No Guantanamo For You, Comrade

Brace yourself for the ringing condemnations about to erupt from the Red Cross, Amnesty International and leading Democrats;

President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday ordered Russia’s special services to hunt down and “destroy” the killers of four Russian diplomats in Iraq, the Kremlin said.
Nikolai Patrushev, the head of the Federal Security Service _ the main successor to the Soviet KGB _ later said that everything would be done to ensure that the killers “do not escape from responsibility,” the Interfax news agency reported.
“The president has ordered the special forces to take all necessary measures to find and destroy the criminals who killed Russian diplomats in Iraq,” the Kremlin press service said in a brief statement.

Or not.

59 Replies to “No Guantanamo For You, Comrade”

  1. neutralsam: where’e your head? Friend of the US? Adolf Hitler? You must be sharing things with Mikey Iggg.
    Don’t the concepts of World War II and the Neuremberg Trials mean anything to you?
    you gotta change yore name, boy! To something like neuteredsam, or braindeadsam, u.s.samfoe, or samdafool! Ya shore don’t come across as none too neutral to me, sammy kid!!

  2. Neutralsam likes to stretch the truth and is getting mad that the conservative mind does not have a need to. You keep on lying to yourself about how the left and right have shown themselves in the past.
    You go commrade! Which way to the toilet paper line? We have some left wing shit to clean up.

  3. Neutralsam likes to stretch the truth and is getting mad that the conservative mind does not have a need to tell untruths. You keep on lying to yourself about how the left and right have shown themselves in the past.
    You go commrade! Which way to the toilet paper line? We have some left wing shit to clean up.

  4. Yes there was a large movement to support Hitler before the US entered the second world war. US supplied most of the steel for the Germean War machine. Thats why they took them back, and for breaking the trading with the enemy act.
    Why did it take an attack on peril harbour to get the US into the War because they had support for Hitler in high places. Same as in England don’t they teach anything about history in schools anymore?
    Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg once stated that “The Dulles brothers were traitors.” Some historians believe that Allen Dulles became head of the newly formed CIA in large part to cover up his treasonous behavior and that of his clients. Not confined to a few isolated companies, some of America’s most prominent families and their financial empires worked with the Nazis well after the first bombs were dropped on Pearl Harbor.
    On March 4th, 1998, a woman from Belgium brought a suit against the Ford Motor Company and it’s German affiliate seeking compensation for the work she performed as a slave laborer for the company. Born in Russian, Elsa Iwanovwa claimed that she was abducted and forced to work at Ford’s plant at Cologne. As many as 10,000 men, women and children may have labored there, many of them from the Buchenwald concentration camp.
    The Ford plant in Germany played a major role in the Nazi war effort. While their American factories produced weapons for the allies, their German subsidiary manufactured troop transports, tracked vehicles, Panzer tanks, anti-tank guns and other crucial equipment for the Nazis. Providing weapons for both contestants in a world war was extraordinarily lucrative.
    General Motors which was owned by the du Pont family during the 1930’s manufactured thousands of bombers for the Luftwaffe and troop transports for the Wermacht at the same time that it’s American plants were producing engines for the U.S. Air Force.
    And the list goes on.

  5. Which one didn’t the US support or help into power, we’ll leave off Hitler cause thats to hard for you to sollow right now, we’ll start with the baby food and work up to the solids.

  6. I think you should re-read those history book neutralsam. The U.S. was looking for a way to get into the war dispite their citizens not wanting any part of it. Pearl Harbor granted them their wish.
    Lets give you all the above mentioned leaders as being right wing. Compare the dead from all of those you have listed to those that I have listed. Get my point?

  7. What would be the results of the Taliban firebombing New York, if they burnt lets say 51% of the city one night, what would be your thoughts on the people that did this act? Terrorists or people fighting for freedom? Lets say they did it to 100 cities with an average destuction of 50% of said cities? Freedom Fighters or Terrorists?
    It’s the people that win that say whats a War Crime and whats not. They get to hold the moral high ground even if history doesn’t.

  8. As I thought, your argument does not hold water so you go off on one of your little left wing tantrums. Learn to argue logically please.
