Nero McGuinty – Update

Fiddling while Caledonia burns.
UpdateSteve Janke has been tipped that Caledonia may be in for Canada Day fireworks they hadn’t planned on.

There is increased activity at DCE. After the removal of the barricades, there were 2 out houses. Yesterday they brought in 5 more. They have been hauling in wood all day yesterday and today. They are stacking them in huge pyres.
Scanners are picking up on-going communication from the Warriors saying that they are going to help the Caledonians celebrate Canada Day festivities. No mention of specifics just continuous excitement over this coming weekend. My uneducated guess is that if they do show up at the dance, they will just stand and watch. Intimidate by presence. They hope that the Caledonians, fuelled with fire water will start the fight. They, the poor, peaceful natives, who only wanted to be part of the celebration will be forced to fight back to protect their women and children. Racist, violent Caledonia will be portrayed as just that.
Sunday night, the Baptist church had organized a church supper and entertainment. They had invited a Native Christian Band to provide the entertainment and felt it would be a sign of open hearts to invite the Mohawk Warriors. They did arrive in full camouflage with scarves. They sat and by the end of the entertainment seemed to be relaxed. After most of the congregation had left and there were only a few stragglers remaining, a warrior went up to the minister and told him what a great evening they had and what a lovely building the church was. He then told the minister that if there was anything that he felt emotionally attached to he should take it because they were going to take over the Church.

Lots more. Be sure to read the earlier entries, too.
Update 2 – June 29 – the anecdote re: the Baptist church incident reported to Steve appears to be false. A reader wrotes;

As a resident of Caledonia, I thank you for your continued efforts to tell the true story in your blog. However, when I see something that is untrue, I just have to point it out. I am a member of Caledonia Baptist Church and attended the concert on Sunday evening. I read the piece about the concert and have spoken to our pastor this morning to clarify what happened after the concert. He tells me that this statement is totally untrue about the warrior stating they were going to take over the Church. Can this be corrected? We don’t need to further inflame an already inflammatory situation.

136 Replies to “Nero McGuinty – Update”

  1. What a pathetic little sandbox exchange this thread has degenerated into. Great advertising for the Conservative brand of politics!

  2. That’s not fair, Chris. Steve is trying to make a point about the frustration of some Canadian citizens, in this case the reasonable Indians, with the absurdities of the modern jurisprudential process, that is not entirely without merit. It’s just that he gets distracted by his rhetoric, and loses track of his dialectics. With appropriate criticism, he can probably eventually become a valueable participant in the debate, just like most of you are or could be.

  3. Dalton has backed himself into a corner. He got all lathered up over Mike Harris allegedly directing the OPP at Ipperwash. (Where a protester was shot when he apparently threatened a policeman who was later convicted of using deadly force inappropriately, or some such thing.)And now Dalton cannot be seen asking police to intervene because he accused Mike Harris of just that thing – which Dalton went to great lengths to paint as inappropriate behaviour for a Premier. Now it appears that Dalton has asked police not to intervene – because that is the only logical reason there could be for the failure of the OPP to act. I only hope there is an inquiry to determine why the OPP did not act. Caledonia could be a spark. We cannot afford to get this wrong again.

  4. Calgarian: I totally agree. I stopped reading his posts a while ago however it is hard when people are quoting lines back.
    Here is my question to the common sense people out there . What do we do now? I ask this because I feel like a bully is beating up on a stranger in the park and we’re all standing by discussing it. This town has been forsaken and has no protection etc as the thugs gear up and continue to abuse them. What can we do (I’m in Alberta) to stand behind this town and make a difference in this? Any ideas? Unlike the troll, I feel that if good men do nothing – etc. Unlike the troll, I think what it would be like if it were my neighborhood being threatened and left to fend for themselves. Do we organize? Do we go to Caledonia? Do we write the government? How the heck do we stand up for them when no one else is? (Note: no response from the troll required. It ain’t happening to him so he doesn’t get it. I’m looking for ideas).

  5. …so what do you want agitfact…you seem more concerned with the reaction to the criminal behaviour as opposed to the actual people and events that have conspired to cause said discourse…curious,yet not suprising…

  6. I agree Lanny, what do we do? One thing to consider is, what are the options? You have mentioned some, such as organize, petition, etc. At the extremes, there are the cases of private citizen vigilantism, and calling in the army. And all this because a gang of thugs has absconded with the Canadian Indians’ heritage and turned it into a faux-racist cause for skullduggery.

  7. heh agitfact (sorry for funning with your handle earlier).
    Well, you kinda have a point. Let me try to summarize what I would have done, then maybe you can try:
    Assemble overwhelming display of force (police and military).
    Issue a clear and firm time deadline warning to the thugs to remove the barricades; you certainly don’t want to surprise them — that’s too dangerous. Get the clock ticking and give them a few hours to think about it.
    Maybe for psychological effect, build the assembly of force. Form a phalnanx of police and military. Use other psychological techniques too. I suspect these are chicken-it thugs you would step down with this kind of firmness.
    Certainly allow some kind of face-saving, but NO concessions. That might, for example, be the promise of some kind of meeting for the thugs to present their case to the authorities. But, very important: NO concessions.
    At the appointed time (not a minute earlier or later) the phalnanx calmly approaches with the modest intention of removing the thugs one by one. (tell them in advance exactly what we are going to do).
    There need be no physical violence, except in the form of proportionate response. Shoot only if shot at. Shoot to kill only if police/military lives are endangered.
    Police and military must expect the risk to life and limb or perhaps consider a more amenable vocation.
    Grievances, valid or otherwise, at that point are immaterial. It is the Rule of Law that is the key here.
    We now have a very serious situation on our hands after REWARDING criminal [repeating: criminal] behaviour. Now we have a serious risk of escaltion. Appeasement always and everywhere emboldens the appeased. And being that nature abhors a vacuum, we also now have a very real risk of vigilante action.
    So how’s that, is that grown-up enough for you? Over to you, now, and no steve d’s bromides about “early signs” and “de-fusing”. You are the commander now agitfact. Solve the problem without rewarding criminal behaviour for us.

  8. Well, Lanny, I’ve written twice to the Premier of Ontario (“Hi, I’m Dalton!) and have had no response to either of my reasonable e-mails. I have expressed disappointment in his leadership, but that shouldn’t surprise him. I have asked him to come out of hiding and to address the people of Ontario.
    So far, to no avail. I think my next move will be to contact my MPP to find out what’s happening and what can be done about this derelection of leadership on McGuinty’s part. It’s very frustrating, because no one seems to have any answers as to how we move forward here.
    I think McGuinty and his do-nothing government should have the book thrown at them–but by whom and how?

  9. Lanny—Excellent point. What do we do??
    Brainstorming some options….
    Grab a snipe and head for Caledonia
    Beak off
    Shut up
    Pressure our MP’s
    Take a picture
    Refuse to file income tax
    Watch helplessly (oops… Mc Squishy has this one covered)
    To tell you the truth …I havn’t a clue what I can do as an individual citizen.
    Hell of a question though!!

  10. What’s up at angry in the great white north? That is, how come it’s so hard to get onto the site? There are only a few times of day when I can log on. Does anyone else have this same trouble, or is it just me? Any suggestions? Steve Janke has some great threads on what’s happening at Caledonia, and I wanted an update.
    But no can do. The site’s not opening. 🙁

  11. The Caledonia blockade was violent crime, remember, you don’t have to actually touch someone to be guilty of assault, you only have to frighten them enough so that they reasonably believe they are in danger of imminent physical harm. It’s true, that gutless girlie-man Liberal McSquinty was scared shitless of pulling a “Mike Harris”. (Good observation sub-urban, stating what should be obvious for all to see.) What should have been done is sic the cops on them and back them up all the way, trust your highly trained professional police force to assess the situation and do what is right. Yes, criminals may be killed, but it is correct and proper police work to disarm and control lawbreakers, by all means necessary. This will be done, sooner or later, and it’s going to be a lot tougher and more violent next time. There’s going to be dead people, maybe even dead cops, but rule of law and respect for law is fundamental in a democracy. Anyone who says different is living in a dream world. Look at that gawddammed idiot troll steve d, now he’s saying police intelligence work should have forseen and intercepted the whole affair, I’m telling you, he’s crazy, a jibbering clown.

  12. Me no Dhimi—From a political perspective that sounds about right. Although I’m pretty sure McSquishy lacks the parts to make the call on that course of action.
    So who will?? What will it take for the feds to have jurisdiction?? Are there no men among us??

  13. Does anybody else see a parallel between the shenanigans going on in Caledonia and the total anarchy that occurred in the wake of Hurricane Katrina? In both cases we see a breakdown of social order (granted, it was far worse in New Orleans) that quickly leads to a situation where innocent citizens are completely at the mercy of armed thugs, and the police either cannot or will not protect them.
    SteveD….it’s very easy for you to be so tolerant and forgiving when you are not directly affected by the actions of the SN goons. No doubt, you would be singing a much different tune if these poor misguided individuals showed up in your back yard in the middle of the night.
    (switching gears)
    Robert J BA BSc…
    Are you that guy who posted on Steve Janke’s blog – the fellow from India who boasted about his Ph.D. and delighted us with his 5000 word posts critcizing Paul Martin’s Liberal government for not finding him a suitable job in this country? Are you that guy? No offense, but reading your garbled posts is like trying to chug down a beer mug full of vinegar and rock salt.

  14. What to do as average citizens? I doubt there is much we can do–we have been neutered by our glorious leaders. Our guns have been ‘registered’ and that is all Ontario would need–for us to use our guns to protect OUR people–this would be what the Liberals, both federal and provincial would need to throw everything into preventing the ‘registry’ from being eradicated.
    Emails and petitions are useless–petitions are filed under G for garbage, and emails to Liberal MPPs are ignored. That is the Liberal way–what right to we peasants have to complain?
    I only hope the feds will be ready with the army if the Canada Day ‘massacre’ is as stated. Too late to circle the wagons–McLiar has seen to that.
    We would be jailed for causing ‘trouble’. This is what happens when rules are set by colour. This has absolutely nothing to do with real Natives–this is a terrorist group hiding behind real Natives. This is the Indian Mafia pure and simple. We must not play into their hands.
    But those empowered by us to keep the peace must be there doing their job. We will not get that from Boniface or the weak-kneed Liberals. We need the army. Best to be prepared for the worst, because we ain’t seen nothing yet.

  15. Liebermann
    I would hope that if anything happens in my area that cooler heads than mine would prevail.
    Dalton has to firm up if he wants this to end.
    Me No Dhimmi’s answer is looking for fireworks.
    The idea is to end it without fireworks or have them turn to other more desperate means than simple protest and relatively minor property damage. if you really want it to end and not just pause then the natives have to be involved in the solution. A settlement is always possible if both sides can keep talking. But there needs to be a deadline to the talking. Start the clock and then send in your best negotiator.

  16. syncrodox
    That is my fear. This has been going on far too long. There needs to be a deadline and soon. Try a last ditch negotiation and make it clear it is time to end way or the other.
    The most important thing to do about this is to learn from it and try to get provincial governments to act pre-emptively as these kinds of things could easily go on again in Ontario and other provinces. We cannot keep getting caught with our pants down on these protests. As the history of these incidents grows our response doesn’t change from surprise. Talk about stuck on stupid!

  17. I’m sending Dalton nightly nasty-grams. I’ll let you know when the OPP or RCMP show up (if they give us white-folk e-mail access in the klink)

  18. Hmm, the Columbia University Press encyclopedia says that: “Wounded Knee is a creek, rising in SW S.Dak. and flowing NW to the White River; site of the last major battle of the Indian wars. After the death of Sitting Bull, a band of Sioux, led by Big Foot, fled into the badlands, where they were captured by the 7th Cavalry on Dec. 28, 1890, and brought to the creek. On Dec. 29, the Sioux were ordered disarmed; but when a medicine man threw dust into the air, a warrior pulled a gun and wounded an officer. The U.S. troops opened fire, and within minutes almost 200 men, women, and children were shot. The soldiers later claimed that it was difficult to distinguish the Sioux women from the men.”
    So, I doubt this is destined to become our Wounded Knee. For one thing, we’re not dealing with a tribe of Canadian Indians, we’re dealing with a gang of thugs.

  19. Steve d. Congrantulations. In your first paragraph you take the same position as Me No Dhimmi @ 9;48.
    I agree with you both. It ends now….one way or the other.

  20. Me No Dhimmi,
    I will answer your question in the spirit in which it is posed.
    I would gather the Lannys from coast-to-coast to go to Caledonia to defend the rights of peaceful residents and to uphold the law against redskin thugs. And I would make sure that the most vocal rednecks are in the front lines when the inevitable happens. Then, when other aboriginals start thinking that maybe whites are not to be trusted under any circumstances anywhere, I’d rush home to protect my home against bandits from nearby reserves.
    Of course I would have aranged for the Attorney General of Ontario to call out the CF in aid of the civil power since the OPP would not be able to muster overwhelming force against thousands of irate injuns.
    And at some point I would rebuild Caledonia.
    On the other hand, I might prefer not to judge a government incompetent just because they were Liberals. I might consider that there were people in government offices and police forces who were not out merely to screw residents. I would try not to make their jobs even more impossible by carping from the sidelines and giving the other side evidence of malevolence, such as certain blog comments.
    Syncro has asked if this could become our Wounded Knee. It could, but we should make sure that it doesn’t. How? By letting the authorities who have the responsibility and some means get on with it, regardless of what David Warren may write to entertain his fans.
    Of course you won’t see it my way, but I’m used to that.

  21. steve d: You, sir, are a complete idiot. You have nothing of value to say. Even if you had an IEP –Individual Education Plan, which students with learning deficits are allowed in order to grade them at their level of achievement–I’d give you a failing grade.

  22. Vitruvius— I was refering to the standoff in 1973 when the radical AIM movement siezed Wounded Knee S.D.
    Two natives were killed and one FBI officer died in a shootout.
    Google it again and scroll a little further down the page or google AIM. (American Indian Movement).
    My point.
    The piss poor response to a radical gang of native thugs in 1973 resulted in a shootout.
    If Janke’s source is correct we may see the same thing this weekend. Of course with the liberal canadian twist. The thugs squeezing the trigger first.

  23. “It is time we started looking for other ways of dealing with protestors than shooting them.”
    Was someone shot???
    The hyperbole of the longest running troll act on any site.
    Folks, why, oh why, are you engaging him? The minute he leaves a dropping, the level of discourse falls precipitously to his level of stupidity. It’s a game with him as has been discussed a thousand times – see Troll Handbook.
    I realize he is fun to play with, but after awhile who’s the fool? Sorry, but post after post rebutting steve d…….please!!!

  24. syncrodox
    Yeah both of us want it over now and he wants the time limit but lets keep the police out of it until absolutely the last minutes. An intimidation show of force may get the opposite response to the one we want. Don’t forget it just might be that some of these guys want to be martyrs. So we go in cool but firm. When and if the police are called they will still focus on ending it in the least violent way they can, but they must be ready for any violent response.

  25. Penny— Back up and follow the thread. Steve d makes some valid points……past history aside.
    Steve d.—Hiding the coppers in the bushes is not the answer. As Me No Dhimmi pointed out earlier(and you also) set a timeline, state the terms and marshall the required force.
    It is not the severity of the consequences, but rather the assurity. Although given the abdication of responsibility by Mc Squishy severity, may be required.
    That is where we are. As I asked previously… Where are the MEN among us?? Both on the government and the FN side. I mean really, where is Phil Fontaine?? Too scared to deal with these thugs?
    I guess colour is no barrier to gutless leadership.

  26. McGimpy is no fiddler. He’s on the same side as the land-grabbers. The greater Toronto greenbelt. The “plan for growth”. The tag-team urban/rural regulations and property taxes that hound city people into the country and then drive country people back into the city. Shutting down farmers’ markets and church socials. Harrassing private, individual businesses out of existence then replacing them with government-owned or government-subsidized businesses owned and staffed by the FOG (friends of government).
    Once the provincial government – working with their henchmen at the federal and municipal level – lay waste to a city, a suburb, or a rural area, then it is ready to be snapped up for pork-driven, crony-managed “renewal projects”. Whenever you see different levels of government and different departments and ministries teaming up to put on an arts festival, fund a high-tech company, build a light-rail line, etc., remember this: you’re not seeing the people “getting something back” from government. You’re seeing a gang of thugs move in to a wasteland that they themselves created in the peoples’ homes, jobs and culture with their thuggish taxes and thuggish enforcement goons.
    There’s no difference between the Government of Ontario and the Indians at Caledonia, except for this: the Indians are more honest, because when they steal land for their casinos they don’t lie and bullshit you and pretend that they’re doing it for your own good, because they care for you, because they have a democratic mandate, because free enterprise has failed the people, blah, blah, blah.

  27. I don’t usually agree with most of what steved says, but I truly believe that it is unfair to characterize him as a troll.
    In my view, at least, he presents his viewpoints in an intelligent, cogent and respectful manner. Accordingly, I think it is wrong to trash him personally because of what he says…if everyone on this site agreed completely with what everyone else expressed, frankly, it would be quite boring to continue to come here.
    Present opposing views, discuss, argue passionately, debate till the cows come home…but don’t insult someone just because he presents an alternate view…
    Merely saying…

  28. What did Ontarians expect? Voting in a Socialist Premier who thinks the world is his oyster to pluck.
    You Toronto, when you voted in the Communist for mayor. What did you expect? Rationality form a guy who believes in a system that has murdered over 100,000,000 people & never worked economically.
    In fact its an economic Frankenstein that forces its practitioners into penury, except of course, the self described elite or philosopher kings. It works the same on the reserves. & why shouldn’t it. it’s a microcosm of our polity during the liberal oligarchy.
    People are surprised , shocked & outraged.
    Frankly I am surprised worse has not happen, than graft lies & now lawlessness. This is what happens when people embrace the ideology of freeloaders & bums. No shock to me or anyone else who has followed this.
    I agree with Celestial Junk. This is a criminal gang, not a band of Natives. I doubt most even are involved. There all in it. Not for Native rights but pure intimidation for profit. Traipsing around trying to instill fear into the residents. Yet not a cop in sight. If I was OPP, I would be hiding in shame , about now.
    I have found most Socialists with there fellow crooks , to be nothing but ego wrapped fools. Who think every ones money is there’s & they have a divine right to lie, cheat, mislead, abuse the citizenry or steal.
    So why would they not cave into the same mentality, they themselves own?

  29. “It is time we started looking for other ways of dealing with protestors than shooting them.”
    Nah, shoot ’em.

  30. I went to the Citizens of Caledonia website. This is n’t what I had in mind but it may help the citizens somewhat. They are initiating a class action suit and people can contribute. From the site:
    Are you interested in assisting us in aggressively prosecuting this class action?
    If so, you can help financially by contributing to a fund that will be used to address the risks associated with this action.
    A fund is being established for the sole purpose of protecting the plaintiffs who commenced this action from any adverse costs awards.
    The first $10,000.00 will be used to pay for initial expenses of commencing the action and the balance of the funds raised will be held by a group of trustees pending the outcome of the case. If the action is successful, the remaining funds, plus any accrued interest, will be returned to the donors on a proportionate basis. If the action is unsuccessful, then the funds will be used towards any adverse cost award. (For further details see the FAQ page.)
    You may contribute by cheque or contact us at:
    P.O. Box 57030
    Jackson Station
    2 King Street West
    Hamilton, Ontario
    L8P 4W9
    Cheques should be made out to “CLASS ACTION CALEDONIA”

  31. Bruce : Well said!!
    I will bring up a point you may have overlooked.
    I believe the OPP is finished as a police department. They may try to Revise a new Police force, with a new name. But in the meantime, I think the RCMP should be in charge.
    Why do I make this claim? When they failed to help 3 American police officers. They sealed this forces fate.
    The biggest unstated taboo in this select group. Is that when a fellow officer is in trouble, all else is dropped. Best time if your a crook I guess, would be during a ” Officer down call”.
    It does not matter if there from the same force or even service. Because of this , no other Police force in North America will have anything to do with them . Effectively they will be cut out & shunned over that act of cowardice.
    Knowing how politically they have been infiltrated if not compromised. They can never have the publics trust again. As Peace officers. They gave that right up, under political pressure. Not the least of how the law abiding public has been treated. Because they where impotent in this, does not mean you turn on those who pay you.
    Inevitably from guilt & incision this force will splinter into factions. Both external & internal. Someone will be looking for a scapegoat.
    It saddens me to say this as I figure most of these officers where probably good Police.
    I hope most of them get jobs back in uniform. I think though this sunk them as an effective deterrent to anything. Just my opinion.

  32. Syncrodox asked “Where is Phil Fontaine”?
    Exactly! Apparently old Philly condones the terrorism by his own people as a means to advance the cause of… whom? Himself and his politician cronies in the Aboriginal community?
    Phil Fontaine is silent. He’s doing nothing whatsoever. What a great leader! He’s definitely helping his people!
    Phil Fontaine simply stinks for doing nothing at all to help quickly end the occupation!
    Surely he knows that the image of Aboriginals in Canada is being further tarnished… by their own doing?

  33. Revnant Dream, that’s a very valid point of view. I hadn’t till you just said it… realized that the OPP didn’t help the American Border Patrol agents when they were being battered by the Aboriginal terrorists. They were there and did nothing. Apparently following orders to do nothing while the Aboriginals break the law and actually commit international terrorism. What an embarrassing shame!
    Why don’t the MSM talking heads ever opine as honestly? Guess the MSM is rooting for the masked thugs?
    I believe there should be a debate as to how much political direction of police is acceptable. I think there’s too much… actually to the point that it looks like politicians are using police to advance their own political preferences!

  34. Do you think we can bring Mike Harris out of retirement to handle this for us? Things didn’t go very far under his watch and were quieted down very quickly.
    How anyone can vote for this gutless wonder we currently have as a premier is beyond logic! Now that things have gotten this bad a lot more “warriors”, and possibly townsfolk, are going to end up dead than under the conservative way of handling these matters.

  35. is it against our constitution and/or laws to form private militias in this country???? cuz if the security forces in this country do not get these thugs/criminals/cigarette barons/gambling overlords under control…the people might have to take care of it themselves…..just a thought…..btw…could also help with border security, etc.

  36. To add to the list of useless, wasteless subsidies from Dalton & Co.
    Toronto Sun June 29/06..
    Why did Ontario give The Lord of The Rings 3Million???
    Why did Ontario give The Toronto Gay Theatre Buddies in Bad Times 1Million???
    Why Change The trillium Logo at a cost of 219,000+????
    When we hear of cities crying for help in Health Care.. We see monies like this being wasted Time & Time again, Recall Legislation anyone!!
    Oh & BTW Why did Ontario give Casino Windsor over 400,000 when the house always wins???
    Why, when your House & mine is losing big time because of inept waste of Taypayer Monies!!!

  37. “Start the clock and then send in your best negotiator.”
    It is obvious from Steved’s posts that he is one of those people that believes that if you just talk quietly and calmly to the misbehaving that they will see the light and change their behaviour.
    He obviously has had alot of success with this technique because he is firm is his belief that it works so……
    let’s start a petition to have Steved (and agrifact can join him if he wants) be appointed negotiator. We could get the CBC to do a reality show about the negotiations so we can all learn these amazing techniques that Steved has developed. It would be a real hit!

  38. Ipperwash: one dead, a man who was drunk, who was acting irrationally, and who threatened the police.
    Caledonia: Who knows how many will end up dead or wounded, all because of Duh-ton McGuilty’s indecision and the cowardice and complete lack of leadership on the part of Phil Fontaine.
    Indecision and lack of leadership is far worse than decisiveness and the rule of law.

  39. From the Steve Janke update –
    “There is increased activity at DCE. After the removal of the barricades, there were 2 out houses. Yesterday they brought in 5 more. They have been hauling in wood all day yesterday and today. They are stacking them in huge pyres.”
    There may be another reason for gathering the wood.
    It may be a long cold winter.
    Here’s the story – – –
    “It was autumn, and the Indians on the remote reservation asked their new Chief if the winter was going to be cold or mild.
    Since he was an Indian Chief in a modern society, he had never been taught the old secrets and, when he looked at the sky, he couldn’t tell what the weather was going to be. Nevertheless, to be on the safe side,
    he replied to his tribe that the winter was indeed going to be cold and that the members of the village should collect wood to be prepared.
    But also, being a practical leader, he decided to seek advice from experts.
    He went to the phone booth, called the National Weather Service and asked, “Is the coming winter going to be cold?”
    “It looks like this winter is going to be! quite cold indeed,” the meteorologist at the weather service responded.
    So the Chief went back to his people and told them to collect even more wood in order to be prepared.
    A week later he called the National Weather Service again. “Is it still going to be a cold winter?” he asked.
    “Yes,” the man at the National Weather Service again replied, “it’s going to be a very cold winter.
    The Chief again went back to his people and ordered them to collect every scrap of wood they could find.
    Two weeks later he called the National Weather Service again. “Are you
    absolutely sure that this winter is going to be very cold?” he asked for a third time.
    “Absolutely,” the weatherman replied. “In fact, it’s going to be one of the coldest winters ever!”
    “How can you be so sure?” the Chief asked.
    The weatherman replied, “The Indians are gathering wood like crazy.

  40. Just to let you all know I am not Steve d.’s twin.
    Does Canada have a nuke?
    If we do let’s use it on the next native protest.
    That’ll put those pesky redskins in their place.
    How’s that for over-the-top bigoted conservative thinking?

  41. Yeah.. that’s right. People on this blog are asking for law and order. People on this blog are asking for protection of citizens that are being bullied by thugs. People on this blog are asking that the police do what they are supposed to do and arrest criminals. I’m not sure how that translates to nuking them but in a left wing delusion, it must.

  42. Alberta Girl,
    you don’t need stevd or me as negotiators because you guys are doing such a great job solving this non-problem on your own.
    Joe Molnar,
    your story makes as much sense as anything else I have read on Caledonia on this site, and it’s a whole lot funnier.
    David Brown,
    “How’s that for over-the-top bigoted conservative thinking?” Perfect!

  43. I find the description of the behaviour of the Mohawk warriors chilling, from a psychological perspective. To accept and enjoy the Church-members hospoitality and then deal them a death blow without emotional equivocation appears sociopathic or psychotic.
    This reminds me of research and commentary I have radon the failure of the self-esteem movement. The common symptoms of telling kids they are fantastic is either depression (when they intuitively understand they are not) or arrogant, self-deluded aggression. It seems that chronic welfare dependancy and PC cultural romanticism have the same effect.

  44. Now that we’ve got the nonsense approach out of the way how about the sensible approach.
    I for one draw a parallel to Israel and Palestine. There are ages old land claims and militancy in both instances. There is also a lot of arrogance and an unwillingness to seal the deal once and for all. It’s almost like the constant bickering serves a purpose on both sides.
    Natives have had hundreds of years to assimilate yet because they’re doled out an existence they continue to carry on in their old ways. Necessity is the mother of invention and what our politicos should do is create that necessity.
    How? By calling all native chiefs to a meeting and get tough with them. An ultimatum…either co-operate and be reasonable or all deals are off.
    In the old days when there were protests or uprisings the military would be called in and they would do their job…end of uprising, peace and tranquility return.
    Politicians of all persuasions have had opportunities but because they don’t have the cajones and want your vote they don’t ‘rock’ the boat.
    Don’t blame the Liberals, blame yourselves!

  45. If our government can’t or won’t send in the military to fix this mess we need to form a militia and do it ourselves. For the citizens of Calidonia and all of Canada.

  46. agitfact said:
    you don’t need stevd or me as negotiators because you guys are doing such a great job solving this non-problem on your own.
    I’m very interested to hear how this is a non-problem?
    Your facile use of “redneck” earlier in your non-solution to the non-problem is merely another variant of the tiresome and infantile liberal tactic of labelling as “racist” a opponent wining a debate.
    For the record: my earlier attempt to describe what I would do would apply letter by letter to white thugs. What you will never understand,it seems, is that liberals are the racists — the providers of preferences and privileges to minorities. Conservatives/libertarians (aka grown-ups) — actively dislike group preferences of any kind.
    CHALLENGE: Tell us neurotics how this is a NON-PROBLEM.

  47. There is something we can do in the long-term. The Ontario election is in the fall of ’07. A little pre-campaigning can always help permanently terminate liberals.
    Caledonia? McGuilty.
    Not upholding the law and protecting citizens? McGuilty.
    Giving in to criminal extortion? McGuilty.
    $220,000 on new partisan liberal/trillium logo? McGuilty.
    Millions in patronage to Liberal friendly ad firm? McGuilty.
    Tax promise (and law) broken? McGuilty.
    Bald faced liar? McGuilty.
    Ontario’s energy crisis and tax sinkhole? McGuilty.
    Toronto gun crime? McGuilty.
    Sorbera (and the whatshisname health minister)? McGuilty.
    Hospital waiting time? McGuilty.
    Lack of family doctors? McGuilty.
    The poor are far poorer under liberals? (Toronto Star) McGuilty.
    Almost the first western province/state to adopt Sharia law? McGuilty. McGuilty. McGuilty.
