Harper’s “Katrina”? Or CBC’s “Rathergate”?

Reader “TomR” writes in the comments about something I’ve also noticed – the similarity of tone in Canadian media coverage of the evacuation from Lebanon with the (now largely discredited) reporting from New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina;

Canada’s media has seized on to Harper’s “Katrina” and isn’t going to let it go. No matter what is done for Canadians in Lebanon, it will not be enough. Just think back to Katrina last year and you hear the same things coming from the ingrates that the MSM finds: relief wasn’t fast enough, why weren’t they prepared for this, it’s so disorganized, there’s not enough food & water, it’s too hot, they’re treating us like animals, etc. No-one to be found that is grateful for being rescued and few questions about how thousands of people came to be in the predicament to begin with.

Except, I don’t think it’s working. And that’s not a perception coming from callers to talk radio – read some of the responses at Al-Jazeera North; (link fixed)

Who are these people? First, they complain that the government doesn’t have a complete flotilla standing by on 24 hours notice to evacuate them from any place in the world. Then, when the flotilla does show up, they complain that it wasn`t first class.
Someone ought to tell them to stop the whining and the CBC ought to stop giving credence to this nonsense.

I do believe that the pursuit of this particular agenda by a tone-deaf Liberal media is about to result in no small degree of blowback. And consider that these are the comments that were allowed through the editorial filter of the CBC. I can’t begin to imagine what was rejected.

87 Replies to “Harper’s “Katrina”? Or CBC’s “Rathergate”?”

  1. CTV’s …First live interview with a passenger arriving in Turkey from Lebanon, a family who has been living full time in Beirut for the past 2 or 3 years…
    ….a further hint on what the debate to come is going to be about regarding dual citizenship.
    Dan Matheson, to give him his due, has a more balanced approach to his reporting here. He did question this point of residence.

  2. I am impressed that Harper rerouted his flight home to Cyprus. There are different aspects of that decision which are impressive, but look at the political aspect alone.
    He has gone to the situation of crisis. As the most senior government official on the spot, he won’t be able to avoid direct responsibility — politically — by claiming he did not know enough or communications were poor. He is there. He can make decisions on that spot.
    The followup will be extensive for moving, what? 25-50,000 Canadians duirng the next few weeks. And more, Canada is often a save haven for other nationalities. I am not sure that Canadians have experienced such an evacuation even on Canadian soil. So what is there to compare with?
    Any nominations for a past Prime Minister who would serve as the standard by which to evaluate Harper on a crisis like this?

  3. Yes, the war is not only about Israel and Hezbollah–it’s about fascism and freedom.
    And on the side of Fascism right now you can inlcude: the CBC, all the other MSM, Liberals, the NDP, identity politics, PC and Kyoto do-gooders, so-called “peace” activists (have an ice cream shake for peace!) Euroweenies, China, Russia, Iran, Islamofascists worldwide, the list goes on and on….
    If you claim to value freedom, you’d better pull your head out of your a$$ real fast before Hezbollah missles land on YOUR doorstep.

  4. Why aren’t the newsmedia asking how much per dual citizenship this is costing taxpayers.
    These Duallies that live for 2 or 3 years in Lebanon, does anyone know how much they pay in taxes to Canada? Do they come back once in a while for the free health care? I don’t know, just asking.

  5. The Prime Minister was shown with Laureen, greeting folks boarding the aircraft.
    It was very heart-warming!
    Obviously if it was on tv, the media and not his photographer, got there to film it, whatever else the media may want to gripe about.
    This is one huge opportunity for the media to step up and **help** this situation…NOT by showing every negative, but acting a conduit for people here and there.
    They have their cameras on site…use them to the advantage of families waiting to hear anything of hope.
    So far, signs of gratitude have been lacking, and that will stick.
    If one must, slag our government later, have at it folks….we are soooo done with you pretending to be objective for the most part.

  6. It occurs to me that if they are Duallies then the Lebanese Government should pay for half…HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAH!!!

  7. A similar fatigue with MSM spin is prevalent in the comments at the website of the “Mop and Pail” — Toronto’s national newspaper. There seems to be a groundswell for revisiting the whole dual citizenship issue.

  8. I think that today’s National Post, and the behaviour of the paper over the last weeks, has been some of the best main stream media work I have ever seen. Today’s front-page article by Terence Corcoran – tinyurl.com/rzh52 – the main editorial – tinyurl.com/o8gd8 – and the letters to the editor page – tinyurl.com/kbxkz – were all of very high quality. Andrew Coyne’s last half-dozen columns – http://www.andrewcoyne.com – have also all been very good, and there’s always the great Robert Fullford.
    Meanwhile, at the Globe and Mail, the paper reeks of emotionalist fear-mongering and geo-political appeasment, except, interestingly, the main editorials have not been tarring and feathering the prime minister. Of course, the G & M only has one columnist worth reading, the inimitable Rex Murphy, as against the misguided Jeffrey Simpson, the dangerous Rick Salutin, and the rest of the gaggle of honking Canadian geese. Wait, Wente’s pretty good sometimes too.
    And the Edmonton Journal is, as usual, siding with the enemy.
    Overall, I think the war against the Islamic variety of elitist tryanny hiding under the robes of a theological front is going quite well, don’t you? I may be a hopeless optimist, but I still think we can finish this century with less than a billion dead from war. To me, the long-term question is, once we get down to 2 billion humans, all living in luxury, in 2200, how will we maintain a procreation rate of 1.001 children per adult?
    Since the dawn of man, humans have primarily tried to do two things, (1) make their lot better, and (2) fix the problems caused by their last attempt to make their lot better. That’s what we’re doing now. Remember, whenever you solve your biggest problem, your second biggest problem becomes your biggest problem. I don’t expect that to change. I’ve heard that disheartens some people, but it energizes me. Maybe I’m broken.

  9. Oh my – the dad-durned Harper government strikes again! Any responsible carrier woulda cancelled the flight / passage and refunded the full purchase price of the tics!
    Wonder what happens when they do get to the homeland?

  10. From the National Post
    First Canadian evacuees from Lebanon arrive in Cyprus and Turkey
    Not all disembarking evacuees were critical of the Canadian effort.
    Since there were no baggage handlers, Sam Eid of Toronto and his brother unloaded luggage for other passengers.
    “The Canadian government gave us an escort. It was my way of paying them back,” said Eid.
    When asked about the Islamic militant group Hezbollah, which is embroiled in fighting with Israel, the evacuees distanced themselves from the movement and blamed it for the conflict.
    One man said, “Nobody is standing by them.”
    Another man, when asked whether people support Hezbollah in Lebanon, said: “Only the people with no brains.”
    Sam Eid’s sister, Rima, who lives in Montreal, said, “Lebanon is not at war. Hezbollah is at war. On the news (in Lebanon) that’s how they described it.”
    “We have no remorse for them (Hezbollah). They caused this, they brought this on themselves.”
    Kind of says it all.

  11. Oh my – the dad-durned Harper government strikes again! Any responsible carrier woulda cancelled the flight / passage and refunded the full purchase price of the tics!
    Wonder what happens when they do get to the homeland?

  12. More of the same from CBC…some POS whines about how tough they have it and CBC demands the “Government” fix the problem immediately.
    Oh yeah..if the “Government” isn’t the stinking liberals nothing is good enough.
    It’s too bad that soame actual Canadian citizens may get held back because of these so called refugees …most are opportunist parasites who are only using our nation for convenience. Although you’ll be hearing plenty of complaining if they don’t get all the hand outs they want.
    If I had the choice I’d be putting every last “Dual-Citizentship” applicant at the very back of the line. And charging them for the trip.

  13. No one in the MSM seems to have asked why we have sooo many citizens in Lebanon to evacuate in the first place. Take a good hard look at the immigration policies of the former liberal gov’ts; policies that were designed to keep the natural ruling party in power forever and you’ll have your answer. Equaly sickening is the fact that not 1 month ago the MSM hacks were critisizing the proposed increase in military spending. Now we need military support craft so its time to argue the other side of the point.
    Its too bad the CBC and CTV couldn’t find a single evacuee that was actually thankful to be rescued.

  14. didnt the liberals buy two planes to ferry their likes about???
    it was an untendered contract during the time when they were cutting back on the military.
    how about Maurice Stong? doesnt he have a private jet?

  15. the correct and historical response to the complaint of ‘unprepared’ is straightforward:
    when have BOTH sides AND all those caught in the crossfire EVER been ‘fully prepared’ for the outbreak of serious level of combat?
    was everyone back in the days of the roman empire ALWAYS ready in case of an invasion ??
    why wasnt atlanta ‘prepared’ for Sherman’s army when it trapsed thru and engaged in total warfare thus ending THAT conflict lickety split ??
    howcum WW I dragged on in a perplexing and stymieing trench vs machine gun style ??? egad, purchance the allies WERENT PREPARED FOR IT ??????
    etc etc
    so do tell all you lebanese half-and-halfs, WHAT did YOU do to ‘prepare’ yourself for this very predictable scenario ?????
    same goes for all the MSM types.

  16. I don’t know if the many people in Lebanon have dual citizenship or not. What I do know is that the logistics of getting ships, planes and help to that small part of world is a huge, yes a HUGE, undertaking. The work involved is immense by any standards. It can be rightfully compared to help during the tsunami. How long did it take Canada to respond at that time? The media should be ashamed of themselves for false tales and pandering to extremest groups.

  17. Yeah I mean really. I am happy that we are evacuating Canadian citizens, dualies or not. The question of how we grant citizenship is another topic for another time. Now is the time to get them out.
    But what is with these complainers? It does nto kill you to sleep on a floor and go a day without food. We’ve all done it before and called it a college road trip. Likewise, it doesn’t kill you to stand in line for a day. People do it every day and call it Disneyland.
    I know people are stressed out, and grumpy. But it strikes me that this is due more to the war than to the rescue effort. They should ease up on their rescuers, and a simple “thank you” would probably be appreciated by those putting themselves in harms way for their sakes. The alternative is simple. If the accomadations are not up to their high standards, no one is forcing them on to the ships.
    Shades of Eric Idle’s rant about English tourists in Torremolinos “…complaining about the tea, ‘Oh they don’t make it properly here, do they'”.
    And shame on the CBC and CTV for giving a podium to the bitchers and moaners, while no doubt ignoring myriads who would have willingly offered thanks to the people of Canada for their rescue!!

  18. I should also like to note that Kate’s passing remark on talk radio, or as one of my friends derisively calls it, open-mouth radio, should not be discounted. It’s one thing for the broadcast media to pontificate. It’s something else entirely to hear the response from the citizenry. (That’s one of the reasons that you can tell so much about a paper by the letters to the editor it selects for publication.)
    When I’m in the pickup truck, flying the Red Ensign and the Libertarian Flag, on my way to and from my breakfast blintzes at the delicatessen owned by delightful Canadians long ago from Iran, I listen to the Dave Rutherford show, and it’s quite clear that there are those who disagree with appeasement and entitlement perspectives.
    And then, the obvious, the web logs and their comments. A strange media, in that it is broadcast, conversational, and persistent all at the same time. That’s something completely new, at least, at this scale. Now we start to hear what the citizenry thinks, unlimited, unedited, without having to hang around speakers corner in the rain.
    But the conversational nature of the sorts of discussions which you are currently reading has its drawbacks. For one thing, most of the comments are majestically poorly written, even when they aren’t founded on pure sophistry or worse. Apparently the concept of a well constructed paragraph has been lost to the normative practitioners of the media.
    Thus, independent of the future of the relationship between the citizens market for information and the various media available in regard to that, we will always have great pamphleteers such as, now a days, Steyn, Coyne, Murphy, and Fullford, who are not only on our side, but who we would all be well off to study in pursuit of better writing skills.

  19. I don’t think that it is fair to put a microphone and camera on someone who is distressed and who lacks information. All you can get is an emotional venting and, frankly, if I was in a que out of Lebanon right now, with children in tow, I would be very impatient. I might hold my tongue and be grateful for the way out of there, but it would still be a very trying situation.
    The people with dual citizenship are not half-halfs. They are Canadian citizens who had migrated from a very unstable place. Syria was in charge not so long ago. I do not think it makes much sense to trash them, in discussions about how the CBC is anti-Harper, because some spokesman (like that BC professor) get up on their soapbox to complain unreasonably. We have so many citizens in Lebanon because Lebanon has suffered so much in the past; they came here and, when Syria got out, they went back to see their points of origin. I think that is what many Canadians — traditionally — have done during summer breaks.
    The success of the evacuation will be measured not in complaints, hastily made today, but in the arrival of Canadian citizens, and perhaps also many refugees, on safe shores.

  20. The term “outrage” is overused, but I am quite literally outraged at the coverage of the evacuation. These partisan forces should not be allowed to misrepresent themselves as journalists any longer.
    It’s fraud, it’s borderline criminal. What we’ve been seeing isn’t “reporting” on the news, it’s been creating the news, fabricating a partisan “crisis” for the Harper government.
    It’s time for a widespread boycott of advertisers on CBC and CTV newsnet. CBC in particular has no right to use taxpayer funds to agitate, insinuate and cast aspersions against this government in such a blatantly partisan fashion. And it is so, so blatant, it’s beyond words.
    It’s a serious national joke that weasel-boy Boag gets a coast-to-coast soapbox as the “Chief Political Correspondent” on a Public Broadcaster funded by general tax revenue. It’s the Liberal establishment fighting back, so let the Liberal Party of Canada pay his salary, and for his airtime.
    The blowback will not be televised but it’s coming. May I suggest we start by noting and posting the names of Canadian companies who advertise on Newsnet and on CBC? I personally am going to boycott those companies, and I would invite others to do the same. I’ll know more in a few hours, and will post here and elsewhere. There has to be a limit.

  21. Terence Corcoran’s article in today’s National Post is excellent. He asks ‘Since when has ‘fast exit’ been a right’? and..”from now on, apparently, we must maintain a 24/7 flotilla of cruise ships and aircraft ready to pick up hundreds of thousands of people anywhere in the world and return them home, wherever they think home is as selected from the handful of passports people seem to carry these days”.
    And CTV, CBC are continuing the Bash Harper onslaught. If you can believe it, CTV has their whoever actually stating that ‘other countries’ have cruise ships to carry their people while Canada’s ships are so old and decrepit’. Ahh, the lack of a first class restaurant on board…
    And, CTV also, had a debate between Garth Turner, CPC MP, who is questioning why there are so many Canadians living permanently in Lebanon, and some Head of the Arab League..who was ‘astonished, astonished’ that such questions should be raised by we racist, biased, ignorant white people.
    I could only watch for about 30 seconds, but Mr. Head of the Arab League told us that these ‘permanent residents in Lebanon’ were actually retired Canadians. They had worked years and years and years in Canada…and had now retired to Lebanon. Sure, all 40,000 of them. The pictures on the TV screen sure don’t show geriatrics getting on those ships.
    Then, realizing that this seemed a rather feeble explanation, he then rapidly told us that ‘these permanent residents’ were actually involved in business with Canada; they were the basic, required, important infrastructure that enabled a strong economic exchange between Lebanon and Canada. Why if it weren’t for them, there’d be no economic interaction between the two countries. So there.
    Wait. Does this mean that if you want to do business with Canada, then, Canada will reward you with a Canadian citizenship??? Is this valid for all non-Canadians? Set up a business transaction..and we’ll mail you a passport? Hmm. So, if I’m Chinese, the way to get a Canadian passport is simply to ship some goods-for-sale over to Canada, and in the return mail…
    Do Canadians living in Canada get a Lebanese passport if they set up a business transaction with Lebanon? Is that how it’s done?
    We still don’t have any answers to this rather serious question. Why and how did over 40,000 people, living permanently in Lebanon, who most certainly have never worked in Canada, or lived in Canada, and who have no intention of living, working, moving, immigrating to Canada – why and how did they get Canadian passports?
    And why should the Canadian taxpayer pay for their cruise ship removal from their own country..which happens to be Lebanon. Not Canada.

  22. i have no issue with evacuating the canadian lebanese people that live there permanently. well, maybe a few.
    anyway, taxpayers are not only picking up that tab. a large percentage of them have no homes or jobs here, they will be on the dole as soon as they arrive.

  23. I quote some evacuee comments:
    What kind of plan is Harper and McKay talking about? I’m sure they would’ve had a better plan if we were talking about Israeli Canadians because according to them, Israel is the victim.
    It was with absolute disgust that I heard on the news that Harper is to fly to Cyprus to meet Canadians fleeing from Lebanon. At this time we don’t need a photo op.
    Where is my country? Where is my government? Why is Israel going to war against Canada? Because effectively, that is what they are doing.
    Instead of bitchin’ that “their country” isn’t doing enough, these muzzi sympathysers should be extremely thankful that Canada is making such a great effort to let them visit Canada for a short time again.

  24. cal2 is BANG ON. The Liberals under Chretien / Martin destroyed the Canadian Military, equipment and all. Now the liberal-back-pocket media is harping at Harper. It is so pathetic.
    Maurice Strong’s UN, where are you? The Canadian MSM gives a pass on Tongsun Park’s trial, a trial involving Oil For Food Scandal, Saddam, The UN, Maurice Strong, Boutrous Boutrous, and now give a pass on Liberal’s Military consequences.
    Asian Tsunami crisis ? How many days/weeks/months/years late was THAT Martin help ? When Paul finally did arrive what did he do ? He put in a plug for Maurice Strong’s water-purifying co.
    Liberal,s, including the media’s, whole reason for being is to BITCH & COMPLAIN and try to GUILT TRIP the workers and do’ers and builders into solving problems that the loony Left helped create. They try to foster division between us all. Left against right. Socialists against Democracy. East against West. Religion against religion. Gays against straights. Lifestyle against lifestyle. Yes, create and perpetuate controversy so the Left-Saviours can swoop in with other’s money and fix their problems. And oh yes, bring along and attach all their baggage, like somekind of computer virus. i.e. the Kyoto-Global-Warming-Hoax solution is to attach the weatlh transfer virus of CARBON CREDITS scam. And the circle closes. Maurice Strong > Paul Martin > Kyoto > no C-military > media pass > dual C-citizenship > problems on otherside of the world > media imposes guilt trip on Canadians > UN non responsive (time taken up with scandal > Maurice Strong > media pass > conclusion; it’s all the Canadian tax-payer’s fault. Impose higer taxes, give more money to the “fixer” scams, like Adscam. Sounds fair.

  25. Am I the only one who “boils” when some ingrate who was rescued from Lebanon , complains they were “treated like animals”. Hey …. you got out alive quit bitching! Most likely you will get a free ride home as us working taxpayers will undoubtedly pick up the tab for your stupid actions!
    You went there of your own accord. Did you not know that the terrorist organization Hezbola controls the south of Lebanon and that Hamas has been lobbing rockets into Israel for months , and that Syrian agents recently assassinated some prominent Lenanese politians , and that a terrorist war is raging in Iraq!!!
    … shut up and be thankful you got out alive.

  26. Part of the the problem with large-scale public operations of this sort is that they tend to be burdened by the bureausclerosis of the very organizations that are undertaking them, though I must say that in this case they are in my opinion doing at least a fair job, so far. And part of the reason these bureaucracies are not generally good at this sort of thing is that action requires responsibility, and bureaucracies abhor responsibility.
    That’s part of the reason that it’s always dangerous to confuse the goverment with the permanent civil service. Prime Minister Harper may be in favour of responsibility, but that doesn’t mean he can just snap his fingers and change the nature of bureaucracy.
    It reminds me of a piece by Sara Rimensnyder in Reason Magazine on 2002-09-05: “Suddenly, a miracle happened. A 6’2” man spoke firmly and calmly into a megaphone, and something in his tone or his elocution actually made people listen. “Alright people, quiet down and we’ll all get through this. Everyone just needs to listen up,” he commanded.
    “The crowd cheered, thrilled that someone had taken charge. “If your flight is at or before 11:45, come to the front of the line,” came his next booming instruction. Shockingly, people obeyed. They straggled forward, pushing their way through the blob, their faces bright from the oxygen rush as they moved into fresh air. When nobody else approached, he moved on to the next 5-minute interval.
    “I don’t work here,” he told me. “I’m a marketing exec from Austin.” “Someone needed to take charge,” […], “so he did.”
    And that’s the problem with the appeasers and the entitlementists. They want everything, but they want responsibility for nothing. English has a word for that, it’s called greed.

  27. Vitrivius: This is a bit off topic, but where did you get a hold on the Canadian Ensign as I am interested in getting one and mounting it on my attenna of my Chevvy.
    Thanks in advance.

  28. There’s another interesting aspect to consider about this scenario.
    Those who are genuine visitors to Lebanon, will return to Canada and their homes. There’s only about 5,000 of them.
    The 35,000 to 40,000 who are permanent residents in Lebanon, who have not immigrated to Canada, who are not people who simply moved to Lebanon two years ago after living for 20 odd years in Canada, but who have NEVER lived here – well, are they really going to live in Canada? How? On welfare?
    Or, is Canada going to maintain them, at taxpayer expense, in Turkey and Cyprus until the war is over, and then, at taxpayer expense, return them to their homes in, not Canada, but in Lebanon?

  29. Leon Korby on CTV is saying that some of the refugees arriving in Toronto will need shelter because, gosh darn, some of them don’t live near Toronto.
    Well I don’t know, Leon: if you get a small enough globe, Lebanon can seem close to Canada.
    I agree with Buffalo Bean about Dan Matheson: he was the one guy who said “well you know the Americans/Australians/French/you name it” are getting the same complaints from the people they’re trying to extract.
    The amount of effort that is going into covering up the fact that many of these people are really Lebanese holding Canadian passports is truly astounding.
    The Ontario government, by the way, is waving the usual 3 month wait for reinstatement of OHIP services. Take that, you suckers in Caledonia!

  30. Where to the estimates come from? What source?
    At first I had heard that there were a few thousand Canadian “visitors” in Lebanon at this time. And that there were upwards of another 10,000 Canadians who lived part-time in Lebanon.
    That initial number seems to have ballooned. Who is reporting it and what is their source?

  31. Jan ~ Look up “Flag” in your yellow pages. I went to the “Flag Store” in Edmonton. I bought a large Red Ensign there, and a pocket Red-Ensign-on-a-stick, which I carry in my inside jacket pocket, with my portable pocket pepper mill. I also got a crossed Canada / US flags lapel pin that I now wear on said jacket.
    I saw Billy Conally’s act at the Jubilee Auditorium a few years ago. Great comedian. He talked about (pardon my language) wearing a bullshit detector. A device which allows you to quickly determine whether or not people are worth avoiding. He suggested, for men, wearing a large women’s broach. For me, just to detect the enemy anti-Americans in Canada, the crossed flags work well.
    Sorry we’re off topic, Kate, I’ll leave it at that.

  32. Chairm:
    I posted this a few days ago as sourced from the BBC:
    Foreign nationals in Lebanon, according to the Beeb:
    Britain: 10,000
    France: 20,000
    Australia: 25,000
    Canada: 40,000
    Denmark: 2,300
    Sweden: 5,000
    Spain: 600
    Italy: 1,000
    Germany: 1,100
    Philipines: 30,000
    Ukraine: 1,600
    Romania: 600
    Bulgaria: 500
    Finland: 160
    New Zealand: 40
    I also neglected to mention that the Ontario government has a special $1 million fund for the Lebanese “Canadians.”
    No soup for you, residents of Caledonia!

  33. Hey, Like I said earlier on – the media’s just playing a game of madlibs with old Hurricane Katrina news reports. That’s why the cbc was reporting that the first Lebanese-Canadians that got back said they were being kept in “unsanitary conditions.” Right.

  34. Dan Matheson IS providing some much needed balance..really enjoyed the aforementioned questions from the woman who has lived for past 2 YEARS in Lebanon..is now coming to Canada,on your dime!
    I truly cannot believe the drivel coming from CBC ???reporters on the ground at the boats.esp.Adrian Arsehole.Anyone else note,how Dan covered,and praised the efforts of the greeters,the handing out of flowers,woman blowing kisses,and all the happy people,yet Arsehole,reverted to ph.coverage only,when just few minutes prior,had camera coverage..God forbid that cbc show anything good.If Peter Mansbridge gets anymore “pursed lipped”,and anal,his whole head is going to shrivel and disappear.I swear,he looks as tho he’s nduring a proctologist exam,and you can FEEL his hate,when he had to acknowledge OUR PM’s trip to pick up the freeloaders.
    I am a 50’s something female,and have to admit,that I have never in all my yrs,have felt rage,like I feel toward the cbc.I have called my MP,to strongly complain,and good idea to boycott advertisers on cbc.LOVE to hear Don Cherry rant on this!!!! K.

  35. Maybe somebody should go ask any vets who were at Dunkirk, what a real evacuation is.

  36. The culture of the Nanny-State lives on. It is the government’s responsibility to rescue us wherever we are; no matter what we do.
    There is nothing that Stephen Harper could humanly do that would render accolades from MSM. He’s probably written them off.

  37. There is a poll running on the Calgary CTV station’s website re: the treatment of the Canadian refugees. 90%+ of the respondants are saying they have no right to complain.

  38. Aha! Interesting data, You’re This Guy. That lends credence to my argument that the behaviours of the fradulent veneer artists in the main stream media are not being effective in engaging the citizenry. Except, perhaps, for (1) those who agree with their campaign of fear-mongering for self-advancement reasons, and (2) those who have a penchant for studying disfunctional institutions.

  39. The MSM are grasping at anything to discredit Harper. One of the complaints (Toronto Star) with the evacuation of ‘Canadian citizens’ was ‘widespread vomiting from sea-sickness’.
    Well, my dear, it’s a boat. That’s what happens.
    Sure, you can blame the Canadian government for the ship being a ship and the sea being the sea and you being a ‘permanent resident of Lebanon but somehow a Canadian citizen’ and a host of other things..but, you are also a pawn of the Canadian Liberal MSM…

  40. Here’s a post by a bigot calling others bigotted. This guy’s a complete twerp:
    Interesting that our fellow Canadians in the Western parts of this country have such radically bigoted and right wing views on citizenship. Take your cowboy hats off and take an informed view of what is happening, i.e. the legal (and humanitarian) obligations of a country to it’s citizens.
    Painting all Canadians in Lebanon with the same brush is dangerous and just further reaffirms the East’s view that our Western redneck brethren are really out of touch.
    —Jason Hillier | Toronto

  41. By the way, aren’t Canadians, according to our esteemed Liberal/NDP politicians and MSM, supposed to be ‘tolerant, peaceful nuanced peacekeepers’???
    And aren’t they, in fact, complaining, whining, and demanding, condescendingly denigrating the efforts to help and finally, completely ungrateful for such help?

  42. Yes, Steve screwed up by working his photo ops and everyone having to run decisions thru his office but at least you can take him out in public and know that he won’t talk with his mouth full, call to another leader “Yo” and then try to grope someone. He’s not that creepy.

  43. I wonder how the former Canadian government-in-residence would have handled this “crisis”? If the timing of the tsunami “relief” and the visit to High River AFTER last year’s floods were over is any indication, the “Canadian victims” in Lebanon would still be there. Oh, BTW, doesn’t Dithers own a steamship line? But you can be sure that Canada would get a sizable bill, paid through a Quebec ad agency, for that. Ingrates and opportunists are where ya find ’em!

  44. I heard on the news that the ingrateful refugees were complaining about the rough ride on the open sea – infering that it was Harper’s fault. It’s his fault that that the sea was rough? GIVE ME A BREAK.
    What’s going to happen when China has problem with the people in Hong Kong.There’s 100,000 “Canadian citizens” there since the takeover by China in 1999.
    Canada is little more than a lifestyle state, “the greatest hotel on earth,” as writer Yann Martel put it. Come stay a while and be entitled to an old age pension for as long as you live, wherever you live.

  45. On the news tonight, they are saying that many of these so-called Canadian citizens that we are evacuating have not lived in this country for years. My question is WHY IN THE HELL ARE WE PAYING FOR THEIR EVACUATION THEN? If they haven’t lived here for years, then get the hell out on your own hook. I am sorry to have to say this, but on the other hand, I am getting sick and tired of our country being used by hypocrites.
