65 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Martin B “If MSM doesn’t have it in it’s heart to tell the whole story then we don’t have the free speech we thought we did.”
    So if someone don’t say what you want them to say then they are somehow not free. Start your own media outlet with your own money Martin. Media outlets aren’t democracies they’re businesses.

  2. Re: Too much Ammo
    As I said after the “official” story was released by the Cheney camp…every a redneck with a scattergun can prove Cheney is a liar.
    Drive with Ted, wet your head
    Hunt with Dick, get lead in your neck
    This is a choice???

  3. Jose:…three good repsonse posts…I differ slightly re: the “law abiding citizens” angle…I believe a big part of the problem is the lack of voice, by the peaceful,law abiding Muslim global community, to denounce the extremists who supposidly speak for all. We know this isn’t true. But it is not for western society to solve…it’s up to them. We can only defend ourselves! The point to consider is whether the comments are inflaming an already burning reaction? There is a duality to consider here.

  4. In his first speech as Minister of National Defence Mr O’Connor provided perishingly little in the way of detail on strengthening the Canadian Forces:
    Increasing the strength of the Canadian Forces to at least 75,000 Regular force personnel is a clear priority. We also intend to increase the Reserve force personnel by 10,000.
    …Pour �tre honn�te, si nous ne pouvons pas recruter et former du nouveau personnel, nous ne pourrons pas mettre en �uvre nos id�es pour l’avenir de nos forces arm�es…
    [Note this ridiculously politically correct goal.]…elles devront se diversifier et devenir plus repr�sentatives de la soci�t� canadienne…
    Our acquisition process needs to be fair. It needs to be transparent. And most of all, it needs to give the Canadian Forces the equipment they need when they need it…
    We will increase our military’s deployability.
    We will improve our national surveillance capabilities.
    We will acquire new equipment and upgrade existing platforms.
    We will improve Defence’s infrastructure.
    And, we will take better care of our men and women in uniform…’
    And a partridge in a pear tree.
    Compare with Sen. Colin Kenny’s excellent column, “How to clean up our military mess”, published Feb. 23 before O’Connor’s speech the same day:

  5. Jose:
    “So,if someone don’t say what you want them to say then they are somehow not free”
    How are you doing with your english lessons, Jose? Obviously your reading comprehension skills are a leetle shaky if you believe that’s what I said.
    To expand on what I did say a leetle bit…we have serious duties and responsibilities in the jobs we do for the good of a safe free society. Doctors, judges, teachers, engineers, cooks, sanitary workers, etc…and yes even journalists have duties to perform for the greater good every day. I have a job of my own calling which involves serious duties for the good of a safe free society and I don’t ignore those duties inherent in my job.
    The problem is MSM has not tried to tell the whole mo-toon story. An inherent duty of journalism is to tell the whole story but they got afraid and chose not to perform that duty. When peope choose not to perform those inherent duties in their jobs, our society becomes less safe and less free. You can choose not to do duties inherent to your job but then you’re not doing your job, are you?
    That is what I believe Bennett and Dershowitz were saying. You’ll see it too when your reading skills improve.

  6. The point to consider is whether the comments are inflaming an already burning reaction?
    Or you could go further and ask the biggy.
    The point to consider is if Islam can be trusted to live peacefully.

  7. Garry P “I believe a big part of the problem is the lack of voice, by the peaceful,law abiding Muslim global community, to denounce the extremists who supposidly speak for all.”
    They do all the time but its not news. A major muslim association in London held a news conference denouncing fundemenalist violence. It got about 10 seconds of play and it looked like there were about 3-5 very bored looking journalists present.
    Screaming maniacs weilding scimitars sell more papers even if they aren’t representative.

  8. Harper’s Way: Get Used to It [Susie Riley pontificates]. If, she, they & it had read/listened to certain blogs/commenters pre/during the election this would not be news. The Stephen Harper was here, months ago. +
    It is a bit of a shock to the system — that is, to the public service, the media and the opposition parties — to have a leader who answers, rather than avoids, direct questions, whose priorities have a shelf-life longer than one week and who knows where he is going. In other words, to have actual leadership. +
    GG is poached..; on the griddle/in the oven too long/seared/charred/scorched by Martin’s ex-chef. There oughta be a law… Recall Chef… launch a class-action suit… set up an on-line petition… recall Chef… check the charters of Rights/Souffles/Dom Perignon/beaver tails, blahhh blahh…. burrp… +
    PM Poaches Governor-General’s Chef
    It may not amount to a full-blown Constitutional crisis — nor a transfer of allegiance on a par with David Emerson’s floor-crossing — but the new Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, may have earned the displeasure of the Governor-General: He has poached Michaelle Jean’s star chef. +
    via nealenews

  9. Jose: “But its no way for a politician to talk to law abiding citizens.” Blinkers up/ears plugged/navels gazed at/ me OK? +
    Is appeaser spelled H-o-w-a-r-d?
    Pablo discovered the fruits of appeasement; too late;
    Pablo, the communist, profited from war as death/Guernica. +
    Picasso: “Guernica”.
    http://www.mala.bc.ca/~lanes/english/hemngway/picasso/guernica.htm – 2k – +
    Why Chamberlain Appeased Hitler �
    Many Conservatives liked and supported Hitler�s strong, right-wing government.
    Britain was weak
    Britain�s small army was too weak to go to war in 1938; needed time to re-arm.
    Many Britons saw Hitler as a defence against Russian Communism.
    The critical factor? Chamberlain was not a dictator with the right to start a war if he pleased. He could not go to war without the support of the people � and until 1939 most people wanted peace, almost at any price.
    Britain could not defend her empire AND fight a war in Europe.
    Did not want war; and Britain could not fight Germany alone.
    German propaganda
    claimed that Germans in the Sudetenland and Poland were being mistreated.
    The Labour Party wanted to spend on housing and social care, not re-armament.
    Ist World War
    Chamberlain & many others remembered the slaughter of the First World War.
    The Treaty of Versailles was unfair and Hitler�s Six Steps all seemed reasonable. Other countries were conscripting to reduce unemployment.
    Kost (= Cost)
    Rearmament meant high taxes, which made democratic leaders unpopular.
    League of Nations
    Many people believed in the League, and that quarrels could be ended by negotiation.
    It was RIGHT to try everything possible to keep peace: �War is a terrible thing, and we must make sure that it is the great issues that are involved�.
    Neville Chamberlain
    misjudged Hitler – he believed that Hitler �was a man who could be relied on�. Recent research has suggested that, even after March 1939, Chamberlain remained substantially committed to appeasement.
    Out of sight, out of mind
    Hitler rearmed/ persecuted the Jews etc, in secret. Western countries didn�t know/ could not be sure.
    Peace Movement
    Many people, especially young people, wanted peace.
    Hitler promised in 1938 that Sudetenland was the �last claim I have to make�.
    Czechoslovakia was far away (none of our business?)/ Britain could not help.
    Spanish Civil War
    Guernica showed what German bombers could do to Britain if there was a war. +

  10. maz2:…enjoyed the post…bang on…remembered some of it…time to dust off a few archived books…thanx

  11. Vijay says the albatross of AdScam Chretien/Martin/Earnscliffe is hung round the neck of Scotty. The sounds of CAW & CLUCK-CLUCK & TURKEY-LURKEYS are not heard anywhere in the land except in MartinLand. Is Vijay an Iggy-Wiggy supporter? This is hilarious stuff; worth scanning at times. More, please, of prose like this: “he left PC when CA and PC were merging.” Vijay says: +
    If you haven�t, you better watch out for this guy [Brison]
    He is coming big and strong, and those who swore they would keep him out are now whispering about supporting him, including big wigs in ethnic communities. If you haven�t taken a look at him, you better do now, because he is going to be the man to beat!
    # VJ Says:
    February 25th, 2006 at 6:50 pm
    He is young , articulate and strong on values as per some people. I respect the fact that he left PC when CA and PC were merging. He did not defect to get an cabinet seat, he left because the party that he joined was no more the one it was and the new one was formed by betrayal of trust.
    He being gay might pose some challenge in extremely religious groups that have no fucking business than other than ridicule others, when some of their own preachers are known to be pedophiles and gay. Ethnic communities at large are educated and the younger generation is tolerant and most importantly, we would prefer a Gay honest leader than a straight Corrupt leader.
    I�m not endorsing SB or any other candidate, but even if I�m in some other camp, I will not campaign against his sexual preferences and pin down those who coertly try to campaign on that.
    Yeah, he�s got the backing of several Earnscliffe staff and Martin supporters. +

  12. Don’t let Aunty-American see this. +
    The Men Don’t Know
    Iraqi women display a poster of a young, pomade-haired Elvis bin Presley before he was eaten alive by Hollywood, after attending Friday prayers in the holy city of Najafville, 160 km (100 miles) south of Baghdad February 24, 2006. REUTERS/Ali Abu Parker. LGF for pic.

  13. I do not know which of these clowns shows the worst taste in associating with the other. I guess you can say they form a lowest common denominator, and have hatched, together, an even lower one : “…my offensive cartoon is even worse than your offensive cartoon, and I will take my stand on that!”
