Benedict XVI

The Boss Is back in town;

In a brief exchange with reporters on July 18, as he returned to his vacation home in the Alpine village of Les Combes after a long afternoon hike, the Holy Father responded to a question about the Middle East by saying, “I fully agree with the G8 statement.”
At their meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia, the G8 leaders had approved a statement calling for an immediate ceasefire. The G8 statement urged Israel to act with restraint, but suggested that the primary blame for the latest violence should fall upon Hezbollah terrorists.
“These extremist elements and those that support them cannot be allowed to plunge the Middle East into chaos and provoke a wider conflict,” the G8 leaders agreed. “The extremists must immediately halt their attacks.”
Pope Benedict said that in his view, the G8 statement “indicates the path” that should be taken toward peace in the Middle East. That statement had called for the safe return of Israeli soldiers who have been captured in Gaza and Lebanon; a halt to the rocket attacks and terror bombings on Israeli territory; the end of Israeli military operations in Lebanon; rapid withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza; and the release of Palestinian parliamentary leaders who have been arrested by Israeli forces.
“I have nothing to add,” Pope Benedict said, “except the importance of prayer that God will help us.”

This is in contrast to the earlier condemnation of Israelby “The Vatican” that was in fact, issued by one Cardinal Sodona – who has a reputation as “an extreme liberal who has spewing anti-American and anti-Israel statements for years.”

“The [US Congress], displaying a foreign affairs solidarity lacking on issues such as Iraq, voted overwhelmingly yesterday to support Israel in its confrontation with Hezbollah guerrillas.”
The resolution, which was passed on a 410-8 vote, also condemns enemies of the Jewish state.

11 Replies to “Benedict XVI”

  1. Kate, it’s amazing how a man like the Pope can notice that it was the whole G8 criticizing Hezbollah but the Canadian MSM only thinks that it was Harper and Bush.
    Benedict is truly a man to be respected and this is just another example of why.

  2. Well that does it then!
    Eggs Benedict for breakfast tommorrow.
    “I have nothing to add,” Pope Benedict said, “except the importance of prayer that God will help us.”
    Pope Benny is the The Rock, and calls in the The Big Kahuna. Wax up your board, the surf is up in Beirut.
    Reportedly, “The Big Kahuna” doesn’t need a surfboard as HE also walks on water and has reputation of being able to command the waves.
    Hang 10, with Jesus.
    “Peace, be still!”
    Rightgeous dude and a big Amen to that.

  3. The Liquor store on 8th Street in Saskatoon carries only one brand of Isreali wine. Its name is Carmel and its in the Miscellaneous section.
    Its a Cabernet Sauvingon

  4. Nice to see the most powerful office in the world supporting the Israelis in this. Along with the second most powerful office in the world (the president of the U.S.). Maybe someone will listen.
    Then again,…………..

  5. Thank God – or should I say the Big Kahuna – for your sense of humour and imagination, Hans Rupprecht.
    Thank you also for the chuckles.

  6. Hardline WWWIII fanatic Kate propagandized:
    “Cardinal Sodona – who has a reputation as “an extreme liberal who has spewing anti-American and anti-Israel statements for years.”

    I’m no Vatican scholar, but I found the idea of a Roman Catholic Cardinal as “an extreme liberal who has spewing anti-American and anti-Israel statements for years.” so preposterous IN ANY CONTEXT WHATSOEVER that I had to look it up to see what the basis was for the statement.
    Kate, you appear to be repeating this fairly serious claim based on one (1) comment from anonymous commentor “John M.” at Michelle Malkin’s site. “John M.” provides no basis whatsoever for his claims, only a link to vague disagreements at the Vatican.
    A google search turns up nothing to suggest Sodona is anywhere near what you claim him to be, though many leftists seem to hate the guy’s guts because they find him and the Catholic church to be ultra right wing.
    Wikipedia notes that “Whilst serving as nuncio, he began a lasting friendship with the then President of Chile Augusto Pinochet, and was criticized by progressives in subsequent years for not speaking out about the disappearances in Chile.” Hmmm, doesn’t sound too liberal to me.
    Making up breathtakingly false claims about a senior Vatican Cardinal being an “extreme liberal” and “anti-Israel” and “Anti-American” in order to advance your pro-WWWIII agenda is about as low as you can go. Give your head a shake.

  7. 410 to 8 vote in US congress….
    I wonder who the 8 dissenters are?
    shows the eight who voted “no” and the four who voted “present”. Stark’s district (he’s one of the eight) is very close to where I live, and he’s possibly the most obnoxious moonbat in the SF Bay Area, where there’s LOTS of competition.

  8. St. Malachy’s stated short lived last Pope speaks out to make prophecy live. Pope John Paul out lives last child of the vision of Our Lady at Fatima by mere monthes.
