Nero McGuinty – Update

Fiddling while Caledonia burns.
UpdateSteve Janke has been tipped that Caledonia may be in for Canada Day fireworks they hadn’t planned on.

There is increased activity at DCE. After the removal of the barricades, there were 2 out houses. Yesterday they brought in 5 more. They have been hauling in wood all day yesterday and today. They are stacking them in huge pyres.
Scanners are picking up on-going communication from the Warriors saying that they are going to help the Caledonians celebrate Canada Day festivities. No mention of specifics just continuous excitement over this coming weekend. My uneducated guess is that if they do show up at the dance, they will just stand and watch. Intimidate by presence. They hope that the Caledonians, fuelled with fire water will start the fight. They, the poor, peaceful natives, who only wanted to be part of the celebration will be forced to fight back to protect their women and children. Racist, violent Caledonia will be portrayed as just that.
Sunday night, the Baptist church had organized a church supper and entertainment. They had invited a Native Christian Band to provide the entertainment and felt it would be a sign of open hearts to invite the Mohawk Warriors. They did arrive in full camouflage with scarves. They sat and by the end of the entertainment seemed to be relaxed. After most of the congregation had left and there were only a few stragglers remaining, a warrior went up to the minister and told him what a great evening they had and what a lovely building the church was. He then told the minister that if there was anything that he felt emotionally attached to he should take it because they were going to take over the Church.

Lots more. Be sure to read the earlier entries, too.
Update 2 – June 29 – the anecdote re: the Baptist church incident reported to Steve appears to be false. A reader wrotes;

As a resident of Caledonia, I thank you for your continued efforts to tell the true story in your blog. However, when I see something that is untrue, I just have to point it out. I am a member of Caledonia Baptist Church and attended the concert on Sunday evening. I read the piece about the concert and have spoken to our pastor this morning to clarify what happened after the concert. He tells me that this statement is totally untrue about the warrior stating they were going to take over the Church. Can this be corrected? We don’t need to further inflame an already inflammatory situation.

136 Replies to “Nero McGuinty – Update”

  1. Steve D.
    God damn I hope the natives take over your house next. I would almost pay them to do it. I hope they cost you your life savings, you home, your job and your sanity (what of it you have.) That would be poetic.
    I don’t know if the natives had a case or not. If they did, they still have no right terrorizing and victimizing the real aggrieved: The innocent residents of Caledonia.
    The indians had a case going through the courts. They declined to adhere to law and order and unilaterally declined to do as they pleased. Given your disdain for GW Bush’s “unilateralism” I find your nonchalant attitude to the indians a little hypocritical.
    Steve, civil society requires that people follow the law. If people decide on their own what laws to follow civil society breaks down. Then you get real social Darwinism. That is something the left just can’t win. It’s conservatives that man the army and protect the effete liberals so they can do as they please. Breakdowns in the social order can only be bad for you steve. There would be no one to protect you.
    Harris had a good start but folded after George was shot. D.George was a degenerate and will not be missed. His “native” status has nothing at all to do with his lack of worth, his criminal behaviour does. Rioters and criminals need to be put down. If that means a few get shot it would make the next group think twice about breaking the law. Fire away – whether it be anti-globalization rioters throwing rocks at the police, “natives” terrorizing innocents in Caledonia or any other group of degenerates breaking the law.

  2. Agitfact,
    Just so you know, ‘Redneck’ is a Scottish highlander term for Scottish Presbyterian lowlanders, nothing more and nothing less.
    You might want to get your ‘facts’ straight.

  3. Irwin,
    We’re not in Scotland and an obscure definition of yours is meaningless.
    The universally accepted North American definition is a person who’s out in the sun quite a bit or more to the point usually a rural person that is unaccepting of diversity or new ideas.
    I’m surprised you didn’t know this.
    “If yer thinking Scotlands a welcoming place
    Far abody’s got a smile on there face
    Just visit East Ayrshire and I’m sure you’ll soon feel
    The welcome the give, with their fists full of steel
    It’s people hark back
    When a gay bash a day
    Was as fun as beating a black
    It’s nae fun now they say
    It’s nae fun now the pope
    Canna swing fae a rope”

  4. Me No Dhimmi,
    I will tell you why this is a “non-problem.” You have a bunch of aboriginal thugs making trouble for white folks off the reservation. Right? And the solution I’ve been reading here is to enforce the law, incl. sending in the Marines if necessary. So it’s a simple issue requiring only the application of police powers. Right? That is why I’ve called it a “non-problem,” because that is what you have made. You people are treating it as such, not I.
    I don’t know if the Indians have a case or not either. What I do know is that our centuries of dealing with aboriginals have been far from glorious. Seems that the only time they got results is when they kicked against the bigger pricks. There is a lot of history involved, but there is no point confusing yourself if “right” or “left” is all the explanation you need for anything.
    thanx for the elucidation of “redneck.” I’ll stick with the meaning in common parlance.

  5. agitfact,I see you’ve become quite adept at slandering all conservatives when the views of a few upset you.Thought you were better than that.
    I believe with similar bias many here are painting all natives with the same brush.It is only a few who are arsonists,thugs and bullies,but remember, some of this group are now wanted for attempted murder.
    However few,these people should have been dealt with SWIFTLY,as any Canadian breaking laws and creating mayhem should expect to be.The opportunity to nip this in the bud has been squandered.The fact authorities considered race before their course of ‘condoning these actions by inaction’ demonstrates clear ‘neglection of duty’ and discrimination and has earned them the anger,disgust and distrust of many Canadians.
    Agitfact,it’s A-OK to disagree with me,and BTW, maybe you wouldn’t mind leaving your address for me here…think I’ll call up some buddies and come barricade your driveway until you can see things our way….Have a great day!

  6. David Brown,
    The term was coined by the Scottish, regardless of your so-called ‘universally accepted’ redefinition. I, on the other hand, am not surprised you didn’t know this. That, of course, goes without saying for your ilk. Remember what ‘marriage’ used to mean?
    It’s also very creepy how you memorize and recite racist and bigoted poetry.

  7. warwick
    There you go again. You,Alberta Girl and Penny appear to be the “just go in with guns ablazing” types.
    I take the moderate approach–talk first, act later–if necessary. Your approach could get people killed–police included. I think cool heads and a day of negotiation first is the least we can do to as a last ditch attempt to prevent possible physical harm to those on either side. They even give hostage takers negotiation time. Why not property takers? Is property more precious than people?? Sometimes I get that feeling from some who post here.

  8. David Brown,
    I agree that in North America this is the accepted definition of redneck. Speaking as someone who has lived in a variety of places in Canada I have to admit I am puzzled by this definition. While generalizations are always dangerous, I have found for the most part that people living in rural areas are more tolerant than people in large urban areas. In large urban areas new ideas and views that vary from the “accepted” view are often greeted with hostility. Examples include the reaction to the degree granted by Ryerson recently, discussion of the role of Muslims in terrorist activities in Canada etc.

  9. Agitfact:
    “I don’t know if the Indians have a case or not either. What I do know is that our centuries of dealing with aboriginals have been far from glorious. Seems that the only time they got results is when they kicked against the bigger pricks. There is a lot of history involved, but there is no point confusing yourself if “right” or “left” is all the explanation you need for anything.”
    And why should the victimized residents of Caledonia give a crap about how the government has treated natives in the past while the natives are screwing them over? What did the residents of Caledonia do to deserve having their lives destroyed?
    There is no “left” and “right” when some bloody thug is occupying your home. How the hell will these residents renew their mortgages when they expire? Their homes are now worthless. They live in fear. They have been abandoned by the government that is there to protect them using the taxes these people (as well as the rest of us – but not a lot of natives) have paid their whole lives.
    If natives want the protection of the law (and that includes their treaty “rights”) they should be expected to follow it. You can’t demand the protection of law while pretending to be outside of law. If they want to be outside of law, then we should treat them as such.
    The bottom line is that while these thugs are in violation of the law, this in not a native issue at all. It’s a criminal law issue. The police and the province are not upholding the law. Why then should the rest of us be held to it if the natives are not. What happens then?
    I hope all you who defend the natives have your homes taken over next. Then we’ll see if you get an attitude adjustment.

  10. David Brown: is, of course, correct about the meaning of “redneck” in standard usage. Usage determines meaning and morphs over time. Which is how the label for limited government, free markets and and the rule of law — “liberal” — got to be hijacked by collectivists. And note the snotty aside: “surprised you didn’t know this …”.
    A review of a couple of his recent posts however will leave you very confused as to his true position on the matter at hand suggesting mere trollery. And again, without apparent irony or embarrassment, he trots out the old “diveristy” shibboleth (the centrally approved diversity of course).
    But that’s just a word. “Redneck” entered this thread via “agitfact the moralist” as a lazy, deceitful and diversionary tactic to falsely tar people who would make the same points even if the thugs were white guys in suits. Liberals are the real racists and bigots, and their insanity can be attributed to not being in touch with this reality and not understanding the colour-blindness of the Rule of Law.

  11. Steve d.
    “Is property more precious than people?? Sometimes I get that feeling from some who post here.”
    Ah, don’t know if you’ve figured it out yet but there are people LIVING ON THAT PROPERTY. It isn’t just empty dirt being protected. It’s the lives of the people who have done nothing wrong that needs protecting.
    If the people you refer to are criminal thugs and the property is home to innocents then yes, the property is more important than a criminal thug. If the criminal thug values his/her life then they should not be a criminal thug.
    People obey the law when there are consequences to violating it. If not, you have societal breakdown. Appeasement never works. Ever. All you do in appeasing thugs is encouraging more of the same. If you deal harshly with thugs, it discourages more of the same. That is the whole purpose of having laws and police. Otherwise, what’s the point?

  12. Warwick: makes a key distinction here. The left’s problem with property as mere dirt or real estate, when in fact it is the precipitate of many years of labour and sacrifice — an extention of your person. It is not a stretch to say your property is your LIFE. But alas! PET dis-included “property rights” because as we know they are quite irksome to social engineers. No, the great liberal includers included-out the very wellspring of human rights: property.

  13. agitfact,
    Based on your rational, I guess I’ll stick with the definition in ‘common parlance’ and that’s ‘universally accepted’ to describe the left.
    That term would be: Commie-ass-pansy-pinko-idiot-scumbags.
    Meaning someone who’s forever in the dark – or, more to the point, strives to further their progressive, socialist ideology, regardless of democracy or reason – and couldn’t care less how many people get hurt or killed in accomplishing the nasty deed.

  14. Stevie, Stevie, Stevie – When I read your statement “There you go again. You,Alberta Girl and Penny appear to be the “just go in with guns ablazing” types”, I just had to reply because you are putting words in my mouth – I never, ever said “go in with guns blazing”, I merely suggested that you seem to have all the answers and perhaps you could offer your services to “negotiate” with these thugs.
    Go in with guns blazing??? I don’t think it has to get to that, but calm, rational reasoning with people hell bent on creating turmoil won’t work. I believe you would be laughed off the reservation (opps – I guess that was politically incorrect).
    These people are terrorists – plain and simple – they are holding private property for “ransom” and the OPP and Gov’t of Ontario are letting them.
    Hmmmmm – I saw a nice piece of mountain property down in southern Alberta – do you think if I got a bunch of my “friends”, we put up barracades and lit bonfires and disallowed the owners to come onto the property that it would last more than 30 minutes?
    I don’t think so – this is reverse racism of the worst sort and as I stated weeks ago in another post – other minorities are watching and waiting – they are seeing how chicken the “white man” is to do anything that might remotely signal racism and my preditiction is that this is the tip of the iceberg in terms of “occupations’ and “terrorism”.
    So Stevie – sometimes the hard line is necessary to preserve freedeoms. Think about it before you so blatantly put words in people’s mouths.

  15. Me No Dhimmi,
    I truly was suprised and was not being ‘snotty’ at all. If I was displaying a negative attitude wouldn’t it be ‘snooty’ instead.
    While we’re on the subject of definitions. I think some are in order and the first 1 is ‘liberal’. It seems a lot of posters on this site have morphed this into ‘collectivist’.
    This is an extremist definition and not in universal acceptance. We should all get back to the true meaning which is: a broad political stance, generous with broad sympathies, tolerant of his opponent’s opinions, etc.
    With this true definition in mind go back and re-read my posts. It will then be evident that I am not a troll at all but a true liberal.
    Those that continue to confuse definitions are only demonstrating their ignorance and are the trolls.

  16. “We should all get back to the true meaning which is: a broad political stance, generous with broad sympathies, tolerant of his opponent’s opinions, etc.”
    David, there is no way, throughout your participation in this site, that you could be considered to have any of the other aforementioned qualities unless “etc.” includes “lying through his teeth,” which is the one over-arching true liberal quality you forgot to include in your list.

  17. A friend lives with her husband and 2 children a block away from where the barricades are. These are excerpts from her emails totally unedited by me (except * are mine so as not to offend any filters). Just copy and pasted with her permission. I thought you would be interested. Please keep in mind she was just emailing a friend in private so her comments reflect that. She is just an everyday person who works and is raising a family.
    May 2: Yes…another rally Friday night. I actually went to the one last Friday night…interesting, the residents were totally outnumbered by the police. Hundreds and hundreds of OPP there. They actually came by the busload.
    May 5: Another rally for the natives tonight I think…not sure if I will go or not but they really need to be gone.
    May 23: Oh my God, it is just horrible. It really is. They shot out the generators and we have had no power since around 2:00 yesterday and the citizens are going crazy. The natives have torn up the road and dragged a hydro tower across it. State of emergency has been issued for Caledonia. Schools are closed AGAIN. I hope they do bring the army in and take em all. More money out of our pockets to fix the road to fix the generator, it is insane…plus all the insurance claims for loss of food from the freezers not working. Where will it end? I guess maybe when one of them is shot and killed like in Ipperwash. I guess that is what needs to happen
    May 24: No one will ever be held accountable for this. We both know that. It is retarded and shows the system in a very unflattering light…this entire issue has been handled unbelievably. We actually watched natives being escorted by OPP from one side of the barricade to the other…do you think that a non-native would ever be treated that way? Not friggin likely.
    May 24: We had enough hot water to shower right up until last night. Wasn’t hot hot but was definitely a comfortable temperature. My dad bbq’s last night since we had to start eating stuff from the freezer as well. Their neighbor had a generator hooked up and let them tap into it and they did get their freezer plugged in so we took our freezer meat there to keep it frozen. Thank God. Most of the fridge items will need to be tossed out. No one will ever be compensated for this shit either…we had done groceries on Sunday including all the lunch stuff for the kids for the week, we do it every week and all that stuff is garbage now. It really p*sses me off.
    May 24: Of course we have gone to the protests and trust me I am very riled about the whole issue. No one will know what it is like to go thru this sh*t without living there and it p*sses me off that the media makes it sound like it is nothing. BIG TIME!!!!
    May 24: Not sure exactly why it is that white people can constantly be insulted and treated poorly and no matter how bad it gets it is almost like we deserve it. I feel that the natives were racial as well, they held many innocent citizens hostage, drove our property values down and continue to invade our town and yet nobody thinks it is wrong. Everyone is so afraid of being called racist that they go too far the other direction.
    June 7: Natives are still restless…it is never going to end.
    June 22: My parents were in Toronto yesterday, two buses of citizens went from Caledonia to show the politicians that the citizens want action before Parliament recesses for summer (which is not going to happen). They even were on TV…LOL. Anyway, the horror stories that we hear on a daily basis of threats against citizens and weapons being hidden on the other side of the barricade is enough to make your skin crawl. Weapons that people I know have seen with their own eyes…not just hearsay, nor rumours. It is horrible. Absolutely horrible. Ken Hewitt is the spokesperson for the Citizens Alliance and has done an amazing job in being a voice for the people of Caledonia but it is doubtful that anything will change anytime soon.
    June 22: (I asked how it was dealing with all the police) Yes…we have already become used to the police presence. They are everywhere, don’t do anything but they are there. I am certain that we could get used to armed military walking around as well.

  18. David Brown,
    The last I checked, this is a Conservative blog. Check your definitions and who you slagged.
    Make no mistake, you are a troll.

  19. David Brown:
    For a moment I had wondered if I was mis-attributing a quote. But a search of THIS thread showed only one instance of “nuke” and that was in yours:
    Does Canada have a nuke?
    If we do let’s use it on the next native protest.
    That’ll put those pesky redskins in their place.
    How’s that for over-the-top bigoted conservative thinking?
    Posted by: David Brown at June 29, 2006 09:10 AM
    As reader suggests, your definition of liberal is a) delusional and b) not applicable to your mischievous offerings. Empty verbiage, a fairy tale, a Trudeaphian (now there was a racist, fascist) fable
    Finally, I have to agree with the poster above who referred to your creepy racist poetry. I won’t be returning to this thread.

  20. Irwin,
    “The last I checked, this is a Conservative blog.”
    You may want to check again, possibly ask Kate.
    This at first glance may have the appearance of a conservative blog, however, it has further reaching intracacies and nuances than that.
    For what it’s worth…those that consider this blog to be solely a vehicle for the exchange of conservative dialogue are really selling themselves and their peers short.

  21. “liberal”–This is an extremist definition and not in universal acceptance. We should all get back to the true meaning which is: a broad political stance, generous with broad sympathies, tolerant of his opponent’s opinions, etc.”
    Thank you, thank you. I needed a good belly laugh this afternoon. You made my day.

  22. Murray,
    They laughed a Jesus too and I guess he’s getting the last laugh now.

  23. David Brown,
    So you are comparable to Jesus, too! Quite a resume.
    I’ll settle for a good laugh over the last laugh. I don’t participate in anything with a view to be the last one laughing.

  24. “The universally accepted North American definition is a person who’s out in the sun quite a bit or more to the point usually a rural person that is unaccepting of diversity or new ideas.”
    This from a person claiming to be a true liberal, supplying *his preferred* definition.
    Note that he gets to identify what he is, declining to allow his rural compatriot to define who he really is.
    And surely, as soon as one rural voice was heard, another would make claim to something quite different.
    A ‘liberal’ defined in his words would harbor “a broad political stance, generous with broad sympathies, tolerant of his opponent’s opinions, etc.”
    Your slip is showing, David.
    Your first error is claiming that everyone accepts your “universal” definition of a redneck.
    It is becoming quite tiresome, and long past disrespectful. Yet liberals find the term slips easily and faithfully off the tongue.
    Your second was claiming that liberals are broadly sympathetic; one need go no further than your negative view of rural folks.
    Your third was claiming to be tolerant of the opinions of opponents.
    Although those folks who toil in the sun, may have little to no time to parse your words, for your sparring pleasure, they would be the first to sit down with you to see what you had to say.
    These are the very same folks who must, by need, explore debate on any number of issues, if they hope to retain a foothold in the economy.
    These folks do not simply go in to some glass tower, or single-bathroom place of business, or some legal backroom to hash out the problem of the day.
    They will **know**, or grow to know, the ramifications of a debate on agriculture, income taxes, immigration considerations, secondary education offerings and needs, health needs, animal welfare needs, cross border trading, climate changes….shall I go on!!!
    Oh yes, they can often offer the most open and brutal responses to any one issue, but they will listen to what you have to say, because failing to do so could mean the loss of their livelihood.
    The folly of a Liberal is thinking they have the key to making every aspect of society work.
    On any number of levels, they are the first to shut down exploration of options worth a second look.
    Use of that term, “redneck” is a reflection of the narrow view.

  25. Okay David, I’ll accept that. However, I still find your definition of “liberal” risible. to me, the only principled, objective distinction ebtween liberal and conservative is in relation to emergent systems, such as respect for rule of law or faith in a lover. Once such systems collapse, they are very difficult to resurrect. Such systems emerge from adherence to bottom up rules (do not favour interests of another over those of lover). Any society or personal life of complexity must accommodate numerous emergent systems with conflicting rules. Thus equity, for example, makes exceptions to black-letter contract rules. If equity gets out of hand, contracts lose commercial efficacy. Without equity, other values of imprtance are submerged for insignificant increase to contractual certainty. A conservative judge is wary of undermining the emergent system by making unprincipled exceptions to rules; a liberal judge senses there is more room for play in the emergence to experiment with equities.
    Unfortunately, the term “liberal” has cometo mean sympathetic do-gooder for many. Indeed, for many others it has come to mean doing more harm by intending to do good through undisciplined attempts to help. For example, the “liberalness” of allowing lawlessness in Aborginal communities is misguided sympathy. The real victims are Aboriginal women (who are the most vulnerable victims of violent crime in Canada, as a group) and Aboriginal children–most victims of Aboriginal crime are Aboriginal. Similarly, the “liberal” sentiments of exempting Indian reserve property from seizure and Indian reserve lands from foreclosure to “protect” Indians, does them more harm because they cannot raise loan capital since they cannot use their assets as security. Most small business gets started that way–so “liberal” sentiments effectively shut Indians out of the economy. I could provide many more examples of “liberal” sentiments harming Indian interest, such as the “fiduciary duty” imposed by “liberal” judges effectively denying Indian bands to reserve3 capital funds, since no federal buraucrat would ever release such funds without mountains of paper to demonstrate compliance with the fiduciary duty. As a result, most Indian assets sit underutilized and countless opportunities for self-initiated improvement are thwarted. “Liberal” sentiments have been killing the prospects of Aboriginal renaissance in Canada.

  26. Let us not forget Jeff Foxworthy’s definitions. “You might be a redneck if…”
    I find the left to be more inclined to view and use the term Redneck as a slur than a lot of conservatives. But that’s just my opinion.

  27. Buffalo Bean,
    Thanks for taking the time not to trash me but look at things from an intelligent perspective.
    These are not my definitions but instead are ones gleaned from Google. Do your own search and you’ll probably come up with roughly the same. That’s why I use the word ‘universal’, because the millions of people that use the internet are more representative than the relatively few that post at this site.
    I was born on a farm and lived in the country most of my adult life…I know country justice and what people are like and you’re right most are decent people that would spend a great deal of time jaw-boning in a very friendly compassionate manner.
    However, there is a ‘redneck’ side to rural life that is very real. I’ve seen it and because I air some of my views I have been ‘warned’ to keep them to myself.

  28. The US airforce jet you speak of, and I believe the eye witness is correct, is a Boeing 707 heavily modified for intelligence gathering by a very broad array or sensors, not limited to photography. These sensors are highly classified, and capable of collecting visual, electronic and IR signals as well as some that are too classified to discuss. Possibly wall-penetrating radar ect.
    I suspect that if indeed the Canadian government requested the fly-over, it was to collect and analyse the radio frequencies used by the terrorists and to take clear and acurate mapping of the site. All this means is that ‘something’ is gonna happen soon….and it won’t be good for the terrorists….at least I HOPE that is the case.
    That chickenshit McShifty is too much of a coward to do the dirty work, so has asked the feds, or possibly the military to do it for him.
    Posted by: arctic_front at June 29, 2006 03:06 PM …-

  29. maz2,
    Finally 1 thing we agree on…McGuinty is a chickenshit.
    I don’t know why this is a provicial problem…It’s really a North American problem. If indeed the US is doing surviellance I would have to say they have a vested interest and should be participating.

  30. Liberals:
    Broad political stance – We need your vote and we are not afraid to bribe you for it! Once elected we will, of course, become liars, but that is another point. Whatever the latest poll says is our stance!
    Generous with broad sympathies – Especialy if you run an ad firm. We have been known to give millions of taxpayers money to good solid firms that are willing to turn some of that money around in order to run our next campaign. We will also be broadly sympathetic as long as you vote for us in the next election.
    Tolerant of his opponent’s opinions – Yes, if we have a minority government we will do anything not to lose that confidence vote! I do mean ANYTHING! We will give you a national medicare system that no one, including us, wants! We will give you a national babysitter program that no one, including us, wants! We will sell our souls to the NDP or the PQ as long as we get to stay in power for just one more day!
    This is the generally accepted opinion of the word Liberal in Canada today and that is why they currently sit in the opposition benches.
    Will someone please call in Mike Harris to end the occupation NOW!!! We do not need a lying, pussy ass, stuttering buffoon Liberal to screw this thing up anymore than it already has been.
    PS: I thought “Buddies in Bad Times” changed its name to “Buddies in Good times” after all the generous donations given by the Liberal and NDP governments in the early nineties? Or didn’t they get enough money to bribe them into the change?

  31. Question asked was: “Why does anyone give a crap about arguing the definition of a redneck?”
    Because it is attempt to pidgeon-hole a whole group of folks that I happen to respect, a lot…
    Because it is used as a slur and feels like a slur.
    Because ignoring why/how the term is applied, is part of why it continues to be repeated.
    Because while one can agree with your posts on Caledonia, one can divert a portion of the debate to another niggling and ongoing point….all without losing sight of why we are in this thread….
    Because there are differing points of view, on what it is to be given respect by one’s fellow citizens.
    Respect cannot be ordered; it must be earned.
    Ask the OPP if they feel they have earned respect.
    Sometimes it is earned by walking away…and sometimes, it means pausing a while, to put voice to it.

  32. An observation stemming from this thread’s commentary:
    Funny, isn’t it?
    Every leftist I encounter can sometimes seem rational and polite, but get into a difference of opinion with him/her, and they remind me why I rip into them as hard as I’m wont to do.
    I’ve been watching all leftists who politely engaged me over the past weeks/months. I have found them to have reverted to the standard leftist slanders and disingenuity whenever there’s a different point of view on a social issue. Like on this thread, for instance. And on another, where I got ad homenemized by a supposedly honorable leftist as a “hateful extremist”, just for expressing my own different point of view.
    The leftists… ultimately they’re all alike. Such is the nature of that mental disorder.
    I’m disappointed in some leftists whom I thought might be reasonable, but naturally turned out otherwise. Now I’m not so sure that they’re not all the same.
    Hard to keep the faith when you still haven’t found a single intelligent, honorable leftist who won’t stab you in the back.
    Maybe Ann Coulter is right about leftists.

  33. yo, mr liebermann:
    Q 1. who is this janke phd dude from india?
    Q 2. what is garbled about suggesting taiwan needs to stock up on nukes seeing as the mainland is enlarging their military and taiwan is their ONLY remaining large target?
    Q 3. do tell, how do you know what its like to chug beer and rock salt?
    LOL !!!!
    clang clang clang !!!!
    troll alert !!! troll alert !!!!
    LOL !!!

  34. Interesting site! It appears that actual discussion is allowed here.
    I’d like to clarify some aspects of the Haudenosaunee/Six Nations land reclamation in Caledonia:
    – Six Nations has followed the legal routes to reclaim this and other land. Twenty years later, and the government of Canada has not acted yet to uphold Canadian laws by addressing land claims in a timely manner.
    – Six Nations does have a valid claim to the land. They never sold it back to the Crown. They offered to lease the land necessary to build Hwy 6 (in 1840). The government did not agree, and instead conducted an ‘unlawful surrender’ of the lands. Six Nations was never paid or compensated for the land.
    – In a democracy, when justice is absent or unduly delayed, people have the right to peaceful civil disobedience.
    – When the townspeople and the police stop instigating violence, the protest will be peaceful.
    – The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that aboriginals have the right to peaceful protest when justice is unduly delayed (by Canada), without harassment by police. This ruling superceded a provincial injunction against trespassers.
    – The OPP in Caledonia are now FINALLY upholding the laws by protecting the Haudenosaunee’s right to peaceful protest, and in particular protesting them from the racist mob.
    The decent townspeople of Caledonia are FINALLY also stepping forward to support their Indigenous neighbours against the racist thugs.
    Canada is a land of opportunity for those who come here to be Canadians. If, like Six Nations, you came here under a treaty that promised land and self governance, and then your land was stolen and your children were systematically abused by Canadian authorities and police, you might think differently too.
    Indigenous people did not come here to be Canadians like the rest of us. They were here for thousands of years, with a highly evolved democratic system and a highly civilized culture. Canada’s strategy was to denigrate and abuse to try to break their spirit and culture, and outlaw their governance and spirituality.
    Canada’s laws now address fairness for Indigenous people, but Canada’s practices are still ‘escalate to violence and then oppress’.
    As a strong Canadian, I am holding my government accountable for its responsibilities to act fairly and legally with regard to Indigenous land claims.
