>

  29. murray
    “An Indian Reserve is like a municipality with a band council as the local government, powers of local taxation and non-alienability of land rights”
    You must have had a typo, when you missed the word “WITHOUT” between “government, powers”.
    Indians on the reserve would be subject to provincial health laws, provincial highway traffic laws, etc., which do not relate to”
    Interesting how we need to be informed on which laws Indians are subject to, that everone else is… hmmmmm
    “Indian-ness or land.” Indian-ness? Is that a technical term?

  30. No need to move Kashechewan after all. The water treatment system was fine, just badly managed by the native operators (cf. Walkerton). And millions of dollars to be spent as knee-jerk crisis reaction.
    Also as the Globe editorial points out today, “Moving Kashechewan”, the unemployment rate on the reserve is 87%. How can there ever be a future for such isolated reserves when the simply is no real economy to support them?
    “Expert tests water on reserve
    It’s safe to drink: Officials link scare to poor management, lack of training”, Ottawa Citizen, Oct.29
    ‘Tap water at a remote Northern Ontario native community in the grips of an emergency evacuation is good enough to drink, according to the technician sent in to take over management of the Kashe-chewan water treatment plant.
    Chris LeBlanc, a process expert with Northern Waterworks Inc., said he is drinking and showering in the troubled community’s water.
    Mr. LeBlanc also disputed native leaders’ claims that the tap water was brown as recently as Thursday…
    Mr. LeBlanc’s comments suggest the tainted water crisis in Kashechewan is a man-made problem created by poor management and training.
    That claim is supported by government officials, who yesterday said the people running the Kashechewan water treatment plant were not certified to do so until the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs flew in trained personnel this week…
    Fully 61 per cent of people running water treatment facilities on native reserves are not certified, according to the federal government…
    The situation in Kashechewan “is identical to Walkerton, a malfunction in the chlorination system … and the back-up system didn’t work because it had never been hooked up,” Mr. LeBlanc said in a previous report…
    In a letter written to the CBC the last week, Mr. LeBlanc expressed his frustration with media reporting on the issue.
    “If you want to tie scabies and impetigo to environmental conditions, concentrate on crowded living environments (which promotes person-to-person transmission) and an elevated rate of diabetes (which increases risk of infection). Please do not tie these diseases to chlorine levels and the community’s drinking water supply.
    “My concern is that you are scaring individuals in other First Nation communities about the harmful effects of chlorine. These individuals may then put pressure on local operators to reduce chlorine levels in the community’s water supply.”
    If that happens, he says, there will be outbreaks of water-borne disease…’

  31. Socialism in Canada? Exhibit: Kashechewan First Nation reserve, Ontario, Canada.
    Exhibit : Zimbabwe’s socialist regime kills its own. The water taps are stripped, stolen, …
    Zimbabwe — Cathy Buckle — Heart sore with shame
    Letters written by Cathy Buckle ^ | 2005-10-29 | Cathy Buckle
    Posted on 10/29/2005 10:15:48 AM PDT by Clive
    Dear Family and Friends,
    A friend of mine recently had occasion to visit a commercial farm that had been seized by the government for re-distribution. Just five years ago every acre of the farm had been involved in intensive agricultural production. Eggs, tobacco, beef, maize and mutton had come off this land every year.
    Over 50 men had been employed on this farm less than five years ago and these men, with their wives, children and extended families had lived and thrived on this property.
    And now, my friend who visited this farm recently, said that what he had seen was so painful that it made his “heart sore with shame.” My heart is also sore to have to relate this story as I too knew this farm, this piece of land, the owners and many of the farm workers and their families who had made such a good life and living on this land.
    The boundary fences surrounding the property are mostly non existent, the wire stolen, the poles long since taken for firewood. The chicken houses have been stripped, wire mesh gone, tin roofing sheets removed and all that remains is the concrete floors – cracked, chipped and with grass crawling through in tough runners.
    The farm house, my friend says, is “finished”. The ceilings have gone. There is no longer electricity in the house; electrical wires and their conduits have literally been dug out of the walls, along with the wall plug sockets, light fittings and connections. Windows are just holes in walls as window frames and burglar bars have gone, chiseled out of the walls. There is no longer water in the house; the bathroom and kitchen geysers have gone, the stainless steel kitchen sinks have been removed and in the bathroom the taps have been taken.
    Outside, on the land, there is little activity. Aside from a few little scratches where rape and tomatoes are being tended near the dam, there is not much else going on. Big fields are unploughed, seed does not wait stacked in the sheds, fertilizer and chemicals are not piled in workshops.
    In less than two weeks Zimbabwe’s rainy season will begin and tragically what my friend saw is not an isolated incident. >>>>>>

  32. Indian bands have taxation powers. It is clearly set out in section 83 of the Indian Act. Typically, bands only tax those living or operating on the reserve who lack “Indian-ness”, which is another reason most reserves are destined to be economic dead zones.
    “Indian-ness” is a legal construct developed to try to make sense of the division of powers in the Constitution Act, 1867. In reality, the concept is nonsensical.

  33. Scabies and impetigo, aggravated by over chlorinated water is how Pravda (CBC) reports it.
    over chorination is the least of your problems here my dear. This is a group that are so dependant on the socialized government they cant even bathe themselves. with 87% unemployment seems someone would have time to dig a ditch and move the intake pipe or alternatively the outflow. In Europe most water is “passed” 5 times before the coast , so this is hardly a unique situation. more likely a case of walkergate- no one actually running the machinary , not pushing the buttons but using the finger to point to someone else.

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