Nero McGuinty – Update

Fiddling while Caledonia burns.
UpdateSteve Janke has been tipped that Caledonia may be in for Canada Day fireworks they hadn’t planned on.

There is increased activity at DCE. After the removal of the barricades, there were 2 out houses. Yesterday they brought in 5 more. They have been hauling in wood all day yesterday and today. They are stacking them in huge pyres.
Scanners are picking up on-going communication from the Warriors saying that they are going to help the Caledonians celebrate Canada Day festivities. No mention of specifics just continuous excitement over this coming weekend. My uneducated guess is that if they do show up at the dance, they will just stand and watch. Intimidate by presence. They hope that the Caledonians, fuelled with fire water will start the fight. They, the poor, peaceful natives, who only wanted to be part of the celebration will be forced to fight back to protect their women and children. Racist, violent Caledonia will be portrayed as just that.
Sunday night, the Baptist church had organized a church supper and entertainment. They had invited a Native Christian Band to provide the entertainment and felt it would be a sign of open hearts to invite the Mohawk Warriors. They did arrive in full camouflage with scarves. They sat and by the end of the entertainment seemed to be relaxed. After most of the congregation had left and there were only a few stragglers remaining, a warrior went up to the minister and told him what a great evening they had and what a lovely building the church was. He then told the minister that if there was anything that he felt emotionally attached to he should take it because they were going to take over the Church.

Lots more. Be sure to read the earlier entries, too.
Update 2 – June 29 – the anecdote re: the Baptist church incident reported to Steve appears to be false. A reader wrotes;

As a resident of Caledonia, I thank you for your continued efforts to tell the true story in your blog. However, when I see something that is untrue, I just have to point it out. I am a member of Caledonia Baptist Church and attended the concert on Sunday evening. I read the piece about the concert and have spoken to our pastor this morning to clarify what happened after the concert. He tells me that this statement is totally untrue about the warrior stating they were going to take over the Church. Can this be corrected? We don’t need to further inflame an already inflammatory situation.

136 Replies to “Nero McGuinty – Update”

  1. ok…lets get this straight….20,000 people with no family doctor in Kingston(double the amount since mcliar launched his health care tax), running gun battles in toronto, contraband smokes flooding our communities, decline in rural ontario…..and this is what the idiots at queens park come up with… a little liberal feel good crap….at our expense…lovely

  2. Excellent column by David Warren. What puzzles me, is the Superior Court (June 16) ordered the police to remove the Six Nation blockades. Neither the police nor the politicians obeyed.
    Where are our politicians? Why didn’t they insist that this order be obeyed?
    And how dare McGuinty use taxpayer money to buy out the developer – an act without accountability or permission and an act that does nothing about the native criminal actions.
    And, where is the outrage in the press? Why isn’t the press demanding that McGuinty resign? Why aren’t other politicians demanding his resignation?

  3. Not to mention that he gave Toronto the ability to tax alcohol,cigs etc… just about anything they want now, that should just spin around the province quicker then a wild fire.
    oh & don’t forget Toronto got money to build the subway to NoWhere.
    & while iam on it Just Where is the money for the Health Tax going, straight into the provicial coffer’s to pay for there useless, wastefull, lets give our buddies down at the Ad firm a contract to change the most reconized symbol that belongs to all Ontarian’s into a liberal logo that also looks like Poison Ivy “If has has leaves of three, let it be”

  4. Civil cases are MUCH easier to prosecute. Perhaps several Caledonia residents could sue the terrorists, the reserve, and band chiefs for damages, anguish etc. They will likely win. Money easy to collect…Garnishee it from the federal milk hose. Hmmm – I wonder if one could bankrupt a “first nation”?

  5. But Henry, citizens shouldn’t have to sue anyone for non-protection of their property. They pay taxes for that service and it wasn’t provided.
    And ‘First Nations’ would probably get the taxpayer to fund their own legal costs!
    No, the Ontario gov’t failed the people, and the craven buying out of the developer, using the taxpayer’s money, doesn’t solve the problem.
    Why won’t anyone stand up and charge the natives? Are they, as a group, inviolate because they would immediately claim ‘racism’? Criminality is criminality, whether carried out by an individual or a group. This criminality, for political gain, was terrorism. Why isn’t McGuinty asked to resign?

  6. byanr quote: “lets give our buddies down at the Ad firm a contract”. McGuinty’s Son of AdScam…
    AdScam Chretien/Martin’s Unity Reserve…
    the submissions identified below consist of those that dealt with incremental funding allocations specifically and directly addressed to either sponsorship or the purchase of advertising.(50) The submissions in this category are also summarised in the table at the end of Annex E. The source of funds for all of these submissions was either the unity reserve or the Budget. There is in practice little material distinction between these two sources, other than the time in the expenditure management cycle at which the decision to allocate additional funds was made.
    139. Over the period in question, one of the decisions made as part of each Budget was to earmark funds in the fiscal framework for the purposes of national unity, with allocations from this “reserve” requiring the prior approval of the Prime Minister. This was the source of funds for most of these submissions. The Prime Minister’s approval was communicated to the Treasury Board Secretariat by way of his signature on the Treasury Board submission, through a confirmation letter to the Secretariat from the Privy Council Office, or both. …
    … The Prime Minister’s approval in these cases was obtained as part of the Budget decision-making process and so no separate confirmation letter or signature on the submission was needed. …

  7. Its hard to get anyone off their butt these days. So I was interested when these natives blockaded up in Caledonia. I figured they must be very angry at something that is going on up there.
    I was happy we didn’t give it the “Mike Harris response” and shoot one. That machismo way of dealing with this kind of protest is counterproductive. The problem was that when you take the machismo response away the OPP didn’t seem to know what to do.
    It is time we started looking for other ways of dealing with protestors than shooting them. It is as stupid as bringing democracy to Iraq through a gun barrel.
    Take away the machismo response and suddenly we have to start using our brains. I hope it hasn’t atrophied since the last time we tried using it.
    Maybe that is why it is taking so long to come to a resolution. I guess it is to be expected when you are in unchartered territory.

  8. Steved: Were you one of those blessed parents that had a compliant daughter? One who you never had to discipline? Were you always able to just ask her to not have a tantrum and she would stop?
    Or did you actually have to stand up to her tantrums and demands with an unwavering edict? Did you ever have to punish her?
    You can’t deal with the uncivilized by using civilized methods. You can’t walk up to a Hell’s Angels member and ask him to stop making so much noise with his Harley…he’d likely squash you like a bug. You can’t walk up to a bunch of criminals/thugs and ask them to please stop terrorizing their neighbours…it just won’t work. So, your response to THEIR response would be exactly what? “If you don’t stop terrorizing your neighbours, I’ll hold my breath till I turn blue!”?
    There’s no way to talk a criminal out of being a criminal. Give your head a shake.

  9. they all go through a bit of a tantrum stage. usually it is made longer by a machismo response.
    If the tantrum is in public you take them home. If it is at home you ignore it. It is a useless thing to do. Once they figure that out it stops.
    You don’t extinguish over the top behaviour by trying outyell your opponent. You just end up with two parties acting like children.

  10. steved, I think that you are the one with the atrophied brain.
    You provided no suggestion to dealing with the crimminal behaviour.
    1)How would you deal with people who surrounded your house, calling out threats against you, who blockaded the roads to your place, who burned down a bridge near you? And, the police wouldn’t come. So, steve d, how would you deal with it?
    2) How would you deal with violence, with people who attacked tourists in their car? How would you deal with it?
    3) How would you deal with their burning down a bridge?
    4) How would you deal with their refusal to obey the law, obey the court orders and ‘cease and desist’?
    Come on, steved, you must know.
    5) And for the umpteenth time, steved, democracy wasn’t brought to Iraq by a gun barrel. You can’t point a gun at people and make them democratic. But, you can free them from a dictatorship so that they can set up their democracy. Of course, you don’t care about them setting up their own democracy.
    6)So, your only solution to violent, criminal behaviour, which includes attacking people, threatening them, destroying their property is – what – ignore them???? Ignore the people being beaten up? Ignore the bridges being burned?
    Is that how your brain works? By doing nothing?

  11. I urge you to read Angry in the Great White North’s latest offerings.
    If the info he received is true, there is bigger trouble brewing in Caledonia.

  12. ET
    You try to intercede before it gets out of hand. Dealing with a problem earlier rather than later is usually the smart thing to do.
    The first day the road block went up there should have been someone from the government on site to get a clear picture of the problem.
    They should have spent the next 48 hours solving the problem by defusing it.
    Give the developer fair value for the land then go about making certain that the province identifies all other possible native land issues. Deal in a pre-emptive way with these kinds of disagreements. This came to a head because one side was being ignored.
    If you ignore minorities they always come back to bite you sooner or later. Governments are elected to take care of business this is part of their business.

  13. steved – how would they have defused the problem?
    No, why should the gov’t use taxpayer money to buy out the developer? Who authorized the gov’t to do this? Why is this a valid use of our money? It isn’t.
    Are you seriously saying that IF a group of natives claims some land, than rather than telling them to go to court and PROVE it, you behave as if they have already proven that they own it, and so, you use the taxpayer money to buy out the owner of the land??? Thanks a lot. Thanks for not requiring any proof. Thanks for using my money in a fraudulent way.
    And you still haven’t answered – how would you deal with criminal behaviour? No, don’t try the ‘stop it before it starts’, because you are falsely assuming that you can actually do that.
    How would you deal with a group who claims some land, but refuses to go to court to prove it via due process. Instead, they terrorize the residents and burn a bridge. How would you deal with this?
    Remember, they refused the legal way.
    Your way, to use the taxpayer’s money to buy out the legimate owner, is an outrageous abuse of due process and of the taxpayer.

  14. steve d., stevie…stevie… where are you honey?It’s time to finish your class project, here’s some warm milk with honey!!!
    As a parent of two fine daughters, many have complemented me and my wife on their good manners. They never acted up in the checkout aisles, because they knew the consequences.

  15. steve d said, “It is time we started looking for other ways of dealing with protestors than shooting them.”
    Brilliant, steve. Duh-lton McGuilty HAS looked for “other ways of dealing with protestors” and look where it’s got us: nowhere fast, in fact, heading towards less than nowhere, which is total thuggery, criminality, and violence trumping Ontarians’ human rights, with McGuilty and his minions looking on from the sidelines.
    I’m not saying that anyone should have been killed, but if that was the outcome of the police taking matters into their hands, which is what is supposed to happen in a democracy when an illegal standoff is initiated by Native thugs, then that would be the Native paramiliaries’ fault, not the governments’ or the polices’.
    Now everybody’s at risk, not just a few Natives who decided to take the law into their own hands, using weapons, it must be added, to intimidate and bully Ontario citizens. Our democratic rights have been trampled on by the Natives and by our government.
    Governments are supposed to safeguard the security of law-abiding, tax-paying citizens instead of caving into the extorionate demands of criminals. Thanks, McGuilty, and company. Thanks a lot. You’ve just turned a law-abiding province into a bad joke, and a dangerous place for most of us to live. Not to mention, jeopardized Ontario’s tourist trade…

  16. Good Gawd: I’m beginning to think that steve d and David Brown are one and the same person, or if not, they’re joined at the hip. But that means there has to be a “good” twin and an “evil” twin. Hmmm…

  17. Thanks steve d
    You write with the wisdom that can only come from experience.
    Just like that guy who went blind because he looked at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it. Now he goes around the blogosphere writing about the dangers of looking at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it. Thoughts tumbled together like panties in a dryer without Cling Free. Growing on us like a colony of E. Coli, and SDA is room-temperature Canadian beef.
    Allowing us all a genuine deep throaty laugh, like that sound a dog makes just before it throws up.

  18. Great column by Warren which raises the following question: is the commissioner of the OPP getting a free pass from the media and bloggers because she is a woman? Or because she is a Mohawk? Real brave of folks to blame the non-Section-15-protected white guy premier, isn’t it?
    John Tory’s statements on Caledonia (and his hyper political correctness) indicate that he’d probably be handling this situation in a manner similar to McGuinty. While dumping on McGuinty is fun, it has the effect of giving a free pass to the individual(s) whose conduct in this matter bears closer scrutiny.

  19. NKOTB
    I noticed a lot of people joined at the hip too.
    Dalton didn’t act quickly. He stalled hoping it would go away.
    This should be a lesson to all premiers. I am certain that when they finish writing this one up they will find a slew of early signs of this kind of thing happening. It is much harder to defuse at this point.
    Now, they have to defuse it without either side looking like a big loser. If the natives won’t listen and won’t respect “the Crown” then ultimately, they would have to cease and desist or be arrested. When things are allowed to get out of hand sometimes there is nothing else to do but use force. It should never be allowed to get to that point though. To me, it is a failure in leadership Provincially. I think Dalton missed the mark on this issue. Too little, too late. It may be reaching a point were a messy ending is becoming inevitable.

  20. Well I see we are still at it! To argue tolerance when dealing with militant criminals requires a lifetime of never having felt genuine FEAR. One of the oldest tactics of social disorder is to create expectations that can never and should never be achieved./ Thus one can keep the “true believers” angry for ever.
    These discourses will never take away the fear that is being felt by the average Canadian in Caledonia. Only the “rule of law” can do that.
    If we have no rule of law then we do not have a democracy.

  21. Early signs, steved? Moving in when there are ‘early signs’? Do you realize that you are now supporting the arrest of the ’17 Muslims’ who were in the early planning stages of blowing up various Canadian buildings. But, didn’t you react negatively to these arrests, steved?
    So, what would be the ‘early signs’ that a group of thugs, who cares whether they are native or not, is planning on burning a bridge, on barricading roads, on attacking tourists in cars, on harassing residents? What would be the ‘early signs’? And what would you do about these early signs? Arrest them?
    Remember, the natives have a legitimate route. Go to court to prove ownership. That’s the only route. But destruction of property, attacks on residents, intimidation etc. are criminal acts. The natives have chosen not to use the legitimate route.
    And McGuinty has, as Warren says, ‘set a catastrophic precedent’. He has refused to provide taxpayer funded protective services to taxpayers, if and only if, natives are involved. So, if natives are barricading streets, harassing residents, destroying resident property, McGuinty won’t protect them.
    Instead, he has, using our money, bought the land from the legal owner, the developer. Why? How dare he! This doesn’t solve a thing. The natives are still harassing the residents, destroying their property, reducing the value of that property to nothing. Will McGuinty buy the resident’s now valueless property?
    steved, what are the early signs and what would you do? No, don’t start the ‘talk’. These people aren’t interested in talking. What would you do?

  22. Fergy— Bang on. It’s not the severity of the consequences……..rather the assurity.
    Wayne in Wetaskiwin—–Tears rolling down cheeks….sides hurt…..

  23. Steved
    You got the thread going, that is for sure. I noticed you condemned Mike Harris for the OPP shooting a native, do you blame Lorne Calvert when natives were dropped off in the freezing cold and left to die by the police in Saskatchewan? I bet not…
    Socialism, turning a blind eye on their own.

  24. Et
    Every situation is different but I would have all the treaties and landrights issues clearly stated. I would meet with the agrieved early on and explain their legal rights and responsibilities and the Crowns legal rights and responsibilities. If both sides know where they stand much hardship can be avoided.
    I don’t think most groups abuse the law just for the hell of it. I think they genuinely feel agrieved. You have to do your best to alley their feelings. In the end, if they won’t take the peaceful road then you have to use the police to enforce the law. It shouldnt have to happen too often and luckily it doesn’t. My point is, it shouldn’t be left to luck.

  25. I’m focussed on what I read in the post above. If the stuff in it is for real, then it should be taken to be ominous.
    I sincerely cannot help but once again be reminded of jihadists. The parallels are growing, and what I read in this post was the latest example of a stronger parallel. After all, the jihadists give subtle warning before… you know.
    I hope the coming long weekend will be peaceful, but if not, I think reasonable folks will not blame the people of Caledonia. They didn’t start it. Nor do they wish any violence. But should the other side come in, dressed like terrorists yet again, and cause yet more trouble…
    We’ll see what happens, if anything.
    Keep your eyes on Caledonia.
    And keep in mind that the state has given the Aboriginals special exemption from the laws of the land. Once people know they’re exempt from the law, they can do pretty much anything. It’s only going to get worse. McGuinty’s using of Ontario taxpayer dollars to buy land to give to the quasi-terrorists is only throwing gasoline onto the fire.
    Don’t flame me… I’m just the messenger. A mere pundit giving a warning of what the future may well bring, given current and historical circumstances…

  26. The CBC in particular seem to tacitly understand that their circular organ-grinder repititions of LPC fairytale narratives over the last twenty years or so have painted them into a corner. You can be sure that to a man and a woman they know what’s going on on the ground in Caledonia, but that they can’t go on air and be honest because, by their own LPC-friendly definitions they have been peddling, they would be “racist” now if they were to tell the truth. Pathetic.
    It’s like there’s an elephant in the living room playing the tuba, and everyone’s pretending the asparagus is noisy. I’d love to be a fly on the wall to hear CBC producers’ private reasoning for not giving appropriate coverage to this national story. Too “newsy”? Too Canadian?

  27. steved, the treaties are clearly stated. Your rather condescending implication that they aren’t, is false.
    How early would you meet with ‘the aggrieved’?
    Both sides in the Caledonia dispute knew their rights. The natives refused to use the legal system and instead, they chose, and I repeat the word, they chose, violence, intimidation, harassment and criminal behaviour. So?
    Luck? What does luck have to do with any of this?
    So far, steved, you haven’t provided us with any ‘brain-powered’ set of tactics to deal with the situation, other than to suggest that we ‘make sure the documents are clear’ and that we ‘talk with them’. You are also supposing that they have a valid set of grievances. What if they don’t?

  28. ET
    Maybe you are an expert in treaty law and can get into the heads of natives and government officials but I am not so gifted. I don’t presume to know all those facts of the matter.
    I said that if you try to understand where the other side is coming from and they understand where you are coming from then, in the end, you hold the final card, the law and the responsibility to enforce it. If they can’t be reasoned with then you have to enforce the law peacefully if you can but if given no other choice with force.

  29. The problem as I see it, Steve, is that this isn’t about the nice Indians that you and I both want to see do well (details to be worked out). This is about a gang of thugs who are terrorizing a Canadian neighbourhood and are dragging the name of the Canadian Indians down into the river Styx.
    Please, anyone who cares about human rights for all, this is not a joke. What we have here is a renegade criminal gang making a fool of the rule of law and order. It matters not that it’s a red gang, it’s no different from a white gang or a yellow gang or a black gang.
    This criminal organization, these so-called warriors, implicated in dozens of underworld scams, with tentacles across Canada, is threatening escalation. No, the sky is not falling. We’ve had variations of these kinds of problems in Canada before. We’ve worked them out. But this is not a joke.
    [Can I just note, in passing, that I think that EBD’s comment to the effect that “It’s like there’s an elephant in the living room playing the tuba, and everyone’s pretending the asparagus is noisy,” is rhetorically brilliant. Thank you sir.]

  30. Unbelievable incompetence. McLiar’s Liberals would have a hard time trying to do more damage to Ontario than they already have.

  31. LOL !!!
    well thats one way to get them into the
    house of the Lord !!!
    LOL !!!
    take over the whole friggin place !!!
    every last man jack of them join up.
    fill the place to the rafters every sunday.
    replete with camos and scarves .
    like I said, we’ve taught them well !!!

  32. “It’s like there’s an elephant in the living room playing the tuba, and everyone’s pretending the asparagus is noisy. ”
    I like this line, EBD, mind if I quote you some time? And yes, this is exactly what the PC agenda has done to people. Say the percieved wrong word and the race/colour/sex/religion/gender or lack of card comes out and the real discussion issue is lost.

  33. Steve d.—If I’m not hard of understanding you claim that criminal behaviour is a product of hurt feelings?? Brilliant!!! I think you may have found the cure for organized crime!! Next time you see one of the HA flying colours in the local go on over and give him a big hug. Let me know how it turns out.
    Tomax7—It appears Caledonia may well turn out as bizzare as Alex’s world. Time for a little of the ultra-violence? How did he put it??
    “…you stinking bucket of chip oil…..come and get one in the yarbles….if you have any yarbles”
    I wonder if Mc Squishy has ever watched that flic?? On second thought I wonder if he has any yarbles??
    Apparantly not.

  34. Steve D… Yes I agree we have to find others ways of dealing with these terrorists besides using force. How about YOU start by giving them your home AS A GESTURE OF GOOD WILL. Just as the government is going to give them our land.
    Now your a good socialist will you do this for us? Wouldn’t you feel good about yourself? After all, according to the natives your home is on their land.

  35. Look at all the posts adressed to steve d! He must be shivering like a puppy with delight at all the attention. He’s a troll and an idiot, actually quite a creepy little leftie. I try to skip over his posts, he really has nothing intelligent to say, just drivel based on some kind of programmed degenerate dogma. I’d advise you others to do the same – skip over his posts, don’t respond to him, he’s hard-core Rabble.

  36. steve d: “It may be reaching a point were a messy ending is becoming inevitable.”
    Can’t you see, steve d, that we reached that point a LONG time ago? I appreciate your admitting that things should never have been able to get this far and that there has been a massive failure of leadership on the part of McGuinty and his government. However.
    Perhaps if the police had done what police are hired for and paid to do when the Native paramilitary thugs began to burn down bridges and threaten people with arms and assaults–that is, to ensure the safety and security of law-abiding citizens–things wouldn’t have become as messy as they now are.
    I’m not sure what McGuilty can do now to “save face.” There is no saving face now that things have come as far as they have. He needs to take some decisive action, which is always risky as you can’t please all of the people all of the time. But isn’t that why we elect “leaders”? To make the difficult decisions? And to make them in a timely fashion?
    McGuilty has failed BIG-TIME as a leader and now that that particular genie is out of the bottle, there’s no way to stuff it back in or to change its shape. Anything he does now is too little, too late.
    I hope this means that politically he’s washed up. But that’s going to depend on the Ontarian electorate. And then our problem is: Are there any other leaders of Ontario parties who are real leaders? I fear not.

  37. Sounds like Steve D has never been given a good spanking as a youngster – I’ll give him a spanking! Time to grow up Stevey!

  38. Dalton McGuinty stays true to form
    compare Caledonia with the Toronto gun ban Tapdance. The base philosophy that drives both responses is all too plain.
    Instead of dealing with the problem, the government of Premier Dalton McGuinty would rather play politics. This is understandable, actually addressing this gang problem is virtually guaranteed to bring a storm of protest from the Politically Correct and political activists intent on creating an identity politics power base.
    If you recall the handgun ban adventure in the last election Ontario’s Attorney General Michael Bryant also proposed a provincial handgun ban. He stated that “Nobody needs to have a handgun in their house and nobody should because of the dangers caused even by safe storage of these “weapons of human misery”. The Attorney General also stated that “the average citizen simply cannot safely store a handgun” and noted that “no matter what lengths collectors go to store their weapons, thieves are going to steal them and sell them on the street to the highest bidder”. “I think the time for handgun collections in people’s homes have come and gone.” “Maybe there was a time when this was safe, but no longer”.
    So similar to their methods in Caledonia
    Th above is the head of law enforcement for a province making an open and complete confession of absolute defeat. The citizens of Ontario are no longer safe in their homes, nor are their possessions, and that is now the permanent state of things. There is nothing the “average citizen” can do about it either. Thieves will steal them, thieves will sell them and there is nothing he or the police can do about it. Accordingly, the only possible solution is to remove the property of the law abiding. Unable to even contemplate eradicating the gangs, Bryant shifts his efforts to the law-abiding to prevent theft by confiscating what the thieves want to steal.
    It is a breathtaking admission of the failure of political will. A complete abandonment of any hope for effective governance and all in the face of a few hundred gang members. Toronto and Caledonia have achieved equality in their abandonment.
    Premier Dalton McGuinty also submits to the superior will of the gangs. In Toronto he avoids any blame for his total abdication of responsibility for law and order by shifting the blame onto Canada’s supposed gun culture. In Caledonia it is historical grievances and Canada’s culture that are to blame.

  39. Calgarian
    Right on! I’m with you. Ignore the creep. Skip him. He has nothing intelligent to say. Just drivel. Programmed degenerate dogma. Don’t respond. He’s hard core Rabble.
    On behalf of all the true blue conservatives. Not you imposters!!! But the true bluey blue conservatives I want to thank you for identifying this idiot, creepy, leftie, drivel based, degenerate dogmatic, hard core Rabble. I never would have noticed without your keen powers of observation and discernment. We will ignore him just as you have…almost.

  40. clang clang clang clang clang !!!!!
    woooooOOOOOOOOO EEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!
    troll alert !!! troll alert !!!!

  41. Steve is a pawn, Calgarian. He can’t distingush between Indians and the Indian-baiters in the professional criminal and ambulance-chasing industries.
    I agree that pawns aren’t too important and shouldn’t be focused on, but it’s also important to know when to sacrifice one to capture a bishop.
    Remember, you’re not writing for the other commenters, you’re writing for the vast audience of readers who never comment. Use whatever tools (or in this case, tool) you find to both be at hand and to be effective.

  42. Some of you appear to be in the shoot first and ask questions later philosophy. We have been there and done that.
    Too bad we are constantly being surprised at the predictable.
    If these people had been identified as nothing but trouble makers before before this event had begun we would have known how to meet it.
    Do you suppose those in charge of the nations security have not been paying attention? Csis should be watching for this kind of event. The fact that it has gone this far reflects on all security and police depts involved.

  43. steve d. does not like…
    adulthood, boldness, bravery, chivalry, courage, daring, determination, firmness, forcefulness, fortitude, gallantry, hardihood, honor, machismo, manfulness, manliness, masculinity, mettle, nobility, potency, resoluteness, resolution, self-reliance, spirit, sturdiness, tenacity, valor, virility
