47 Replies to “Until Jihad Aversion Do Us Part”

  1. OK everyone,another chance for Ontario to demonstrate it’s reverse discrimination policies.
    This vile crap is EXACTLY what our hate crime laws were written for…anyone want to bet NO charges will be laid because they represent a minority?
    I am sick to f*cking death of political correctness in this country and being considered a second-class citizen now because I’m white.Ontario is the canary in the mine for PCness,but they don’t seem to realize the canary died long ago….

  2. “They should all be sent to Saudi, where these sickos are executed or crushed by a wall, in public.”
    Look!!! Who says these people aren’t assimilated? She’s been listening to Pink Floyd’s Another Brick in the Wall.

  3. I read the whole article and the verbatim quotes as posted on the internet chat room.
    In one internet post the wives of the accused refer to Canada as ‘this filthy country’.
    I don’t know what she is talking about, as Canada has long been known for its pristine outdoors once leaving the big city. This woman needs to get out of her twisted mindset or return to the Sharia law ruled country she so heartily desires.
    In another post we have:
    “May Allah crush these jews, bring them down to their kneees, humuliate them. Ya Allah make their women widows and their children orphans.”
    With sentiments like these, there will be no peace in the valley. Brimming hate and spite is hardly a recipe for integrating peacefully with the rest of society.
    If these individuals have such utter contempt for Canada, then the best possible solution is to invite these not so friendly folk to board a plane and return to the desired country of their dreams.
    The Middle East is already a hotbed of discontent, go and add fuel to the already burning pyre of hate and invective over there. If Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq etc. are so wonderful then the logical response is to move there post haste. Its just a plane ticket away.
    But given the Air India terrorist disaster you may want to take a slow boat to get to your destination safely.
    Should those who advocate not voting, and not participating in democracy, have discomfort in Canada, there are any number of failed nation states, and tinpot dictatorships to choose from.
    Pick one and move on. If one has a fundamental disagreement in the structure of the basics of Canadian society, then you simply don’t belong here.
    If they want to import conflict from the home country to Canada as part of the immigration bargain, Canada should have the courage to say: “NO SALE”.
    Kindly leave Canada out of it.

  4. How ironic… a devout Muslim woman wanting choice, which under Islam is forbidden for women. She must be stupid. Doesn’t she realize that under Islam, she has no rights, though in Canada she has all the rights of nonMuslim women?
    Talk about having your cake and blowing it up, too!
    Am busy again, but I’ll observe that this is a significant development. The jihad accused’s wife supporting jihad… and they claim they’re a people of peace?
    It’s all falling into place, piece by piece. Sooner or later the glassy-eyed, blissfully-ignorant masses will see the picture…

  5. A recent Pew Poll done in six majority Muslim countries and four minority (Muslim) European countries:
    All Muslim Populations display a solid majority of support for Bin Laden.
    Support for suicide bombings range from 13% in Germany (lowest) to 69% in Nigeria.
    – Daniel Pipes

  6. I’d say that’s she’s pretty uppity for an Abaya babe. Not to mention confused.
    If she really understood the Wahabi brand of Islam that she strives for she would know her rightful place.
    Only the men get to decide such important issues.
    No “Jihad me yes, jihad me no”, for her.
    Where does she think she’s living, Canada?

  7. “If she really understood the Wahabi brand of Islam that she strives for she would know her rightful place.”
    Its a shame, really. It starts innocently enough, with a little peak out from the Burka at the local drugstore (“turn around, Pharma-infidel!) and a little ankle shown while filling the Chevy Suburban Jihad Wagon with Canadian processed Arabian petrol. Next its phoning in to Charles Adler with a hanky over the phone, then shaving the legs and then before you know it they’re all grown up with no place to blow but up.

  8. There may indeed be a case for prosecutions under the following sections of the criminal code.
    Note: the internet is deemed a public place.
    Sections 318 and 319 of the Criminal Code make it a criminal offence to:
    advocate genocide
    publicly incite hatred
    wilfully promote hatred
    against an “identifiable group.”
    An identifiable group is defined as any section of the public distinguished by:
    ethnic origin
    Hatred directed against others groups (such as women, or gays and lesbians) is not punishable under sections 318 and 319.
    The Criminal Code provisions are intended to prohibit the public distribution of hate propaganda. Private speech is not covered by the provisions.

  9. Wow, my jaw dropped when I read this, what hateful and hypocritical content.
    The G&M’s comments on this article are also good reading.
    For all who weren’t convinced before, this is Islamo-Fascism. Wake-up. Many of their posts were written before we put troops in Afghanistan. It is not about Afghanistan, or Iraq or Israel or the Crusades or Charles Martel. It is about propagating Islam.
    Islamo-fascists hate non-muslims FULL-STOP. They particularly hate the West because its freedoms, technologies and wealth threaten their enclosed world. We are at war with these people because they are at war with us.

  10. Meadowvale Secondary, my local high school, is where some of these Jihadi scum went to school.
    It was also the place of learning for two guys who about a year ago got mixed up with a drug-dealing pedophile.
    They evidently ripped him off, so he kidnapped and killed them, beheading one I think.
    Now don’t get any ideas: was as a white dude. Fortunately for the rest of us, he offed himself before the cops closed in.
    Try to keep your kids away from Meadowvale Secondary or anyone going there.

  11. Now hold on just a second here! Hate crimes? You are all blaming the victims. I think we should set up a special commission to determine what could have driven these poor young people into taking these positions. Canada, as a society must take responsibility. Perhaps it is the fact that we are in Afghanistan that fostered these attitudes. Perhaps we failed to be inclusive enough and marganilized these young people. Maybe we can blame it on George Bush.(sarcasm off)

  12. “Now hold on just a second here! ….
    Although I appreciate the humour, Paul-from-Vancouver, ironically your rhetorical question has a very real answer:
    Saudi, oil-money funded, imported muslim priests preaching jihad in mosques and meeting rooms

  13. Gee Paul, you had me going there for a sec. After all, steved actually made a valid point in his comment and your ‘rant’ about the poor ‘vicims’, I thought I was in the Twilight Zone.
    Talk about the hand that feeds them, these mere women must have an imam coordinating this because Allah knows they couldn’t do this in the ME without government/religious permission.

  14. “Saudi, oil-money funded, imported muslim priests preaching jihad in mosques and meeting rooms”
    I had a tour of a newly competed mosque in Coquitlam last year. It was a beautiful building and the guide was very pleased to tell us that “almost half of the money for its construction was raised locally”.
    The question of where the other half came from was answered when the door to the Arabic language classroom was opened.
    The instructor was a Saudi Imam fully decked out in a white dishdasha and red checked gutra.
    We could see from his expression that he was less than happy to be interrupted by a group of infidels.
    Right here in Canada, as the saying goes.

  15. I’ve almost seen it all at this stage of my life but this one shocked me, these people are supposedly my fellow Canadians! These are somehow my fellow citizens! Really, how can anyone deny that things have gone seriously wrong somehow, that there has to be some major changes? We can’t have a growing, and strongly and clearly identifiable, cultural special interest group in our country that propagates this sort of philosophy. We need discriminatory legislation to impose all possible restrictions on the growth of this particular culture. I know that’s philosophically offensive to some (particularly “progressives”) on some idealistic level but let’s be realistic, this ancient sick religious cult is not going to fit into Canada at any reasonable level.

  16. Imagine (no, no need to, it’s real) the irony:
    I opposed hate laws brought in by liberal do-gooders to protect minorities. Now one of those “minorities” that the laws are supposed to protect turn around with the most vile hate.
    Are those same liberal do-gooders going to prosecute?
    Note: I am still opposed to those laws.

  17. Our home grown bad ass terrorists are really just a bunch of whipped wanna be’s. LMAO!!!
    The hand that rocks the cradle indeed!!

  18. RE: “It is not about Afghanistan” and ” this one shocked me, these people are supposedly my fellow Canadians”
    I think Mike Speir (sp?) was the very first American killed in the Afghanistan War and he was killed by a Canadian, the young Khadr.
    It seems almost all of the worst killers in NY, London and Spain have lived a combination of Islamic and Western lives.
    A lot of the jihadis have required the use of a free society to infiltrate and indoctrinate for jihad.

  19. I don’t know what’s more disturbing, these women’s hateful views or the fact that they’re indoctrinating impressionable teenagers through their blogs.

  20. I’m surprised that the pc consultant at the G&M didn’t kill this story because it advances the not so off the wall suspicion that Islam is not and will never be compatible with western civilization.
    Poll after poll everywhere finds shocking numbers of Muslims living in western countries at complete variance in attitudes with western principles. That’s not ignorable. It’s the powder keg Europe is sitting on.
    I don’t believe these women are an isolated incidence. Oh sure scrutiny fell on them because of their husbands’ activities, but, I can’t help feeling that their disdain for all things not Islamic isn’t a common attitude among practitioners of this stone age cult where ever they reside. The Koran portrays living among dhimmis as a struggle never a neutral space.

  21. Cheryfa MacAulay Jamal, aka Sherry MacAulay:
    Captive of Islam. RIP. …-
    Wife of terror suspect went from troubled Halifax teen to serene Muslim, friend says (Canada)
    The Chronicle Herald ^ | Thursday June 8, 2006 | CHRIS LAMBIE
    Posted on 06/08/2006 7:47:04 AM PDT by fanfan
    The wife of a man charged with plotting terror strikes in Ontario grew up in Halifax as a “pretty wild child” but turned her life around when she found Islam, a close friend says.
    Cheryfa MacAulay Jamal, 44, was named Sherry MacAulay when she attended Cornwallis Junior High School and Queen Elizabeth High School before dropping out in Grade 10, said Wendi Petersen, her former classmate.
    “Islam was just the most amazing thing for her; it really turned her around,” Ms. Petersen said.
    “She had a disastrous first marriage, she had problems with drugs and alcohol, and Islam was the thing that saved her life, basically.”
    The two were close friends in school and reconnected about two years ago.
    “We’ve been e-mailing back and forth and I’ve been in pretty regular contact with her,” said Ms. Petersen, adding that Ms. Jamal “is really incredibly devout.”
    “She’s been horrified by . . . the violence that has been associated with Islam. She thinks it’s really awful. She’s constantly telling me that, ‘This is not what Islam is about. Islam does not support violence in any way. It’s all about peace.’ And she appears to truly believe that.”

  22. It’s Just a Matter of Time
    What a surprise. You mean after all the victories and fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here, we are going to fight them over here after all? What a surprise.
    How much are we spending over there that we aren’t spending over here to protect ourselves?
    Now we can see the high intelligence involved in going over there to give the Islamic jihad beehive a good whack before coming back here to wait for their response. Better yet, leave some men over there so they can respond over there and over here too. So much brilliance so little light.

  23. At some point a country has to define itself. Borders should serve a purpose. They should define a boundary; and not just a physical boundary but a boundary of identity, values, and their expression in laws. Unlike some nations which take their identity along historical tribal/ethnic lines, anyone from any ethnic background on earth can become a Canadian because the Canada I believe in is defined along ideological/values-based lines. I’m not refering to the drivelling, anemic Paul Martin -style “Canadian values” such as a national day care program. (“Over the top men! For day care and the gun registry!”) We can debate until the cows come home the precise nuances of those values, but there are some belief systems which are patently incompatible with Canadian values, aspirations and a country called Canada that any of us here would recognize or want to live in. It’s time to get justifiably selfish. We can accomodate Hinduism, Shinto, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Atheism, Judaism, socialism, capitalism, libertarianism, Taoism etc, but it’s becoming increasingly apparent that the idea known as Canada simply cannot accomodate Islam until it profoundly reforms itself. Tolerance in any meaningful sense begins with disagreement. It’s pointless to talk about tolerating people we agree with — what’s to tolerate? But tolerance can stretch only so far after which the belief system which spawned it is itself destroyed. Such is the point we’ve reached with Islam. Whereas nutbars can arise from any ideological soil, Islam seems to engender a disproportionate burden of pathology inimical to perpetuating a country we would recognize as being Canada. We cannot justifiably expel our own citizens, but we can stop importing more of a problem we’ve already got. It’s not racism, since Islam isn’t a race. Call it “Canadianism” — discrimination against those who cannot warm to Canadian values. But IMHO the time has come (passed in fact) that we start saying “no” to Islamic immigrants. There’s plenty of Islamic countries out there to move to if they don’t like their own.

  24. DrD – you’ve said a mouthful, and, as always, said it well. Thank you.
    NA has had its share of immigrants, most assimilate, a few are just here for the economic ride, but, who must we now, for our own safety, wire tap and watch bank records to keep on top of their anti-all-things-non-Muslim intolerant behavior?
    Islam is a sick and twisted menace. Importing it here is crazy.
    Tolerance of intolerance is cultural suicide as the French have, most likely too late, learned. I’m hoping that they did a good job preserving the historic art at the Louvre in film before the jihadis blow our artistic heritage to smithereens in the future.

  25. The ideology of Islam is a crime against humanity.
    Some have made falicious arguing points comparing Islam with Christianity. The obvious difference is those who draw closer to the words and life example of Mohammad become radical killers. However, regardless of the evil men have done in Christ’s name, those who draw closer to his words and life example do the opposite.
    “Kill the infidel where ever you find him.”
    “Love your enemy as yourself.”

  26. Why does the headline say: “try to bar”?
    Scroll down the article to find the answer. …-
    (Canadian) Feds try to bar radical British imam’s visit (Thank you Stephen Harper!)
    CTV.ca News ^ | Thu. Jun. 29 2006 | CTV.ca News Staff
    Posted on 06/29/2006 5:06:20 PM PDT by fanfan
    The federal government has taken steps to prevent a controversial British imam from entering Canada on Friday to speak to a Muslim youth conference in Toronto, CTV News has learned.
    Sheikh Riyadh ul-Haq, a prominent cleric in England who has been accused of publicly vilifying Jews and Hindus, among other groups, was slated to be the keynote speaker for the weekend Youth Tarbiyah conference, sponsored by the Islamic Foundation of Toronto.
    Sources told CTV News that Immigration Minister Monte Solberg informed immigration officials that ul Haq should not be allowed into the country because of his extreme views …-

  27. Good question Maz. Although the CTV seems to be reporting that an islamo-facist brit hate mongering imam will be denied entry into Canada as fact, the CBC in a later story headlines: “Controversial Muslim cleric still waiting to find out if Canada will admit him” and mentions that the Minister for immigration “isn’t saying whether he will deny ul-Haq entry.”

  28. so whats the addr of the burka blog? I want to do a reprint sose I can shove it in the face of the local politishuns and demand hate crime charges be weighed. and then layed.
    this is raw cold unadulterated HATE against huge swaths of cdn society.

  29. Muslim women are equivalent to cattle, why does Allah even allow them to read and write?

  30. Soooo – is ul Haq allowed into Canada to spew his “apparent” garbage this weekend or not.
    Perhaps we will find out who really makes decisions as regards the social fabric of this country.

  31. Ul Haq has been banned from Canada on orders of Immigration Minister Solberg.
    Meanwhile, the Egyptian Muslims have built a WALL to keep the Muslim Palestinians out of Egypt.
    Moi did not know that! Moi knew the Israelis built a wall/fence to keep them out.
    Egypt built a wall/fence also. The Pals blew a hole in it.
    LGF has link. …-
    Egypt Apartheid Wall Breached
    What! Egypt has built a big scary wall to protect themselves from their brothers, the noble, oppressed Palestinians? Somebody call Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the United Nations, quick!
    Palestinians blow hole in Gaza-Egypt border wall.
    RAFAH BORDER CROSSING, Gaza Strip (AFP) – Palestinian militants have blown a hole in the Palestinian border wall between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, witnesses said.
    Around 200 Palestinians gathered at the scene of the explosion, where witnesses said militants blew open a 25-foot wide (eight meter) hole in the wall on Thursday. No casualties were reported.
    Egyptian and Palestinian security guards on their respective sides of the border prevented any civilians from crossing through the hole.
    Egyptian security forces sent riot police, fire trucks and armored personnel carriers for reinforcement, an AFP correspondent saw from the Palestinian side of the border

  32. Well done to the Harper government for banning ul Haq. This is making a very postive statment when one is needed.

  33. steve d., are you being willfully obstinate, suicidally short-sighted, or merely facetious? Do you seriously think our efforts overseas are increasing the danger on our own soil? I could see making a case for that if we tuck tail and run, but if we see the mission through the theory just doesn’t gel with logic.
    Remember that every raging jihadist killed over there is one less that can spread the hatred, either here or there, and one less that can come to our own soil to murder we infidels. Every person over there that embraces the freedom and democracy we’re espousing is one less person that’s going to want to kill us for celebrating said freedom and democracy.
    Try as I might, especially as we witness and hear about the ramifications of our previous ignorance and inaction, I simply cannot fathom your implication that we should bury our heads in the sand and leave alone this breeding ground for dogmatic murderers until their progeny do come here.

  34. Hall throws out the “discrimination” shibboleth/label of the left liberal/socialists.
    Choice? Choose between Muslim Islamist terrorists or choose life and liberty? Choose death from the sword of Islam? Hall attempts to smear those who choose life and liberty.
    Another message from the Elites of Canada to the great unwashed pork eaters.
    Down with the Ontario Human Rights Commissions and Commissioners.
    Up with humanrightscommisssionsphobia. …-
    “Chief commissioner Barbara Hall expressed dismay at an increase in “Islamophobia” in Ontario, as she released the commission’s annual report at a news conference at the Ontario legislature. “We continue to hear … from Arab and Muslim communities on increasing incidents of discrimination,” Hall said. …- via LGF

  35. Sharia Sherry and its sisters are in mourning. Allah/Mohammed are in a retreat-mosque in Scarborough/Mecca.
    Long live freedom and democracy for Kuwaiti women. …-
    Kuwaiti women queue to vote for the first time
    Posted by gandalftb
    free republic.com
    Telegraph News ^ | Friday 30 June 2006 | Tim Butcher
    Women voted in Kuwait for the first time yesterday as the conservative emirate became the last Gulf state to allow universal suffrage. Kuwaiti voters appeared to embrace the milestone in Middle East democracy as turnout figures surged to over 80 per cent. Womeny voted in separate stations across the conservative state as Islamists had demanded. Campaigners handed out roses to voters or water bottles with candidates’ photos printed on them and volunteers offered voters rides to polling stations in golf carts. “I don’t know how to describe my feelings, I am so happy, it’s a beautiful day as women practice…

  36. Jewish settlers attack Palestinians in Tel Rumeida, Hebron
    Jewish settlers living illegally on stolen Palestinian land assaulted citizens in Tel Rumeida neighborhood of the West Bank City of Hebron in an attack which locals say is meant to push them out of their homes so the Israeli settlers can further expand their settlements.
    The family of Tayseer Abu Eisha said that at least ten colonizers near Ramat Tshay Jewish-only colony attacked the Palestinian family’s house with stones and empty bottles and chased the children, hurling dirty water at them.
    The citizen Hana Abu Haikal pointed out that the repressive acts of the settlers are taking place in front of Israeli soldiers, who make no effort to stop the settlers from attacking the Palestinians. He believes such collaboration between soldiers and settlers are part of the attempt to force the Palestinians to leave, so that settlers can take over their homes and annex them for the Jewish state.
    These are the people you support, but if your not a Jew you have very few rights.

  37. American Tax Dollars at Work
    A few weeks ago, a senior Greek Orthodox clergyman in Israel attended a meeting at a government office in Jerusalem’s Givat Shaul quarter. When he returned to his car, an elderly man wearing a skullcap came and knocked on the window. When the clergyman let the window down, the passerby spat in his face.The clergyman prefered not to lodge a complaint with the police and told an acquaintance that he was used to being spat at by Jews. Many Jerusalem clergy have been subjected to abuse of this kind. For the most part, they ignore it but sometimes they cannot.
    On Sunday, a fracas developed when a yeshiva student spat at the cross being carried by the Armenian Archbishop during a procession near the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City. The archbishop’s 17th-century cross was broken during the brawl and he slapped the yeshiva student…
    Evyatar says he himself was spat at while walking with a Serbian bishop in the Jewish quarter, near his home. “A group of yeshiva students spat at us and their teacher just stood by and watched.”
    Gosh, I wonder what causes anti semitism?

  38. A group of 50 pro-Israel Christian tourists came under attack Wednesday from some 100 residents of the ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Mea She’arim in Jerusalem.
    Three of the tourists and a police officer were wounded in the attack. They received treatment at the scene.
    The tourists arrived at Mea She’arim wearing orange T-shirts with the words “Love your neighbor as yourself” printed across them.
    As they neared one of the squares, the local residents apparently identified them as Christians and began to hit them.
    Police forces in the area stepped in to stop the violence, but did not make any arrests.

  39. Belmont Club said:
    “To remind people of what is never mentioned in the papers: that Osama like all men goes and takes a shit.”
    “And half the battlefield is right here, on your screen.”
    Blog on, Bloggers. Islamist terrorists do not take holidays.
    Send the English language into battle here on your screen.
    God Bless Canada on this Dominion Day. …-
    “Terrorism is extortion in the service of politics. Attacks on civilian targets are whole-page advertisements taken out to flog these wares on a reluctant public. The military power of terrorists is negligable. Despite the fantasies of those who imagine Iraq to be Vietnam, with divisions of NVA sending tanks down the road to Saigon; with legions of laborers dragging artillery pieces across the mountains to pound surrounded French garrisons into submission — it is not that. Rather, it is a development of the techniques pioneered in the Algerian conflict against the French. It is the political and media power of terror which is important, not their military strength. And in a takeoff from Omar’s riff on Maliki’s email anecdote, I would venture to say that terror would have won against the US and the West already despite the vast power of America were it not for the Internet, which has ironically made it possible for neutralize the propaganda power of terror. The Internet makes it possible to show terror up for the murder that it is. To strip it of supposed justification. To remind people of what is never mentioned in the papers: that Osama like all men goes and takes a shit. Made it possible to answer back. In a way, the Internet and the blogosphere is the sole remaining voice the victims; whether of terror or counter-terror.
    That fact doesn’t mean that Maliki will succeed. But it gives him a chance; a chance he would not have had in the golden 60s everyone hankers after. If the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has demonstrated anything, it is the power of terror to thwart peace for decades. Everything that terror has learned in Gaza and the West Bank will be thrown at the new Iraqi government. And half the battlefield is right here, on your screen.”
    http://fallbackbelmont.blogspot….- catalonia.html

  40. You link to the Burqa Blogging story at the Globe and Mail and that page has a link to Graphic: Husbands and Wives. This shows pictures and bios of the suspects and their wives – I think – it’s kind of hard to tell because the images keep moving. Anyone else having the same problem with this link.
