I’m supposed to do a short interview on CJOB in Winnipeg this morning, around 10 – 11 am their time. Topic is blogging, so it’s probably not going to cover anything new for those of you reading this. Resume surfing…

24 Replies to “CJOB”

  1. When I was a teen, a long time ago, there were three stations on my 55 Ford AM radio. CKY, CKRC and CJOB. It boggles my mind just to think of how CJOB may compare to todays information world. Let me guess, on a 1-10 scale; sda 9.987 and CJOB 0.004 But anyways, CJOB could use the exposure.

  2. And another reason for anonymity is that many bloggers have a valid concern for repercussion from employers, particularly government, when they are critical of policy, bias, or spin.

  3. Well, the interview was a little painful to listen to at first, but overall, it wasn’t bad.
    In general, any exposure for good blogs to the public is a good thing.

  4. This particular interviewer likes to spend a bit too much time espousing her pov, rather than her guest’s. Needs to do her homework a little better so she doesn’t have fish in her mind for a topic to discuss. By the time she asks the question the guest isn’t clear what she actually asking for a response on.

  5. I tuned in on-line to CJOB/Kate interview. I live a long way from good ole OB now. Came in at the Monte Solberg comments time. A coincidence, but it was MS’s blog that really lead me to realize the folly of Paul Martin. Was a fan, BARELY a fan of PM at the time. Now, today, look at what we know about PM. In my opinion, one big flake. (Just ask Warren Kinsella) The MSM was not reporting on this flakeyness, is not reporting and probably never will. WHY ? Same reason for no reporting on Tongsun Park’s trial ?? Complete with implications for the UN’s Oil for Food Scandal ?? Why ? Who owns the MSM anyways ??

  6. It wasn’t too bad from a “what are blogs and how do they work” perspective. Though I do find myself stumbling a bit, just out of trying to find new ways to answer questions I’ve answered a dozen times in earlier interviews ie: “where did the name small dead animals come from?”

  7. Good job, I talk back to the radio too. And to B. Hoax Aware, I had an advantage in my teen years with CFRW in addition to CKY, OB and RC.

  8. I cringed when the host asked where SDA came from. You explained the picture you had on the top of the blog. Then the host proceeded to mention the picture on the top of the blog.
    After that though, it wasn’t bad at all. Initially, I had the impression that the host knew almost nothing about blogs, but that changed as the interview went on.

  9. Kate: Heh, from talking back to the radio to talking on the radio.
    Tip: Have a good answer and never tire of giving the same answer BUT train yourself to give that same answer with passion. That, I gather, is what performers do who have to do the same stuff over and over and over again. And what smart politicians do too. Stick with the script especially when in enemy territory.
    Reminds me of when I was 18-19 years old trying to sell Encylopedias. I hated the canned talk. Sold none. The canned talk worked but I was too “clever” to use it.

  10. “where did the name small dead animals come from?”
    wheres the link?
    Too bad I missed it.

  11. tPlease try to get a radio tramscript or better, a link of your interview archived please.
    I am sure many would like to hear it. I know I missed the interview & am interested.
    Thank you

  12. Hello Kate;
    You were very impressive on the CJOB interview and explained the objectives and protocols of a good blog very succinctly.
    I am also impressed with the job the host, Adrienne Batra, is doing as Manitoba Director of the Canadian Tax Federation.
    Keep up the great work – I think the MSM are starting to think twice about their irresponsible editorializing due to blogs like yours.

  13. Kate, is there any way that you could get ahold of the interview and post it online? Not sure if it’s even possible, but would be cool.

  14. In a couple of years, Kate, when you are a big star, all of us here are going to be saying ” Yeah, I knew her back when”

  15. When you get asked by an interviewer” Where did the name Small Dead Animals come from?”
    You must shudder!
    I can’t think of any reason to ask!
    BTW..how do you deal with the twits?

  16. ah guys, doncha know, its all a well proven ploy. if ya cant beat ’em join ’em.
    the msm mandarins are going to create a business partnership which sole purpose is to create a shell company and offer our dear Kate a huge salary to …..
    do nothing.
    naturally there will be a clause in the contract she has to shut down and expunge the archive of sda …..
    doncha know thats how it works ???
    didnt you people see the offer george bailey got ??? very tempting. it only gets turned down in the movies.
    LOL !!!
    ya gotta study economics and psychology as well as politics to figure out the chaos around us. THEN it makes sense and boy does it ever !!!

  17. …they got radio’s in Saskatchwan?
    Sorry Kate, couldn’t resist, hey it’s 4am, what else is a guy to do when he can’t sleep – got bored watching TV test patterns, so I blog…

  18. i’ll say this and move on, never to return.
    I admit i am a troll. i post things here under numerous names while i am on boring conference calls. i usually check back in an hour to see the resulting vitriol and have a good chuckle on the way to the espresso machine.
    I’ll also admit that I think Harper is picked on by the media because the MSM don’t see him as one of “them”; ie he did not attend McGill/Queen’s/Western/UofT, he is from the West, he doesn’t seem to care about the bullshit they want to talk about. I’ll admit the MSM in Canada is largely biased towards liberal, university educated, secular, urban folk.
    After supporting the Liberals for many years, i just could not vote for them in the last election because in my opinion they had lost the moral mandate to govern the country. Again, the media hates Harper because he won and they didn’t want him to win. they will do what they can to discredit him so they can keep getting fat subsidies- they know how the bread is buttered. i was disgusted by Liberal corruption, but i also know that corruption knows no party, and i am happy to see Harper seriously address this issue.btw, you should see the corruption here, as they have taken it to a whole new level you cannot imagine.
    I am also happy that Canada is no longer a one-party state. this was an unhealthy situation and the result was not a surprise.
    i share your disdain for soft lefties who think that the world is a naturally benign and peaceful place but for US imperialism. It is a nasty, violent and dangerous world. so ask those lefties, “who do you want running the show? russia? Iran? China?” when it comes down to it, they would pick the USA every time. Someone has to be the king of the jungle. i just wish it could get toned down a wee bit, maybe like, 15% less aggressive.
    I don’t live in Cuba, I live in Ireland, and yes, it is the 2nd richest nation on earth, but much of this wealth is being spent on fake tans, bad dye jobs, gaudy jewellery, breast implants and trips to Dubai. I did not ineherit anything but earned it all myself.I am not from the Annex, but from a suburb of Montreal. I attended a private school, not a public one. I didn’t go to Carleton, but you’re close! I took one Soc course and could not believe people issued degrees in that shit.
    and finally, i am proud to be Canadian. I am proud that the violence in our country is limited to the blog forums and the hockey rinks.
    please accept my sincerest apologies for my trolling ways.
